Reviewer: Lacune
Date: 09/02/2008 - 06:22 am
Title: 2
Wow! I just found this story. I love the way you created all the anticipation at the beginning. It was so beautifully observed: how Spike became aware of Buffy in the classroom, her attempts to attract his attention... I aslo love that he was teaching history and couldn't help but veer off into vamp history, much to Giles's annoyance - very in character. I see you wrote this a while ago and that it's your only story so far. I hope you're thinking about writing more; I really liked your style here, it seemed so carefully crafted.
Reviewer: smlcspike Signed
Date: 08/18/2007 - 07:47 pm
Title: 2
Oh I loved it.
Reviewer: Lyrein
Date: 12/08/2006 - 05:14 pm
Title: 1
Reviewer: vicki
Date: 07/28/2006 - 07:32 pm
Title: 2
phew! is it hot in here? nummy treat of a story - very well written. i love masterful spike! i also liked how buffy showed some fear of spike - just a little bit, but it was there. hot spuffy' loving was EXCELLENT also. thanks for sharing this with us.
Reviewer: Ameeya Signed
Date: 07/05/2006 - 01:55 am
Title: 2
Guh! ***fans self***
Reviewer: Brat Signed
Date: 07/01/2006 - 11:21 pm
Title: 2
Very hot. Great couple of chapters, very well written and oh boy, need a cold shower! LOL
Reviewer: Brat Signed
Date: 07/01/2006 - 11:18 pm
Title: 1
Ahh...I love a growly, posessive and demanding Spike!
Reviewer: cordykitten
Date: 07/01/2006 - 05:01 am
Title: 2
The second part was hot too. Loved it :)
Reviewer: cordykitten
Date: 07/01/2006 - 04:55 am
Title: 1
I think I missed this story the first time. Though I'm glad I saw it now and even have two chapters to read! Loved the first one *gg*
Reviewer: Denise
Date: 06/30/2006 - 10:25 pm
Title: 1
Gotta agree with the ohter reviewers...
Wish there was more!!!
Reviewer: txjmfan
Date: 06/30/2006 - 09:16 pm
Title: 2
Damn, that was sexy. Loved it!
Reviewer: Chanel #5
Date: 06/30/2006 - 07:59 pm
Title: 2
Fantastic PWP, This would be how I'd like to think their reunion would go :)