Reviewer: MarzBar Signed
Date: 11/23/2007 - 10:28 pm
Title: Chapter 1
When do we get more?? I love the Egyptian Gods. Hopefully they'll give Buffy back and let Spike stay with her.
Reviewer: cordykitten Signed
Date: 09/04/2007 - 12:56 pm
Title: Chapter 1
I didn't have always time to comment but I've read that you did a lot of travel. :)
I like the dreams; they are like a story in a story *g*
Another story made me think of it again: Willow got Joyce's money out of Buffy's bank account. But the money isn't for Dawn alone. I guess taking care of Dawn did count in Willow's eye for not paying rent */end ramble*
Heh heh, bad Spike :) Willow won't be pleased. ~ Loved Spike caring for Dawn.
Reviewer: caia
Date: 09/03/2007 - 11:02 pm
Title: Chapter 1
Your Spike prose was really on in this chapter. I loved this:
Informing all of the Scoobies as to exactly what kinds of physical impossibilities they should perform upon one another had ended with some impressive special effects; a lingering tingle down his left arm; shocked sensibilities on Tara’s part; and a new post for the vampire: Dawn-sitting.
And this: If he didn’t keep a sharp eye out, Dawn would be carrying him around in a customized purse and feeding him beef flavored heart worm treats soon.
And I liked both Spike's mischief-making and his begrudging consideration of what the right thing to do was. One might agree or disagree on the math, but it's promising that he bothers to think it out and then choose what he thinks is right. (It being what will amuse him being only a bonus, of course. *g*)
Reviewer: caia
Date: 08/20/2007 - 11:10 pm
Title: Chapter 10
Yeah, lucky Bot, being Willow's pet project. I wouldn't wish that on my robotic ex who happened to be modeled after the recently deceased love of my life. ;)
Author's Response: And that's really saying something. ;-) Thanks for the review!
Reviewer: cordykitten Signed
Date: 08/20/2007 - 07:03 pm
Title: Chapter 10
Another plan that could have worked... too bad for him that Spike is only dreaming.
Ah well so Willow's plan wasn't perfect either. In theory it sounded good. Too bad it has side effects. If Willow can handle it? ~ Looking forward to more.
Author's Response: Thank you! The dreams are fun writing challenges, and I'm really happy that they aren't coming across as flat or repetitive.
Reviewer: cordykitten Signed
Date: 07/16/2007 - 01:41 pm
Title: Chapter 9
Every time Spike manages to save Buffy and Dawn in his dreams it makes me sad for him. When he's always dreaming how he could have saved them and then wakes up and Buffy is still dead. And therefore (because of Buffy) he reacted so violent to the dead girl. It's really hard for him. I'm not sure if the others (except Dawn) know how hard. No wonder he didn't like the idea of the bot even if it is neat, using the bot to get rid off the vampires for the moment. If they won't dust it's hard to fight them.
Loved the update as always :)
Author's Response: Between the 'Bot and the undustable vampires, he's got a lot of nasty decisions to make. I'm glad you're liking the dream sequences. Sometimes they're hard to write, but they're also guiding how Spike acts when he's awake. Thanks for the review!
Reviewer: Katkin
Date: 07/16/2007 - 03:14 am
Title: Chapter 9
Ohhhh! I told you I would jump on this chapter!
loved it! thank you!
Author's Response: Thanks!
Reviewer: caia
Date: 07/15/2007 - 10:26 pm
Title: Chapter 9
As if the Buffybot being around wasn't hard enough on Dawn, now she's going to be a walking reminder of how Dawn is naturally a portal generator, and how that led to the real Buffy's death.
Not surprising for Willow, though, and not in the end an unreasonable solution... if you've got Anya and Willow's emotional detachment.
No wonder Willow was surprised at Spike's premature vote aye.
Author's Response: I'm not below a little knife twisting, and the BuffyBot was going to be painful, no matter how I brought her in. Glad you're liking it! Thanks!
Reviewer: Jane
Date: 07/01/2007 - 09:16 pm
Title: Chapter 2
Hey, this is angst! You're writing angst...and it's good.:)
Author's Response: Why thank you! ;-) I figured I'd try something new, which is scary, but it's good to hear that you guys are enjoying it!
Reviewer: Katkin
Date: 07/01/2007 - 11:05 am
Title: Chapter 8
Yes I know I'm a very bad reader... after asking you to update soon (chap 4) I then didn't jump on your fic when you did... I'm sorry!
But, Look all caught up now! yeay!
I am really enjoying this hun, I think you are brilliant and I also promise that if you want or care to, update soon, I will pounce and read it straight away!
Thank you! xxx
Author's Response: Welcome back then! I'm glad you're liking it! Sorry about my own sporadic posting. I'll try to do better.
Reviewer: cordykitten Signed
Date: 07/01/2007 - 07:00 am
Title: Chapter 8
A jackal wearing eye makeup. LOL definitely not something that belongs into the zoo *gg*. Easy for Spike to catch if you know to look out for it. And at last Anubis can do magic (to calm the animals). Ah Anubis was there stopping Spike from telling this story at the magic box; but at the moment is sounds as if he is too carefully.
Author's Response: Hee, but oh so very common in Egyptian artwork. Caution might not be such a bad thing when the entire cosmos has been thrown out of order. ;-) Thanks for the review!
Reviewer: cordykitten Signed
Date: 06/17/2007 - 03:47 pm
Title: Chapter 7
At last Spike tried; not only to save Buffy in his dreams, the idea with the buyers / hearts was a good idea; not his fault that it wasn't so easy.
Hard to fight other vamps when you can't kill them either :(
Whatever if was (a vision, the real Anubis) he sent a warning... because of Angelus or the Scoobies?
But one problem less with Angelus gone; enough problems remained.
Looking forward to more :)
Author's Response: Since I'm skimming close to canon, Angel had to show up, but scooting him along was probably the nicest thing I'm going to do to the characters for a while. Thanks for the review!
Reviewer: cordykitten Signed
Date: 06/08/2007 - 04:09 am
Title: Chapter 6
Maybe that scenario would have worked; useless to think about, it only hurts. But I guess you can't help that.
Funny indeed that Dawn has that kind of false memories about Angel when you come to think of it *gg*
YAY :) Dawn helped (against Angel).
Duh.. Cordy's vision is exactly what Spike tried to tell Giles. Seems it took another person to tell to make the others believe.
Loved the chapter especially the interaction between Spike and Dawn.
Author's Response: The dreams are Spike's way of subconsciously flogging himself over Buffy's death, and it's a particularly masochistic, effective method. Glad you liked my "helpful" task for Dawn. :-D Thanks for the review!
Reviewer: caia
Date: 06/08/2007 - 12:26 am
Title: Chapter 6
Heh. This is moving along nicely. I liked Giles's acceptance of Spike's explanation... and his disomfiture at having to acknowledge Spike was right. Very good characterisations... and if Angel isn't portrayed in a sympathetic light, well, this is Spike's POV. *g*
Author's Response: What? Admit that Spike was right? Never! ;-) Glad you're liking this. Thanks!
Reviewer: caia
Date: 05/30/2007 - 12:03 am
Title: Chapter 5
Of course, avoiding Angel means for the moment he's avoiding two people (Giles and Willow) who could help him... if he managed to convince them his divine visitation was something other than a starvation-induced hallucination.
But Dawn has a point, they can be very dumb smart people.
Author's Response: Very, very dumb smart people. Thanks for the review!
Reviewer: cordykitten Signed
Date: 05/28/2007 - 01:19 pm
Title: Chapter 5
Interesting to find allusions to a slayer in an Egyptian Book of the Dead. I wonder why that is the case (Egyptian!). Maybe another prophecy. She ate the hearts of the damned, but the darkness was eating her. If Spike wasn't hallucinating maybe he in on something there. *pets Dawn* Clever way to blackmail Giles into helping Spike. :)
Author's Response: Well... I'll get to those quotes later. ;-) Glad you're liking this!
Reviewer: caia
Date: 05/16/2007 - 12:29 am
Title: Chapter 4
So... are you a student/professor of comparitive religions in real life, or do you just have the Time/Life series? *g*
Unique and intriguing as usual (if that's possible). Thanks!
Author's Response: Neither, but I do have an unfortunate obsession with history. Glad you're liking the fic. Thanks!
Reviewer: Katkin Signed
Date: 05/05/2007 - 07:36 am
Title: Chapter 4
Hiya, I really love your fic, please update soon! xxxx
Author's Response: Sorry! RL mugged the heck out of me, but I'm back at it now. The next chapter is going up today. Thanks for reviewing!
Reviewer: kw
Date: 04/29/2007 - 09:18 pm
Title: Chapter 4
Interesting story line
Author's Response: Thanks!
Reviewer: cordykitten Signed
Date: 04/29/2007 - 05:42 pm
Title: Chapter 4
*grins* Spike stole the statues from Anya? I hope he can make it clear that it was for a greater good :)
I wonder how many times Spike must die but not die for Giles to believe. ...
High visitors Spike had. Interesting explanation why Spike can't die (Buffy being human but not normal will she has problems too? Just wondering. ~ Mmm a reward? The gods know more then they are telling.
Author's Response: Touching on all the little mysteries I'm withholding, huh? Can't tell, but I promise I'll get there. Thanks for the review!
Reviewer: smlcspike Signed
Date: 04/29/2007 - 02:25 pm
Title: Chapter 4
why do I see his reward being Buffy.
MOre please.
Author's Response: Not telling! XD More's going up right now. Sorry about the wait.
Reviewer: Sara M.
Date: 04/29/2007 - 12:50 pm
Title: Chapter 4
So. Does that mean Buffy's soul is trapped in her rotting flesh? It is mad crazy. I'm loving it!
Author's Response: Hee, not telling. ;-) I'll get there eventually, promise. Thanks for the review!
Reviewer: cordykitten Signed
Date: 04/21/2007 - 11:17 am
Title: Chapter 3
Nobody of the other Scoobies cares for Spike; at last Dawn does. Like Spike took care of Dawn (and not so much of the other Scoobies if I remember correctly. It's very weird indeed that Spike isn't going to dust (but I'm grateful he doesn't). I wonder what Giles will make of it (find out).
Author's Response: I always wished that we could have seen more from the summer when Buffy was dead, and I'm glad you're liking my spin on things. Thanks!
Reviewer: smlcspike
Date: 04/20/2007 - 06:37 pm
Title: Chapter 3
Oh so no one is dieding I wonder what that is about, more please.
Author's Response: One more chapter, coming right up! Thanks!
Reviewer: smlcspike
Date: 04/20/2007 - 06:29 pm
Title: Chapter 2
Thank you Dawn, for making him remember his promise.
Author's Response: Had to happen eventually, once someone dragged him out of his preoccupation. Glad you're liking this!