Reviewer: leilei3915 Signed
Date: 07/28/2017 - 08:17 pm
Title: Prologue
Reviewer: shaz
Date: 04/10/2011 - 09:48 am
Title: Epilogue (or "Where We Went From There")
that was an awesome story, really deep and connects all the characters. I really hope u write some more stories, i'd luv to see wat other ideas you'd come up with for story lines n such. 10 outta 10 :)
Reviewer: BuffyRat
Date: 09/26/2010 - 06:12 pm
Title: Epilogue (or "Where We Went From There")
Love the irreverence. Glad to see that things seem to be at a consistent status quo for our fair companions. And really, Andrew is probably much better suited for a girls night in, anyway. Awesome surprise to see more of this story. Looking forward to the rest. :)
Author's Response: Thanks BR. Just polishing up the other half. I'll post it soon.
Reviewer: sta
Date: 09/12/2010 - 09:29 pm
Title: Belongings
This was such an original tale - wow. It really kept my interest and took all my attention to keep up with all the twists and turns. Your style of writing creates such vivid descriptions and creative turns. I loved the battle scene in the old Russian warehouse and the way you counted down the minutes and switched between various perspectives. Melvin and Nancy were such great characters. The whole story was fantastic.
I am a bit shamed to admit, however, that I felt as baffled as Spike apparently was at the "ding" reference. ? Do I need a remedial Buffy course or was I not paying attention in the story.
I'm glad that you were able to wrap things up so nicely for all the characters. It is an incredible story and I hope you continue to write more in the genre. The unique thing about this story was how well you kept my interest in all its components- no just the Buffy and Spike parts. Thanks for a great story!
Author's Response: Thanks for the kind note, sta. I'm glad that the story held your attention; I know it's not the traditional Buffy/Spike story, although I'd hoped they were a big enough component of it to archive on Spuffy sites like this one. I'm also thrilled that you liked my OCs, and that you took the time to write me a review. As for "ding" --- Hahaha, I don't think you necessarily need a "remedial Buffy course," but you didn't necessarily miss something in the story itself. A few readers told me that it took a few minutes to figure it out. Maybe if you read the final conversation Buffy has with the Dauphin in the chapter "Breakthroughs" it would ring a bell. Or, you could watch the first couple of scenes from the episode "Chosen." I mean, what goes "ding" when it's ready? :-D Cheers and XXOO.
Reviewer: Gill B
Date: 08/09/2010 - 05:55 am
Title: Prologue
A very promising beginning. I like your style of writing which is more complex than many and makes me want to read on.
Author's Response: Thanks, Gill. I hope you enjoy the rest of the tale.
Reviewer: bitchee Signed
Date: 08/08/2010 - 01:12 pm
Title: Belongings
I don't really know where to start except to say that I am totally in awe of your amazing talent. The poetry you weave with simple words leaves me floundering with envy.
My God, How are you not a published author?
I am and always will be a huge Btvs fan but I would read pretty much anything you write just for the pleasure of marveling at how easy you string together galaxy's worth of emotion and pain with so few words.
Please continue to write, if not in this verse then some other ,because in my forty some years on this planet ( most of that from the time I was old enough was spent reading) I have seldom read an author that has impressed me so much in one sitting. You are far to good to be writing only fanfic.
Thank you for the story it was poetry on an epic scale.
Author's Response: Dear bitchee,
Thanks so much for the wonderful words of encouragement. Since that's the only payment I'll ever get out of this, I really chreish them. I've been thinking about it quite a bit, and I do think I will try my hand at an original novel. I may even try another BTVS tale one of these days (I do very much love the characters and the tone of the 'verse). And you are very welcome, also. I'm glad you enjoyed it. Cheers - Lostboy.
Reviewer: LittleMarshmallows Signed
Date: 08/08/2010 - 11:00 am
Title: Belongings
Wow...just, wow. Brilliant! Loved it! Most original, gritty, realistic & poignant Spuffy fic that I've ever read. One of those fics that really burrows into your head/heart & stays with you. Bravo!
Author's Response: LittleMarshmallows, thanks again for your kind words. Also... Wow! I can't believe that you finished it already. I think you were only reviewing Chapter 2 yesterday??!! I am totally impressed (I'm a painfully slow reader). Cheers!
Reviewer: LittleMarshmallows Signed
Date: 08/07/2010 - 09:50 pm
Title: What the...?
Wow! Im loving this story so much that I had to tear myself away to give you a standing ovation. Brilliant writing style; descriptive yet gripping, choppy & slick. The style makes the story easy to get absorbed in, and very visceral. The plot (as its beginning to develop) seems exciting, original & well plotted. I love what you've done with the characters, & how you've written Buffy's inner dialogue. So far this looks like its a Spuffy unlike any other. I want to devour the whole fic in one sitting! Brilliant story so far - thank you for the entertainment :D
Author's Response: Dear LittleMarshmallows,
Thanks so much for your lovely review. I'm glad you were able to stop and leave one (and if you ever feel compelled to do so again, that would be much appreciated, too!). And of course you're welcome. I love these characters very much, and it was fun working and playing with them for a while. Cheers - Lostboy
Reviewer: BuffyRat
Date: 08/07/2010 - 02:14 am
Title: Belongings
Months (has it even been years) that I've been following this wild, dystopian tale, and I never could predict how this could ever be wrapped up with a neat little bow. And as you've surprised me many times, you so did. And made me tear up and laugh out loud. I love the poetry of Buffy and Spikes coupling, So totally vague, but completely sexy in a way that I've not encountered before. And I love that Buffy was able to preserve a bit of Spike's soul, just what it seemed he needed to believe in himself again. It was charming, and challenging, and completely unlike anything I've ever read, and you still managed a sweet Spuffy ending. And your small nods to cannon along the way (Such a same you didn't actually post the end on Tuesday! but I'm glad you didn't wait.) made it even more special.
“What the bloody hell does ding mean?”
Best unexpected tie in ever. It was awesome. Thanks so much for sharing!
Author's Response: Hi BuffyRat. Thanks for leaving all of these nice reviews over the months (years?). It's been a long, strange trip, and now that its over I realize I probably wouldn't have made it without all that gentle nudging from you (Update soon!) :) Seriously, it was always encouraging to know that you kept reading this long after a lot of other people gave up. Thanks for that. -LB
Reviewer: BuffyRat
Date: 08/07/2010 - 12:36 am
Title: Of Rabbits and Hats
"Theirs was not a fairy tale....
The dome began to melt away, revealing the sky behind it. And — strangely, miraculously — it was filled with rain."
And maybe, there's is. Love the poetry, in as simple a way that the final battle allowed Spike to fight back in his traditional garb, to the words used. And the fact the it rained when there should have been sun. Loved that moment. Also loved Melvin and Andrew effectively bitch slapping Kennedy. Awesome.
Reviewer: BuffyRat
Date: 08/01/2010 - 10:19 pm
Title: The Long Now
So otherverse Buffy is dead at the hands of Willow, but the Now hasn't stopped quite yet. And Nancy has morphed into some uber crazy demony thing. And Xander and Spike made it back to the real world in time for Xander to see Nancy's destruction in tems of construction repairs. And Ethan is really dead this time and Dru has run out to the ether. And Kennedy may have killed Andrew... So much going on, Just want more. Update soon.
Author's Response: Hi Buffy Rat. A new chapter is up, and the final chapter is ready to go up as well. Thanks for all your encouragement
- LB
Reviewer: SeaPea
Date: 07/28/2010 - 09:10 pm
Title: The Long Now
Awesome, Jarod. Your imagery is so amazing. Great chapter.
Author's Response: Thanks, SeaPea. I saw you left me a review on EF as well. I really appreciate the thought.
Reviewer: BuffyRat
Date: 07/22/2010 - 01:58 am
Title: Auld Lang Syne
Love that the connection between Buffy and Nancy has allowed her to join forces with Nancy's giant naked mole rat minions. At least, that's how they appear in my vision of them. And our Spike has begun the process of taking out Sideways-verse Buffy. Love how very calm she is during the whole thing. Still in her mind trying to reassure him. And the painful sadness that he will be stuck in that world when all is said and done, away from his girl and his universe because that is what will happen when the Now is stopped. Powerful and tragic. A true catch-22. And then we have Angel and his private jet arriving late to the party. Quite interesting. Need more. Please, update soon.
Reviewer: BuffyRat
Date: 07/13/2010 - 02:29 am
Title: The Ups and Downs of Modern Architecture
Sounds like Buffy did Kennedy in, at least to the point she's not gonna bother us too much. And Giles seemed to get the upper hand on Ethan. And Andrew has an atomic bomb and a disconnected hell demon. Love the random, and the well placed violence. Update soon!
Reviewer: BuffyRat
Date: 07/13/2010 - 02:09 am
Title: The Real Me
Dru is dusted, sideways-verse Spike is dusted, and Ethan hoodwinked Giles into stealing the slayers powers and trapping Spike in another dimension where he has to kill that Buffy to save the world. Loving the action. Well written fight between Buffy and Kennedy, glad to see Buffy kicking some ass. But I must wonder who Willow has to save? Onto the next chapter. :)
Author's Response: You know, when you lay it all out like that it sounds a little crazy! But yeah, that about sums up what is going on right now. Cheers, BR.
Reviewer: BuffyRat
Date: 06/30/2010 - 11:00 pm
Title: Santa Muerta
Wow. Well, I'm glad that Willow and Tara didn't really die at the hands of Giles. Though it seems that Oz was as fooled about it as I was. What a way to go, taking Giles out by the throat. And the Spike vs. Sideways-verse Spike battle. Love how very well they could read each other. Even if it ended up working out to a disadvantage, as the cavalry will always return to Buffy. And Xander couldn't slay his friend, though I truly applaud his acting. Amazing. Waiting for hell to break loose. :) Update soon.
Author's Response: Thanks BR. All hell is on its way.
Reviewer: badgervamp Signed
Date: 06/30/2010 - 05:00 am
Title: Parallel Lines
So all the ducks are in a row - except you just blew some of the ducks out of the water didn't you? Still wouldn't write Willow off though. Brilliant writing as ever - where can I buy the book? Looking forward to the final home straight - who will survive? Who will die a hero - my money's on the Butch and Sundance combination of Andrew and Melvin - how well you've managed to humanise that old devil! Thank you for sharing your vision with us.
Author's Response: Thanks for the kind words, badgervamp. Yes, it is the final home stretch now and, while not everyone will make it to the finish line, I hope I've given them all a good run.
Reviewer: BuffyRat
Date: 06/30/2010 - 01:07 am
Title: Parallel Lines
Damn... So much going on. A few small fires put out. The very small ones, and some big ones getting bigger. No peaceful end for Willow, and Oz seems to be wolfing again, though I wonder what good that will do against an angry master warlock. And our Buffy is willing to make Death her parting gift. Funny how her dying seems to make her serene. I loved Andrews little masquerade and Mel's joy over Andrew's ability to get the evil slayerette's to disrobe. And I still wonder what exactly Drusilla's role is in this whole big game, the fallen angel. But, alas, you have one more chapter waiting, and that is where I must go now, though you again are keeping me up way past my bed time. :)
Author's Response: Thanks BR. I always love to hear from you. You probably know by now that all isn't exactly what it seemed. Just a bit more left to tell in this story. I feel like the characters have taken over the steering wheel now, so hopefully it won't be long before the next update. Cheers!
Reviewer: BuffyRat
Date: 06/22/2010 - 10:45 pm
Title: No Cigar
"“Okay,” he said. “How are you at impressions?”
Just love the possible implications of Melvin shape shifting, or whatever. Really want to see what Andrew has cooked up. And Spike having a tender moment with Buffy and Pat Benatar in Sideways-verse. Love how our Spike remembers making the mix tape, and then hid it. Such a tender soul, our soulless killer. And Tara arriving in the nick of time to stop Giles from offing Willow. Love Warrior Tara. Funny what losing loved ones, or the fear of such things does to people. A world on the brink, and it's fantastic. Update soon!
Author's Response: Thanks, BR. Two more chapters are up. Getting close, now.
Reviewer: badgervamp Signed
Date: 06/20/2010 - 12:41 am
Title: Rematch
Bloody hell - this is fucking awesome. I don't usually do WIP - too much potential for heartbreak if they die the slow death. But after two years and 36 chapters, I figured you're invested enough to finish the journey. And oh my God am i glad I took the risk. Even if you never finish, the quality of your writing, the originality of your plot, the complexity of the storyline and the character development will forever stand this tale as a piece of art. i love the way you use imagery to paint the landscape of your multiverse, and the almost playful way you select words and phrases. I find myself reading lines over and over again to suck out every metaphor, ever image, each nuance. You're a true artist, please finish those final strokes to complete this masterpiece. Do I love it - hell yeah!!!
Author's Response: Thanks so much, badgervamp. Nothing short of a well-aimed bullet can stop me from finishing it now.
Reviewer: BuffyRat
Date: 06/19/2010 - 12:29 am
Title: Rematch
Love Spike spying on Spike in Sideways-verse. And the fact that Xander never saw the real him. When our boy was truly evil. And I wonder if Dawn has any idea that Crazy Nancy is after her, for more key like functions. Love the battle between Giles and Willow, that she has waited too long and must go after this Buffy, not because she deserves it, but simply because there is no time, and that Giles may not let what needs to happen happen simply for the love of a girl. His world is already hell, what more does he have to lose? Why bother saving the rest of the worlds when you have vengence to deal in. Kinda awesome. Love to see the dark side of Giles. Update soon!
Author's Response: I like the way you call it the "Sideways-verse." :) Thanks.
Reviewer: Carol (seapea)
Date: 06/16/2010 - 11:31 pm
Title: Rematch
Wow, things are heating up. I think I'm starting to get it. Great chapter.
Author's Response: Cheers, seapea! There's not much more left to go. I have a firm grip on the ending now, and I promise it's not of the "it was all dream" variety.
Reviewer: BuffyRat
Date: 06/07/2010 - 12:31 am
Title: Paving the Road
Let me go with, "wow." I'm kinda just trying to take everything in. Dawn is nearly going down with the ship, Melvin is lost, Andrew seems Loster. Other Buffy, Spike and Xander are in some sideways' verse Sunnydale, and Giles and Willow are engaged in another battle to the death and seemingly changing our whole ideals on which side is good and which side isn't. Whewww.... That's a lot to take in, and I can't wait for more. Each chapter seems to ratchet it up a notch, and I feel like we're getting closer to that explosion. I can't wait. Update soon!
Author's Response: Thanks BR. Yep, things are about to go boom. Very soon.
Reviewer: BuffyRat
Date: 05/24/2010 - 02:28 am
Title: Boys Who Suck
“Probably not,” said the man who used to be Charles Gunn, kicking up his heels. “But then again, it’s gotta be better than giving the shit away for free.” -- Love that. Certainly has a point. And Grange seems to be at the end of his days. Not seeming like a fun way to go. Nancy is still creepy and Kennedy seems to be aiming to blow everything up. Kinda feel like she may have the right idea. And Buffy is in a holding dimension that mimics old Sunnydale complete with a Spike for her to pal around with. Wonder if anything wonky will happen if our Spike meets that Spike. Looking forward to more. Update soon!
Author's Response: "Kinda feel like she may have the right idea..." Heh heh heh. Thanks for the review (and for your patience), BR.
Reviewer: Anna
Date: 05/17/2010 - 01:19 pm
Title: Scary Monsters
Your story is so terribly addicting I didn't even realize that I had just finished the last chapter until there was no "next" anymore. Of course, it's also damn confusing and the whole jumping-from-person-to-person thing wigs me out... but...of course.. I'm loving that, too.. in a kind of really masochistic way.
I must say I'm normally the typical "oh god get on with the romance already" reader.. and I'm not even sure how I god through all these chapters without even one really..really... happy fluffy moment between those two at all! I guess it's my firm belief in Spike's feelings for Buffy... since she isn't doubting hers anymore, I just have to believe that things will turn out well.
I hope your muse is meaning will with you (and us) and the next chapter will be on soon (but hey, no pressure :>)
Author's Response: Thanks for the wonderful review, Anna May. It's true that there aren't a lot of carefree happy moments between these two so far. In my defense, I think there were precious few of those on the show as well, but I think I do understand that a lot of readers look forward to getting them together in that way in fic-form. As you noted, this is not really that sort of tale, although they've had a few moments along the way. All I can say is I wouldn't necessarily rule out a happy ending just yet. There's still a bit of story left to tell, here, and I don't think it's spoiling much to say that they haven't seen the last of each other. Cheers and thanks again.