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05/18/17 04:16 am
pj! I remember wishing one of your stories would be finished seriously about a decade ago. Amazing. I just tried an old password I used to use and amazingly got in too. Memories!
03/20/17 01:20 am
10 yrs later, i finally rem my username and password. Pari, you rock. Hope you are well.
12/23/16 01:12 pm
I donate every month. Please donate to keep this site up!
10/06/16 08:34 am
Great post.
08/31/16 03:45 pm
And anyone else who loves this site, it's worth mentioning there's a nifty little "Donate" option just below the shout box here! ;)
08/31/16 03:43 pm
Just wanted to take a moment to thank Pari and all the mods for maintaining such a great site!


Author's Corner

Reviews For Unfit Attraction
Reviewer: ScarlettDuck Signed Date: 12/07/2013 - 02:39 pm Title: Chapter 1

Oh, this is fabulous, and definitely needs more.

Author's Response: Thank you very much! Perhaps later in the future I'll write a sequel (with less grammatical errors), I appreciate the encouragement. :)

Reviewer: Merryreader Anonymous Date: 05/22/2013 - 07:50 pm Title: Chapter 1

Sweet-classic good girl & "bad" boy.

Author's Response: Thank you for reviewing! I'm glad you enjoyed :)

Reviewer: marina Anonymous Date: 05/17/2013 - 05:47 pm Title: Chapter 1

Very well written, I'm dying of sweetness here. I don't usually like high school fanfics but this one's perfect. (pls say you're still considering doing a sequel omg)

Author's Response: Thank you so much for this review, im so glad you liked it! I might do a sequel but right now im in the middle of a long fic and i wish to finish it before i start another one that might be long lol I dd recently do a oneshot though, called Red Bloody Lipstick, if you're interested! :)

Reviewer: Lambean Anonymous Date: 12/28/2012 - 11:56 pm Title: Chapter 1

That was wonderful. Loved the characters. And especially a Buffy who doesn't care what others think about her feelings for Spike. I would love to see a sequel.

Author's Response: I'm glad you enjoyed it, thank you!

Reviewer: Lauren Anonymous Date: 11/27/2012 - 02:38 am Title: Chapter 1

loved it!! adding this one to my favourites list. Well written, and loved the characters :)

Author's Response: Oh thank you so much! I'm glad you liked it!!

Reviewer: cordykitten Signed Date: 11/18/2012 - 06:45 pm Title: Chapter 1

Awe sweet story.

Author's Response: Thank you :)

Reviewer: Madeline Black Signed Date: 11/15/2012 - 12:05 pm Title: Chapter 1

This was such a cute, really really well written story. I would love to read more *hints* :)

Author's Response: Thank you so much! :) im so happy you liked it!

Reviewer: Lori Anonymous Date: 11/13/2012 - 12:48 am Title: Chapter 1

This made me grin so hard my face hurt. I love Spike's irreverence coupled with Buffy's serene attitude. I wish she had screwed convention and just accepted Spike for who he was. Spike is so sweet!

Author's Response: Thank you im glad you enjoyed!

Reviewer: ScarlettDuck Signed Date: 11/04/2012 - 09:42 am Title: Chapter 1

Very, very sweet! Would love more!

Author's Response: Im happy you liked it!

Reviewer: melissa Anonymous Date: 10/22/2012 - 12:14 am Title: Chapter 1

I loved this, it was adorably sweet and I would love more. Maybe if not a long sequel maybe a few glances in short stories of what happens after. I'd love the reaction Monday at school, then maybe after a few weeks then in the future like a reunion. Please please??
You did a wonderful job thank you for sharing with us.

Author's Response: I might write more connected to this story if my muse pokes me, lol. Thank you so much for the ideas, im very glad you liked Unfit Attraction! :)

Reviewer: m_evans Anonymous Date: 10/21/2012 - 06:14 pm Title: Chapter 1

This was adorable, and perfect, and the exact dose of fluff needed on a lazy Sunday afternoon, lol.

Thanks so much for sharing! And I don't know about anyone else, but I'd LOVE that sequel, lol.

Author's Response: That is exactly what i wanted to hear! Haha thank you for reading and reviewing!

Reviewer: ginar369 Signed Date: 10/21/2012 - 05:47 pm Title: Chapter 1

I loved it! If only Buffy on the show would have had the same back bone!

Author's Response: Lol yes sometimes I wish she had been more accepting of Spike also, but hey, their spats were SO much fun to watch! Thank you for the review, im glad you read and enjoyed! :)

Reviewer: mari Anonymous Date: 10/21/2012 - 05:47 pm Title: Chapter 1

loved it!!!!!sequel please

Author's Response: I'm glad you liked it! I might do a sequel but even if i don't it makes me so happy that you enjoyed Unfit Attraction. This story means a lot to me for reasons that I'm not quite sure of other than that I wrote it in under four days which is a record so far for me writing... anything. Lol thank you for reading!

Reviewer: Melly Anonymous Date: 10/21/2012 - 05:39 pm Title: Chapter 1

I would be very happy if you were to write a sequel to this – at look into their future together as they both graduate, go to college, etc… you know, a happy Spuffy ever after!! Regardless of any sequel thanks for sharing this wonderful fic with us!

Author's Response: Thank you very much for the idea, i might write a sequel and i may not, but thank you so much for this review! I'm so happy you liked the story!

Reviewer: cherry Anonymous Date: 10/21/2012 - 05:15 pm Title: Chapter 1

Please Please Please Please Please Please!!!!!!!!!! Write a long sequel this is amazingly cute!!! Love it:)

Author's Response: I might, thank you for your encouragement im glad you enjoyed this story!