Reviewer: 20150509yuanyuan
Date: 05/08/2015 - 10:13 pm
Title: Chapter 1
Reviewer: LexieAnnMalfoy Signed
Date: 01/14/2011 - 07:28 pm
Title: Chapter 2
so cute love the story so far.
Author's Response: Awh Thankyou :-) I'll try update soon.
Reviewer: cordykitten Signed
Date: 01/13/2011 - 08:05 pm
Title: Chapter 2
Ah that was Spike's plan - sounds as if it could work.
Especially with help he now has.
Author's Response: Well Anya and Spike working together is going to be interesting! Thanks for the review :-)
Reviewer: Photographynut
Date: 01/12/2011 - 03:24 pm
Title: Chapter 2
Love it! Can't wait for more!
Author's Response: Awh thank you for that, and for the review :-)
Reviewer: Amanda
Date: 01/12/2011 - 01:30 pm
Title: Chapter 2
I love it! I put out a challenge like this a while ago on a few places, and if that's where you got the idea; I love what you're doing with it! If you just came up with the idea, well, great minds think a like and I'm sooo glad someone else has the same vision on season 5 as I do. Keep up the good work, I'm so excited to see more!
Author's Response: Really?? I've actually never seen this idea posted anywhere and I thought of it a couple of weeks ago and was like wow this could work! I would have loved if Spike and Buffy's relationship had of been different in season five as well. Thankyou for the review and I hope you like where I go with it :-)
Reviewer: magnus374
Date: 01/12/2011 - 09:35 am
Title: Chapter 2
I like Spikes plan and Anya is always good, but her ideas could be a bit special.
Author's Response: Anya's ideas will be a bit special to say the least. Hopefully you like how it turns out. Thanks for the review :-)
Reviewer: Laura
Date: 01/12/2011 - 05:27 am
Title: Chapter 1
Love advice from Anya might not be the best but it will definitely be interesting. Can't wait.
Author's Response: Well when isn't Anya interesting hehe, Thankyou for the review :-)
Reviewer: Bridget
Date: 01/11/2011 - 07:29 pm
Title: Chapter 2
love the chapter and ireally love that Anya is his co-conspirator. I like Spike's approach, but maybe Anya will also have some suggestions.
Author's Response: I'm a fan of Anya in gthe show so i figured she's be fun to add as Spike's helper hehe. Thankyou for the review :-)
Reviewer: sanityfair Signed
Date: 01/11/2011 - 12:47 pm
Title: Chapter 1
I'm interested to read more about this plan of Spike's. I hope you'll update soon.
Author's Response: Yep and with Anya in the mix things are bound to get better. Thanks for the review :-)
Reviewer: cordykitten Signed
Date: 01/09/2011 - 04:25 pm
Title: Chapter 1
I like the start - looking forward to find out what Spike is planning.
Author's Response: Well hopefully I don't disappoint. Thankyou for the review :-)
Reviewer: Bridget
Date: 01/09/2011 - 01:46 pm
Title: Chapter 1
I don't have any criticism. I like your idea for this story. I hope that Spikes pursuit of Buffy is cleverly done.
Author's Response: Well hopefully I can make it so Spike's plan is well thought out, as opposed to those plans on the actual show that he attempted. Thanks for the review :-)
Reviewer: magnus374
Date: 01/09/2011 - 06:08 am
Title: Chapter 1
This was good to read. It's good that Buffy realise that Riley isn't right for her, and it's always amusing to read about Joyse pointing out Spikes good sides.
Author's Response: I love the relationship Joyce and Spike have, it's fun to play around with it. Riley just had to go, I really am not a fan of his character :-P. Thankyou for the review.
Reviewer: Kiera Thornton Signed
Date: 01/09/2011 - 03:31 am
Title: Chapter 1
I think you're doing a good job with this so far. There are a few minor mistakes with punctuation but not enough to become a distraction. It still flows very well. The only thing I would recommend changing would be having Buffy refer to Joyce as "mum." I realize that you probably do that unconsciously, but if you're going to write her true to character then you'll have to write her American. I look forward to seeing where you take this. I'm already wondering what Spike's master plan is :)
Author's Response: In the future chapters I will be writing it as mom,don't worry changes will be made :-). Thankyou for the review and Spike does have a very interesting master plan.
Reviewer: rkm
Date: 01/08/2011 - 08:13 pm
Title: Chapter 1
so far i see no need to criticize this story. (i don't think buffy and dawn called joyce mum, though; i'm pretty sure it was mpm.) if only had spike had not quite done his declaration as he had on the show - we might have had a completely different buffy/spike dynamic. looking forward to more!
Author's Response: Ah yes, the mum bit comes naturally to me because I'm Australian but I'll have to change that in the future. It's interesting to wonder what kind of dynamic could have been. Thankyou for the review :-)
Reviewer: Anonymous
Date: 01/08/2011 - 05:25 pm
Title: Chapter 1
okay, i will give you some criticism. this is a good idea, but you really need a beta, so many mistakes can be very distracting for the readers. they might take one look at this story and decide to read elsewhere, just something to think about.
Author's Response: Yes getting a beta is something I want to look into because a fresh pair of eyes is always a good thing. Thanks for the review.
Reviewer: Sibb
Date: 01/08/2011 - 03:58 pm
Title: Chapter 1
Interested to see how Spike's will approach his transformation. It is always fun to read a new version of his hero's journey :-).
Author's Response: Well hopefully you like the outcome, I prefer this approach as opposed to what Spike did in the show. Thanks for the review :-)