Reviewer: All4Spike Signed
Date: 07/24/2011 - 09:21 am
Title: Dead and Tired
I've only just found this story and started reading before I realised it had been a really long time since it was updated. I hope you haven't totally abandoned it because it has a lot of potential. Love the Spuffy and the way everyone is just trying to go on regardless... but Spike really needs to find himself some blood soon!
Reviewer: cmdc
Date: 10/17/2009 - 01:52 pm
Title: Dead and Tired
Awesome Awesome Awesome!! Love the awkwardness!
More please? :)
Reviewer: cmdc
Date: 10/17/2009 - 01:51 pm
Title: Dead and Tired
Awesome Awesome Awesome!! Love the awkwardness!
More please? :)
Reviewer: cmdc
Date: 10/17/2009 - 01:51 pm
Title: Dead and Tired
Awesome Awesome Awesome!! Love the awkwardness!
More please? :)
Reviewer: albie
Date: 06/23/2009 - 11:37 am
Title: Dead and Tired
Really loved this chapter and the many layers of emotions that you included here. I love how Buffy and Spike are reading one another by instinct and observation and not basing it at all on memories. It definitely gives such an interesting perspective to their whole dynamic and what it's all based on. You put a lot of power into their first time together and I'm really curious where this will all go.
Looking forward to more!
Reviewer: albie
Date: 06/23/2009 - 11:36 am
Title: Dead and Tired
Really loved this chapter and the many layers of emotions that you included here. I love how Buffy and Spike are reading one another by instinct and observation and not basing it at all on memories. It definitely gives such an interesting perspective to their whole dynamic and what it's all based on. You put a lot of power into their first time together and I'm really curious where this will all go.
Looking forward to more!
Reviewer: MidnightGirl
Date: 06/23/2009 - 08:29 am
Title: Dead and Tired
Great first time for Spike and Buffy, I liked the equal parts of tenderness and hotness. :D I also liked the dream sequences, should be interesting to see what else turns up when the characters sleep. Good update!
Reviewer: Gentleviewer
Date: 06/23/2009 - 07:41 am
Title: Dead and Tired
I hope you will keep writing this story - I've enjoyed it a lot so far!
Lovely chapter.
Reviewer: BuffyRat
Date: 06/23/2009 - 01:19 am
Title: Dead and Tired
That was marvelous, even if you did have to leave out the bowling. I love how little bits of their pasts are revealed through their dreams, even if they don't know that. I also love the fact that they took their time to have their first time, because they have no memories, and believe that they have no memories of their dating because they don't think it happened... And yet they seem to be going for it this time. Do hope they try to investigate Spikes hunger at some point. Don't want our favorite undead to become dust dead cause they don't know better. Lovely update, hoping for more!
Author's Response: Thank ye kindly. I always best enjoy the well thought out comments. I'm glad you enjoyed the Tabula Rasa-enabled twist on a first time. And don't worry about Spike, it's not like he can actually ignore the hunger. After all, hunger doesn't go away, it only gets worse...
Reviewer: sanityfair
Date: 06/22/2009 - 09:03 pm
Title: Dead and Tired
I will happily pay the bard! You did an amazing job on this chapter! So happy to see the update - looking forward to more.
Author's Response: Thanks so much! It really does make it worth it...
Reviewer: cordykitten Signed
Date: 06/22/2009 - 04:57 pm
Title: Dead and Tired
So the memories are coming back? It sounds like it with Buffy and Spike having dreams.
Though Spike's dreams sound more like the 'every night I saved you' kind.
Loved the spuffyness. And Spike showing how much control he has over his demon. Buffy should get him some blood now, though. ;)
Author's Response: I'm glad you asked, because I should make it clear that the memories aren't coming back.
I just thought the dreams were fair game because both Buffy and Spike have had recurring dreams in season six. I saw no reason why their subconscious would stop playing the film even if the theater had changed. So even though they're having the dreams, they don't know why or what they are. Hence, Spike couldn't add the context to his dream that he couldn't save Buffy.
it really is his 'every night I save you' dream -- I figured he probably still had them at least occasionally, because even though Buffy's alive, she had still been going through psychological trauma from dying, and Spike probably on some level still feels responsible for her going through that.
Reviewer: IT
Date: 06/22/2009 - 02:35 pm
Title: Dead and Tired
That was awesome! I loved it! Trust the muse. :)
Thanks for updating.
Author's Response: Thank ye kindly. Since you enjoyed it, I'll put a little more faith in my muse, to be sure.
Reviewer: BuffyRat
Date: 04/28/2009 - 01:46 am
Title: Outnumbered
So glad she figured out enough to not have to keep calling him Randy, not that I don't appreciate the comedic value, but he's Just Spike. Glad they all seemed to pair up without to much trouble as well. Gotta say, I wanna see what happens when they settle down for the night. Please, update soon!
Author's Response: I'm actually surprised more people haven't commented on her figuring out his name, it was really hard to imagine how they'd figure it out, but I knew it was important to do. After all, "Randy" doesn't seem like one of those names you'd want to be uttering in the dark to a british guy. Much more funny than romantic.
And by the by, the day after is much more fun than settling in for the night. :)
Reviewer: DarkBlue Signed
Date: 04/25/2009 - 09:35 pm
Title: Outnumbered
This is a really great story. I hope you continue soon. :)
Reviewer: Rogue
Date: 04/25/2009 - 12:53 pm
Title: Outnumbered
Love this!!! Great job thus far, and I love fics that follow up on that fantastic episode. You've really captured their voices, and I like how some things are just coming to them. And we all know that even an amnesia spell can't break the smoking sexual tension between our two favorite blonds. I hope Anya and Giles get back together, and looking forward to more!
Author's Response: Thank ye kindly. It's important to me that I get the characters down and that I cover all of them, not just Spike and Buffy. And where did all the Anya Giles shippers come from? I love you folks!
Reviewer: MidnightGirl
Date: 04/25/2009 - 09:58 am
Title: Outnumbered
I'm loving Spike and Buffy's sweet interactions with each other. :D The moving watching scene was great! As for Xander and Anya, should be interesting to see where things go from here for them. Wonderful update!
Author's Response: Thanks much! And we will see where things go with Xander and Anya, although it will admittedly take a while to get there.
Reviewer: Hana
Date: 04/25/2009 - 06:34 am
Title: Outnumbered
Really enjoying this. Its nice to see Buffy and Spike enjoying each other without too much angst.
Author's Response: Glad to hear it, although I'm sad to say there will be some angst. It just ain't spuffy without it. I will, however, try to keep it to a managable level. Do let me know if I ever overdo it.
Reviewer: IT
Date: 04/25/2009 - 02:48 am
Title: Outnumbered
The Princess Bride - the perfect movie! Great update. Poor Xander and Anya! Thanks for updating.
Author's Response: It really is the perfect movie. Not enough chick flicks have sword-fighting, truly.
Reviewer: Anonymous
Date: 04/24/2009 - 09:47 pm
Title: Outnumbered
Reviewer: sanityfair Signed
Date: 04/24/2009 - 07:19 pm
Title: Outnumbered
Thanks so much for another chapter. I'm truly enjoying this story. Keep it coming!
Reviewer: Elena
Date: 04/24/2009 - 04:32 pm
Title: Outnumbered
I just discovered your story and read all the chapters in one take. Love the story a lot. Buffy describing Spike how he looks like is a hoot! Looking forward to the next chapters.
Author's Response: I'm glad you made the discovery. Keep reading!
Reviewer: cordykitten Signed
Date: 04/24/2009 - 02:18 pm
Title: Outnumbered
Well Xander was a bit too late to find out that Anya is his fiance. But at last the others have their names now even if they don't have a clue what happened.
Looking forward to more!
PS: The Bloodshedverse is back to business: It's possible to post there again.
Author's Response: Thank you!
And I heard about BSV, although it will take a while for the story to catch up on there.... I'm sure they'll have an influx of stories now, and they do preread everything. I'd imagine it will take me at least 2 weeks to get 4 chapters up. And (hopefully) I'll have a fifth up here by then.
Reviewer: All4Spike Signed
Date: 04/24/2009 - 12:24 pm
Title: Outnumbered
Poor Giles & Anya. I feel sorry for Xander feeling left out but I can't help feeling Anya would be better off with Giles. Spike is doing well with Buffy and is happy being accepted by the girls. I wonder how they're going to fix the blood situation... More please
Author's Response: I actually like Anya and Giles as a couple, too, but I don't really see it fitting in the context of the story. Which brings up the question of are Anya and Xander a good couple, to which I could lean either way. Most of all, though, those kids need to learn to communicate. :)
Reviewer: All4Spike Signed
Date: 04/24/2009 - 12:07 pm
Title: Clothes Make the Monster
Love the scoobies following a plane instead of the North Star, reminiscent of Bargaining pt 2. Wonderful scene with Spike & Buffy shopping, and Buffy zoning out over the hotness that was Spike in jeans. (but I don't know how he put his hands in his duster pocket since he didn't have it with him.) Love the kissing and hand-holding.
Author's Response: I threw in the north star bit to show that the gang is still the gang, their memories aren't there but they are prone to all their normal behavior.
And thank you for the duster comment! Someone had mentioned something before, but for some reason I thought it was in chapter 2 and couldn't find it. It has now been changed to 'tight pockets' since they're in his jeans instead of a coat.
Hope you enjoy future chapters!
Reviewer: Anonymous
Date: 04/24/2009 - 10:20 am
Title: Outnumbered
Spike and Buffy dealing with each other is great, though I'm really interested in finding out if Spike gets the urge to bite Buffy in a non-food way, and what blood he'll eat. I'm glad Xander wasn't angry with Anya and that they can work out what happened, though I wonder how they know where they live.
Great update and I hope the next chapter comes soon!
Author's Response: I hope to make the blood issue interesting, so you'll have to let me know if I succeed down the line.
Xander isn't mad, but that doesn't mean they have everything figured out. Now if they can work it out, that will be the challenge...
In chapter three, I mention driver's licenses. Granted, the two still won't know *where* in the city that address is, but they will still know the address. I suppose I didn't add a getting-home scene because it felt like it would interrupt the flow of the story. Maybe I'll add something in the next chapter, though since you've mentioned it. (See folks, comments have the potential to change the story!)