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05/18/17 04:16 am
pj! I remember wishing one of your stories would be finished seriously about a decade ago. Amazing. I just tried an old password I used to use and amazingly got in too. Memories!
03/20/17 01:20 am
10 yrs later, i finally rem my username and password. Pari, you rock. Hope you are well.
12/23/16 01:12 pm
I donate every month. Please donate to keep this site up!
10/06/16 08:34 am
Great post.
08/31/16 03:45 pm
And anyone else who loves this site, it's worth mentioning there's a nifty little "Donate" option just below the shout box here! ;)
08/31/16 03:43 pm
Just wanted to take a moment to thank Pari and all the mods for maintaining such a great site!


Author's Corner

Reviewer: Lilly Anonymous Date: 07/18/2006 - 10:26 am Title: Chapter Twenty-Two

I'm not sure how the Scoobies will react, but I hope for all of them that they won't have too much against Buffy's and Spike's relationship. I'm escpecially excited about Giles's reaction...

Reviewer: Lilly Anonymous Date: 07/10/2006 - 03:54 pm Title: Chapter Twenty

...I'm glad I started reading this fic at a time you had already finished writing it. So I don't have to wait, which is a relief for my unpatient heart...*g*

Go Buffy! Go Spike! *g*

Reviewer: Lilly Anonymous Date: 07/10/2006 - 03:03 pm Title: Chapter Seventeen

Skilled to draw a parallel between Dawn's and Buffy's fake memories. Man, I like Dawnie. She's so damn clever - I'm glad she exists.

Reviewer: Lilly Anonymous Date: 07/10/2006 - 02:53 pm Title: Chapter Sixteen

The story is nearing the end...? *looks at the remaining 11 chapters..* Thank God it's not!

- I knew it would be hard for Spike to realize he's undead again... Poor guy. :(
And it was also clear that both would think that the other one hates what happened. I hope they will talk soon!
Moreover, I like it very much that there is finally a story in which Xander isn't (such a) jerk! I liked that he rescued Spike, and I also liked that he and William were buddies on the ship. :)

Reviewer: Lilly Anonymous Date: 07/10/2006 - 01:40 pm Title: Chapter Ten

How often I've wished to become a character of my favourite novels... And now, Buffy and Spike are trapped in some kind of Blue Lagoon hell...Well, very sweet hell... *gg*

This has been a really excellent chapter, because you thought about the ellipses that occur in a novel. Very, very good. Furthermore, the intimate scene between William and Elizabeth was greatly written, too, with Elizabeth's chastity(?) and everything. When they became Buffy and Spike, I caught my breath, because I thought she would send him into the forest or something, with him inside of her...*lol* Really good chapter!

Reviewer: Lilly Anonymous Date: 07/07/2006 - 04:18 am Title: Chapter Eight

I just love Anya. :) She's ....special. *g* Very good portrait of her - of everyone, actually!

Reviewer: Lilly Anonymous Date: 07/06/2006 - 04:41 pm Title: Chapter Five

Well - a review. I just wanted to read a bit before telling you something about it. Now that I'm involved into the story, I want to tell you that once more I appreciate your creativity and fabulous imagination. I had to laugh a lot when I read the sentences in early modern English style, because it reminds me a lot of some seminars in college. Very well done, and quite realistic as well.

This story really is an amusing piece to read, especially as so many well-known people appear in it. Now that Angelus has found his way into the story, I'm very excited how it will go on. Also, I can't wait to see how it will all end, because now Spike is human, and back in Sunnydale, he will be a vampire again. Let's see how he will deal with the loss of humanity.

To cut a long story short - I like this fic very much. It's so funny and amusing, but also insightful, and one can think about it - about Spike's uniqueness for instance. Looking forward to reading more!

Reviewer: mockerfab4 Anonymous Date: 06/12/2006 - 08:43 pm Title: Chapter Twenty-Seven

Great story! Enjoyed all of it and very sad to see it end. Looking forward 2 reading more of your writings. =)

Reviewer: CutieSaiyajin Anonymous Date: 04/17/2006 - 12:16 pm Title: Chapter Twenty-Seven

This story was such a delight to read. :) Xander was a jerk, but no big surprise there. I'm just glad that everything worked out for Buffy and Spike in the end. ;D

Reviewer: kitty Anonymous Date: 04/10/2006 - 09:55 pm Title: Chapter Twenty-Seven

that was so good. so sweet the ending and i have to say that if her freinds did not go along with her being happy i would have suggested to feed them to the hellmouth.lol

Reviewer: Natalie Brownell Anonymous Date: 03/27/2006 - 11:23 am Title: Chapter Six

Great so far but id love to see Buffy kick ass and stop being such a wimp Spike is great
Happy Birthday have a great day

Reviewer: Natalie Brownell Anonymous Date: 03/27/2006 - 11:23 am Title: Chapter Six

Great so far but id love to see Buffy kick ass and stop being such a wimp Spike is great
Happy Birthday have a great day

Reviewer: gypsy_jin Signed Date: 02/08/2006 - 08:00 pm Title: Chapter Twenty-Seven

I just finished reading this story, finally. I started reading it awhile ago, while you were writing it, but for some reason (that I currently can't remember) I stopped reading it. But now I have! And I simply love it! One thing in particular, I love that Joyce didn't immediately accept with open arms. That never seemed like a Joyce thing to do. Anyway, loved the story! It was funny, and just plain fun to read! Kudos. =)

Reviewer: SixStringBaby Signed Date: 01/30/2006 - 11:17 pm Title: Chapter Twenty-Seven

So cute! All together a very engaging fic, what with the action, adventure, suspense, hot sex scenes...Woot! Congrats!

Reviewer: SixStringBaby Signed Date: 01/30/2006 - 11:01 pm Title: Chapter Twenty-Five

*Sigh* There they go, stepping on poor Buffy's toes again, self-righteous and well-intentioned as always. Great angsty chap.

Reviewer: SixStringBaby Signed Date: 01/29/2006 - 02:29 pm Title: Chapter Seven

Love that you pointed out the fact that strange as she is, Anya's almost always right. Mucho clever. And the land sharks bit was pretty much the best thing ever. I didn't know anyone else under the age of 55 knew what that was!

Reviewer: SixStringBaby Signed Date: 01/23/2006 - 01:39 am Title: Chapter Two

I love that Spike is totally relishing the pillaging pirate thing, and that he's not Buffy's lapdog yet. Can't wait for more!

Reviewer: Lulu Anonymous Date: 01/13/2006 - 08:14 am Title: Chapter Twenty-Seven

What'? no sex? awwww c'maon. . . please. . . ? if I begged would ya? how about offered you a bribe? would that work? I liked this story. Its good.

Reviewer: Lulu Anonymous Date: 01/13/2006 - 08:10 am Title: Chapter Twenty-Six

Xander would probaly get better result s if he wnt to Angel, but he hates Angel, so that's good that hey didn't think of it. Only one more? but you never told about the seaweed and coconuts. Not fair.

Reviewer: Lulu Anonymous Date: 01/12/2006 - 03:35 pm Title: Chapter Twenty-Five

No one's sure what to do about Xanders. He's a prick most of the time and really I never liked him. I liked Larry. He was cool, in a sexually convfused way

Reviewer: Lulu Anonymous Date: 01/12/2006 - 01:08 pm Title: Chapter Twenty Four

I'm working thru your stories one at a time. so until I finish this one I'm not reading any others. But i like the way you write. . . and I like this story and i think Giles is an ansshole.

Reviewer: Lulu Anonymous Date: 01/12/2006 - 12:54 pm Title: Chapter Twenty-Three

Aww. . . . Neat. nice chapter and nice emotions and nice aobut that whoel party

Reviewer: Lulu Anonymous Date: 01/12/2006 - 12:38 pm Title: Chapter Twenty-Two

Joyce is so cool in this. Dawn is the shitz. . . .

Reviewer: Lulu Anonymous Date: 01/12/2006 - 12:29 pm Title: Chapter Twenty-One

wow. yum. hot.

Reviewer: Lulu Anonymous Date: 01/12/2006 - 12:18 pm Title: Chapter Twenty

whew. . . about freaking time. I hope he's home -- and not drunk.