Reviewer: ScarlettDuck Signed
Date: 09/23/2012 - 05:54 pm
Title: One-Shot
Pretty good... I know it's following the song, but it jumps around a bit making it a bit confusing. Some grammar errors & typos.
Reviewer: xoChantelly
Date: 06/13/2009 - 04:54 am
Title: One-Shot
Heehee this fic is awesome. Never fails to have me giggling at the lyrics of the song. Its well written too. I wish there was a sequel to read... that would be cool.
Great take on the song, Henri. Loved it!
Author's Response: Thank you! The song is very dirty which is why I hope it worked.
Reviewer: gdo
Date: 10/20/2008 - 11:00 pm
Title: One-Shot
I guess I should read the lyrics first. I think it was a creative story.
Author's Response: The lyrics were in the story as italics. I tried to follow them while also contradicting them as stylistic choice, though I probably should have made it clear they were the lyrics. Thanks for reading.
Reviewer: cordykitten Signed
Date: 10/20/2008 - 04:57 pm
Title: One-Shot
I'm sure Beth will love her birthday present, song fic or not :)
Author's Response: *warbles* I think she liked the naughtiness very muchly. Or just the thought of being frisked *cough* and fisted *cough*
Reviewer: burnkitty Signed
Date: 10/20/2008 - 08:23 am
Title: One-Shot
I just had to comment, again. Coz I can. I loved it, even more after I listened to the song.
Oh and Sotia, a fembot? WOOT! She is just full of awesome that woman.
Author's Response: Lol, I listened to the song that many times as I was writing and editing it. Of course Sotia's a fembot. Sotbot!