Reviewer: adidasnmd
Date: 07/27/2016 - 03:45 am
Title: Whisper
Reviewer: ScarlettDuck Signed
Date: 08/29/2012 - 01:09 am
Title: Whisper
Oh, good for Buffy! If only...
Author's Response: Oh I know. I wish Joss had wisened her up!
Reviewer: cordykitten Signed
Date: 08/04/2012 - 04:22 pm
Title: Whisper
Long time no see.
Loved your one shot. :)
Author's Response: Thank you! it's nice to be back!
Reviewer: Sanityfair
Date: 07/19/2012 - 11:07 pm
Title: Whisper
I thought you were long gone. It's good to have you back. I loved this :-) I hope you'll grace us with more. Thanks for sharing!
Author's Response: Awe thank you thank you! I am very glad to be back!!! =)
Reviewer: Lou Signed
Date: 07/18/2012 - 05:08 am
Title: Whisper
Good to see you writing again! I enjoyed this delicious little slice of if only.
Author's Response: Believe me it's good to be writing again! Thank you!!
Reviewer: Melly
Date: 07/17/2012 - 10:41 am
Title: Whisper
I would have loved for something like this to have happened in the series!! Thanks for sharing such a great little fic with us. Any chance of a sequel?!!
Author's Response: I'm not gonna lie there is always a chance for a sequel lol. I've got a lot of other ideas to be written first. Thank you for your kind words!!
Reviewer: magnus374 Signed
Date: 07/17/2012 - 02:12 am
Title: Whisper
Very nice, one of the dark moments on the show changed into something good.
Author's Response: I agree. It needed to be changed and I am so glad you enjoyed it!
Reviewer: vampsNslayers101 Signed
Date: 07/16/2012 - 07:19 am
Title: Whisper
Awesome one shot, I loved it. Keep up the great work.
Author's Response: Thank you thank you!!! =)