Reviewer: Amarioko Signed
Date: 10/19/2009 - 12:53 pm
Title: 4
Wow. Xander owns. I feel sorry for the Buffy they brought to their dimension. No one cares how she might feel about being brought there. Uh oh, looks like Dawn made a mistake. Ah, poor Spike, everything always has to be difficult for him. I like the way this story is going so far! I can't wait for another chapter! ^^
Reviewer: Cordykitten Signed
Date: 01/17/2005 - 03:59 pm
Title: 4
Only good ones! I only read a bit at LJ of that flamer. Bad thing. Glad you've get a tough skin :-D
I'm glad that Spike knows that something is missing ... looking forward what you've in store :-D
I love the story!
Reviewer: songgal Signed
Date: 01/17/2005 - 03:52 am
Title: 4
vamp willow is ticked...this could get real interesting!
Reviewer: Tam
Date: 01/16/2005 - 09:07 pm
Title: 4
jtst leaving my dose of reviewy goodness :)
Reviewer: samica
Date: 01/16/2005 - 07:54 pm
Title: 4
I started reading this story today. I'm enjoying the story. Spike memory challenged brain is very original, as is your plot. Look forward to reading more.
Reviewer: Isabel
Date: 01/16/2005 - 07:12 pm
Title: 4
This is excellent. Did you really get flamed for this story, because I can't see why. I really love it. Don't listen to flamers, they have no life, and please keep writing. I can't wait to see where this is going. This is such a great idea.
Reviewer: JANE
Date: 01/16/2005 - 10:28 am
Title: 3
Just been on your lj boiling mad about your little flame thrower. As a regular fanfic reader wno reads Shakespeare, Austin and a bit of Trollope on the side. I can tell you, you have nothing to worry about vis a vis your writing style. I'm really enjoying this story and would be gutted if you let some talentless poison pen discourage you. Keep up the good work.
Reviewer: Cordykitten Signed
Date: 01/14/2005 - 04:25 pm
Title: 3
Wow - be careful what you wish for .. now they have more from the mirror universe they have wished for...
Reviewer: Ali
Date: 01/14/2005 - 11:48 am
Title: 3
A very atmospheric chapter. Could almost feel the air crackling with electricity. I love the attention to detail in this story.
Reviewer: Ali
Date: 01/14/2005 - 11:14 am
Title: 2
Wonderful this is fast becoming a favourite.
Reviewer: Ali
Date: 01/14/2005 - 11:11 am
Title: 1
I was completely enraptured by that 1st chapter. It was very moving.
Reviewer: songgal Signed
Date: 01/13/2005 - 10:57 pm
Title: 3
good grief! is willow starting with the bad magic?
Reviewer: Cordykitten Signed
Date: 01/12/2005 - 04:12 pm
Title: 2
I didn't have time yet to read the rest.. following here.
Wow - did Willow make the spell Dawn did even more powerful? Anyway - so it was Dawn who did it.
Waiting eagerly to find out what Buffy will be brought back ...
Reviewer: songgal Signed
Date: 01/11/2005 - 11:53 pm
Title: 2
love it and can't wait for more updates!
Reviewer: jane
Date: 01/11/2005 - 12:53 pm
Title: 2
I've been following this on your Lj, stupendous story. Always liked the Buffy in that AU world. Neat scar, lots of attitude. Reminds me of someone. Excellent keep it coming PULEASE......
Reviewer: Seraiza
Date: 01/11/2005 - 10:41 am
Title: 2
i have no idea what to say.... except for WOAH!!!!! this is one twist that im hoping will end up Spuffy.... LOVE the story!!!
Reviewer: Cordykitten Signed
Date: 01/08/2005 - 10:46 am
Title: 1
That sounds very interesting! Will read on later with the new chapters!
Reviewer: carrie
Date: 01/08/2005 - 02:37 am
Title: 1
wow.. i had tears in my eyes reading this- its going to be a great story! beautifully written :) just a question- when spike goes all forgetfull is it going to be more angsty or more light-hearted?
Reviewer: songgal Signed
Date: 01/08/2005 - 12:29 am
Title: 1
believe it or not I just today did a lj search to find this after reading about your collaberation fic on VK, and found your site but couldn't get my computer to pick up the I swear we are on the same wavelength! Great start and I am sooooo glad you posted it!
Reviewer: Jem
Date: 01/07/2005 - 06:11 am
Title: 1
Please continue with this story. It had me crying at about several different moments. I have to be quiet though, because of my Dad. I really want you to update this. I love it. Keep it up. I'll be waiting.