Reviewer: Dorians Kitten
Date: 05/16/2011 - 12:02 pm
Title: One Shot
Delightful. I love the idea that they are all simply playing along. :)
Author's Response: For the S8 reader: I couldn't see any reason why Xander or Dawn would want to keep Spike out, so I figured it was a construct on Buffy's part. Dawn would naturally think the whole dance was ridiculous, but also that there's no point in pressuring Buffy, who generally reacts badly when cornered. So: farce prevails! Who doesn't like that? Thanks so much for letting me know you enjoyed it!
Reviewer: cordykitten Signed
Date: 05/14/2011 - 03:24 pm
Title: One Shot
I may have this story in my memories, I must check (being late reading LJ).
Season 8 stories aren't my favorite, I liked this one though.
Short but fun. Enjoyed.
Author's Response: There was so much in Seasonal_Spuffy this time! I haven't made it all the way through yet. I'm glad this little bit of fluff hit the spot for you. Thanks for letting me know.
Reviewer: Hakuin Signed
Date: 05/14/2011 - 09:04 am
Title: One Shot
I loved it, I really did. Short, sweet and funny...Thank you for sharing!:)
Author's Response: I'm so glad you enjoyed it! I was in the mood for them to just get over themselves. It simples things up so much! Thanks for commenting!
Reviewer: Minx DeLovely Signed
Date: 05/11/2011 - 09:09 pm
Title: One Shot
This was very cute, and had the misfortune of being posted right behind a similarly named story. Well written and funny.
Author's Response: Heh. The most recent round of Seasonal_Spuffy over at LiveJournal had a "fire" theme, so you'll probably see quite a few fics with "fire" in the title as they get posted to the archives. I'm glad that you enjoyed my offering, though! Thanks for your kind comments!