Reviewer: tis-kit
Date: 12/16/2006 - 05:03 pm
Title: I Know All I Need To Know By The Way That I Got Kissed...
Your descriptive writing skills are incredible; you have a wonderful way with words and even without the fascinating plot, I imagine I could just read your words forever.
Hope the typhoon isn't giving you too much trouble. Take care.
Author's Response: The typhoon has left and my family and I are still blessedly intact. Hooray! Thank you so much for this review, and I hope you continue to find the plot fascinating!
Reviewer: tis-kit
Date: 12/16/2006 - 04:54 pm
Title: If I Could Make Things Right
I've been away and coming back to ot one, but two chapters is a real treat!
You know I love this story and reading it for a second time is such a pleasure.
Reviewer: Matinee
Date: 12/16/2006 - 03:15 pm
Title: I Know All I Need To Know By The Way That I Got Kissed...
I really, really like this stor. Please update soon!
Reviewer: Shanna
Date: 12/12/2006 - 04:37 pm
Title: I Know All I Need To Know By The Way That I Got Kissed...
I just read chapters 1-15. I am sitting here looking at 6 loads of unwashed laundry, a messy house and no dinner in the I ignored my office!! It was so totally worth it *g*! I loved getting immersed in this wonderful story that is written so beautifully. I look forward to updates both for the pleasure of reading your fine work and also to avoid more house and office work. Damn...I adored Spike but Spike/Tierre is amazing!
Author's Response: Ah, so now I'm your partner in crime, eh? Hee! Thanks! Your review is wonderful, but I hope your domestic and career life doesn't suffer bec. of it. LOL!
Reviewer: Raven
Date: 12/11/2006 - 12:04 pm
Title: I Know All I Need To Know By The Way That I Got Kissed...
I really hope that Tierre doesn't have to choose between Maggie and Buffy. That would be kinda bad. And I hope all works out between Buffy and Tierre...they're so hot together! I can't wait to see what happens next! Great job!
Author's Response: Thanks, and I can assure you that there will be no Buffy/Maggie choosing for least not in the way you're thinking. Maggie and Tierre aren't like that what I'm projecting to you guys? Oh, my! Gotta clear that up, fast! And don't worry, I'll talk to Tierre about Buffy. It's easier to get his attention when we're alone at 2 o'clock in the morning. : )
Reviewer: Alex
Date: 12/06/2006 - 02:43 am
Title: If I Could Make Things Right
I adore this story. The plot is great, and I can't wait to see where it leads them all. By the way, Tierre is that for Thierry (am french, and that's the way I would prononce it, but not sure!)
Anyway, I hope you update soon, since I am very impatiente for more.
Author's Response: Hi! Wow, I'm glad you're not mad about the French name bit. There was a French person once before who lambasted me for saying 'Tierre' is a French name. Actually, I just made that name up. But it is pronounced like 'Tee-Air' or maybe 'Pierre', only with a 'T'. Thanks for reviewing and I hope you continue to enjoy!
Reviewer: Raven
Date: 12/05/2006 - 01:59 pm
Title: If I Could Make Things Right
Hmmm.....that mucks thing up a bit....
Wonder what'll happen next? Can't wait!
Reviewer: tis-kit
Date: 11/27/2006 - 05:32 pm
Title: Kiss me and make me better...
So very hot, yet so very beautiful as well. One of my all time favourite stories in this fandom. Everyone should read it. Really.
Author's Response: Thanks, tis-kit. I'm glad you found it beautiful...I was afraid I botched it. Love your review and thanks again!
Reviewer: ChrissieLinnit
Date: 11/27/2006 - 01:31 pm
Title: Kiss me and make me better...
D'you know what I really like about this saga?
You have a pretty intricate plot, with a host of new characters - most of whom you've taken time to develop backstories, and personalities, for... and yet you still find time among the tension and action to inject levity and snark.
I can hear Spike talking, no matter what Tierre might think. I can see Angel's brow starting to knit in a dark brood as Tierre exits the van! And the whole UST thing... perfect.
I'm so enjoying re-reading these chapters.... and, if I had $$Million..... I'd get Joss to make this into his new spin off series!
Author's Response: Ahh...Chrissie, that's so sweet! New spin off series, huh? *Glows in both embarassment and a little pride* But Joss has already penned a new comic series, right? Hi hi hi! It's still a sweet thought, and I love that you thought it!
Reviewer: Raven
Date: 11/27/2006 - 11:55 am
Title: Kiss me and make me better...
I absolutely loved it! This story is so amazingly wonderful...words cannot describe. I love their wacky relationship dramatic! I can't wait for more! Please update as soon as you can! Great job! Seriously, if I had a million dollars to spare right now, I'd give it to you! That's how amazing this story is! I can't wait to see what happens next!
Author's Response: And you leave such amazing reviews, as well! Man, the million dollar thing is so cool! LOL! Seriously, your reviews mean a billion dollars more! : )
Reviewer: Pam S
Date: 11/27/2006 - 04:44 am
Title: Chapter 1: Prologue: Breathing
What a nice chapter to read and get you going on a Monday after a nice relaxing holiday.
Reviewer: Pin
Date: 11/26/2006 - 11:13 pm
Title: Kiss me and make me better...
Happy to see the update and love the chapter. I think this is about where the story stopped before, so I'm really looking forward to seeing what happens next. THanks!
Reviewer: Chouchou
Date: 11/19/2006 - 12:48 pm
Title: Exchange
Yay!Great chapter!! Absolutely loved it! And the ending of the chapter was wonderful=)) Can't wait for the next update. Hope it's soon...?=)
Reviewer: tis-kit
Date: 11/19/2006 - 12:31 pm
Title: Exchange
I squealed when I saw you had updated; perhaps not the same manner as Buffy given her reasons, but I love this story and all updates are squeal-worthy!
Brilliant dialogue, brilliant story (and see, I've kept my promise thus far).
I hope all is well with you and I look forward to the next update, whenever your RL permits.
Reviewer: ChrissieLinnit
Date: 11/19/2006 - 12:07 pm
Title: Exchange
“Don’t listen to him,” Franco said, “He’s not thinking right.”
“Be quiet, old man,” Tierre grumbled.
“You be quiet, you impulsive brat,”
My third time reading this, and I just cannot shake off the hair-on-the-back-of-the-neck-tingles I get whenever Franco Scarletta appears. He's bad new, not just for the world... but for Spike/Tierre. I just do not believe he cares for Tierre like a son. I just think he's using him. I'll probably have to eat humble pie at some point if this story reveals a different Franco, but for now, I reserve the right to keep my suspicious eye on that slimy character!
I really like Seyhan. He's a bit of a thorn in Angel's side, isn't he? Angel does so like being the head honcho, and Seyhan seems to have ignored that memo... and I'm worried about Tierre's thugs. For every talent the good guys have, the bad guys seem to have something to hit back with... and they ain't scared at all.
The miniSlayers bemusement at the whole thing, is refreshing and lends an air of reserved optimism to the whole chapter.
Great stuff, pet.
Reviewer: Pin
Date: 11/19/2006 - 10:37 am
Title: Exchange
Yeah! A new chapter! Love this story and looking forward to new chapters. Still find the mystery of Tierre fascinating and really want to find out how all of that came about. THanks!
Reviewer: Pam S
Date: 11/19/2006 - 09:20 am
Title: Exchange
Enjoying the revisit. Waiting for 18.
Author's Response: Almost there, Pam. Almost there! : )
Reviewer: Stacy
Date: 11/07/2006 - 07:44 am
Title: Run, Love
You're posting here. YAY!! I'm past this part of the story but when I saw this story here I thought I drop by and give you a big, YAY! Can't wait to finallly read more of this story. It's one of the best out there right now. Thanks for writing.
Reviewer: tis-kit
Date: 11/02/2006 - 03:46 pm
Title: Run, Love
As you know I read as much of this story as was available elsewhere some time ago; however I love it so much I will endeavour to comment for every chapter you post here!
I adore this Drusilla and Angel's somewhat reluctant jealousy is written so well.
Author's Response: Thanks, I adore Dru, too. Angel is a little harder to work with, but it's not turning out as bad as I thought. I'll hold you to that comment promise, : )
Reviewer: Raven
Date: 11/01/2006 - 08:25 pm
Title: Run, Love
I can't wait to see what happened with Buffy and Tierre! I love this story! It's so original and exciting! Can't wait for more!
Please update asap!
Reviewer: Chouchou
Date: 11/01/2006 - 01:31 pm
Title: Run, Love
Wow! I just came across your story and I want you to know that I think t's a wonderful fic;) I really enjoyed all the chapters so far and can't wait for the next one! Great work;)
Author's Response: Thank you! Your review is very much appreciated and I hope you keep reading.
Reviewer: Pam S
Date: 11/01/2006 - 04:31 am
Title: Run, Love
Enjoying the story.. again. Waiting for Chpt. 18. and to see what Scarletta is going to do with Tierre/Spike.
And like Tierre says.. Dru always comes around when he is going to die.
Author's Response: Caught that one, didn't ya? *Winks*. Chapter 18 is done. It's all a matter of time...not too long, I hope. Thanks for the review, hon!
Reviewer: Maria's Mother
Date: 10/25/2006 - 02:31 am
Title: Chapter 1: Prologue: Breathing
I've only gotten up to the part where buffy sees tierre for the first time. I am sure you're gonna give us some info eventually, but I feel like the whole fic has been like that, just waiting for the real story to start. maybe I'm just too impatient.
Reviewer: Raven
Date: 10/23/2006 - 11:56 pm
Title: Playing Around
Yay! I absolutely love this story! Oh, my goodness...It is just so amazing! I'm so glad to see that Tierre has feelings for Buffy, whether he knows it or not. I was getting worried about that for a while. I hope all goes well on the Spuffy front! I love the chemistry you write between them! It's so realistic and...dam hot! I love the plot line of this story...It's unlike anything I've ever read! This is my new favorite story! Thank you for writing it! It's so incredible! Please update as soon as you can! I love it, and I can't wait to see what happens next!
Author's Response: Thanks for the review! Tierre is a bit tougher when it comes to romance than most of my readers have noticed, but I'm glad you see more of his old self in him than he allows... : )
Reviewer: tis-kit
Date: 10/23/2006 - 06:46 am
Title: Playing Around
I too remember reading this long ago and have always wondered where you planned to take it. I cannot express how delighted I am to see your story here.
I love your perspective on a sane Druscilla(!); the incredible plot and the way the characters we know so well have evolved.
Your story was one of the first that made me become obsessed with this fandom and I can't wait to see how it develops.
Author's Response: Always glad to support a Spuffy obsession, pet!