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05/18/17 04:16 am
pj! I remember wishing one of your stories would be finished seriously about a decade ago. Amazing. I just tried an old password I used to use and amazingly got in too. Memories!
03/20/17 01:20 am
10 yrs later, i finally rem my username and password. Pari, you rock. Hope you are well.
12/23/16 01:12 pm
I donate every month. Please donate to keep this site up!
10/06/16 08:34 am
Great post.
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And anyone else who loves this site, it's worth mentioning there's a nifty little "Donate" option just below the shout box here! ;)
08/31/16 03:43 pm
Just wanted to take a moment to thank Pari and all the mods for maintaining such a great site!


Author's Corner

Reviewer: melissab Anonymous Date: 04/23/2007 - 06:55 pm Title: The Return (II)

this is some good reading

Reviewer: Amelia-Jane Anonymous Date: 04/21/2007 - 07:34 pm Title: The Return (II)

Woo hoo!!! You're back... And I'm still here, and I'm still liking it! :D Thanks for the author's note, it's good to know the story isn't abandoned.
I'm glad Spike and Buffy are okay, loved the bit where Angel smacked Xander for Spike... lol! Great chapter!

Reviewer: sharon Anonymous Date: 09/13/2006 - 07:45 am Title: The Return (I)

hell it's been a long time !!! so much pleasure to learn that our spuffy couple isn't dead...AGAIN (although i kinda guessed so) !!! lol
anyway i understand you have a lot of work going on and i respect that but i need my spuffy fix so i hope you'll do fine with your other stories and translation so you can finish this wonderful one !!!
see ya lu

Reviewer: Amelia-Jane Anonymous Date: 09/12/2006 - 07:29 am Title: The Return (I)

Yep! I'm definitely relieved to learn LES and GB are undusty. Loved Dru's ramblings, you captured her way of communicating wonderfully. Fantastic chapter! :D

Reviewer: sharon Anonymous Date: 07/24/2006 - 02:00 pm Title: The End (II)

that was the most beautiful chapter you've ever written. Love indeed was marvelously represented and i have complete trust in you as for the real ending of this story. i kinda pictured buffy and spike together surrounded by rubbles and flames and i said to myself "this is exactly how i wanted btvs to end". so thank you for making my dream come true and i hope our reviews pleased you as much as your story pleased me. thank you very much for everything and again congratulations !!!

Author's Response: awww, Sharon, I'm speechless, you're just too kind with me ! I'm so glad you like it so much, hope you'll still do , thanks again ;)

Reviewer: Amelia-Jane Anonymous Date: 07/11/2006 - 07:46 am Title: The End (II)

Yes that was a very evil joke... lol! But I have complete trust in you to make it all better, so i'll be eagerly awaiting the next update. Great chapter.

Author's Response: thank you so much, dear, and trust me, I'm gonna make it all better ;)

Reviewer: Mariah Anonymous Date: 07/05/2006 - 01:32 pm Title: The End (I)

ROFLMAO i was going to type YOU LITTLE BITCH HOW COULD YOU JUST LEAVE IT HANGING LIKE THAT?! but sorry i guess that would emotional, over-reacting much. XD
Amazing fic really, now make with the updates, pwease! I've been on this site for ages and this is the first time i feel compelled to write a review. This is probably the most original fic i've read yet.
Ahhh i hate cliffhangers...

...now if only i could pout as sexily (is that even a word?) as Spike. XDD

Author's Response: Woooooww, what a review!! And lol over the 'little bitch '.. in a good sense, i hope.. I had never been called that so far, lol! and I'm flattered over the 'most original fic' I'm soooooo glad you think so, and I'm sooo honored that you rarely left reviews.. but did that for a story of mine, woow! uhmm did u think that was a cliffhanger?uhmm.. what will you do to me now?????? I'm trembling.. and you are right, Spike outs so damn well.. both of the Spikes do.. lol ;) a huge thanks again, you really made my day, dear

Reviewer: sharon Anonymous Date: 06/14/2006 - 06:06 am Title: The End (I)

hey buddy !!! i just wanted to apologize because of my last review...it was pretty clear to me but when i reread it i see it wasn't so lol.
i wanted to say that i liked the way you introduced the episode of chosen by giving clues from other episodes of buffy (i hope it's a little more clear lol).
as for this chapter it was really cool but amelia already said everything i wanted to say !!!! (i'm pouting now lol). the cuddle part was adorable and i kind of feel good about harmony (do you think i should worry ??)...anyway i can't wait to the the end part 2 because it seems like i'm gonna like it (i really wonder why lol : maybe it's because your stories tend to please me !!!)

Author's Response: thank you dear, no need to apologize, of course ;). I'm glad you liked the cuddle between them, and I'm glad you see Harm in a good way (a little spiler, you're gonna think so even with 'If I were you ' once I reached the chapters I wrote so far in italy.. ) . about the new part.. uhmm not so sure if you will like it.. anyway trust meee !!

Reviewer: Amelia-Jane Anonymous Date: 06/13/2006 - 05:33 am Title: The End (I)

LOL... ES sure was being crude, no wonder he got in hot water with the Buffy's. I liked the sweet way Spike and Buffy spent the night before the big battle. You really have me curious as to where LES disappeared to, but I guess like Buffy i'll have to wait to find out. Great conversation between Giles and Harmony. Good update!

Author's Response: thanks, dear, lol, of course the two Buffys got pissed off. I'm glad you liked the sweet way Buffy and Spike spent the night, I took inspiration from 'Touched ' ;) . Yes, you have to wait to find out about LES and where he went, but I promise that you all find out ;). i'm glad you liked Giles and Harm's chat ;)

Reviewer: sharon Anonymous Date: 05/23/2006 - 05:56 am Title: Planning (II)

first things first : giles with a computer ?? i'm really stunned !!! i liked the expression "allergic to anything that's not a book" lol...
as for "the old man" part, he mustn't look so bad because harmony (the brilliant and wise one lol) chose him.
also : i can't imagine wesley and tara, i'm too used to tara being gay...
most of all i loved the comment from EB "i sure know that look, after all it's mine too" : that made me laugh out loud.
and finally i liked the way you rewrote the episode of chosen. congrats for this chapter and both you and your muse TAKE CARE !!!!

Author's Response: thank you so much! I'm glad you liked giles' bit. about Tara and Wes, just read what I said to Amelia-Jane ;) uhmm dear.. I * still + have to really rewrite the episode of 'Chosen' ,..

Reviewer: Amelia-Jane Anonymous Date: 05/19/2006 - 05:10 pm Title: Planning (II)

Angelus, Dru, EB, and ES sure are enjoying the plan to fill the world full of slayers... lol. Wow... Wesley and Tara that's an interesting match. I liked how EB noticed it was a bad thing to interupt GB during a speech. Great update!
~Thank you so much for the belated birthday wishes. *hugs* Amelia :D

Author's Response: Thank you dear. yep, they don't mind at all a world plenty of Slayers, lol! About Tara and Wes, you know.. it's a paiting that inspires me. In fact, i wrote a fantasy ff ' Wanted, .. ' where you can also find this pairing, the main one is spuffy, of course, lol ;) , I'm glad you like Eb and GB's interaction ;)

Reviewer: sharon Anonymous Date: 05/19/2006 - 08:51 am Title: Planning (I)

woaw woaw woaw : i don't want to sound harmful but....fortunately your muse quit smoking lol !!!
i mean i didn't believe you when you said it would get crazier but this is the most twisted story i've ever read !!!!
anyway i loved this chapter and all those silly things that were mentionned : such as harmony as a brilliant student lol (what? Do you think i'm stupid ? there's no way that girl can be smart....even with a spell lol). and as for she and giles (i had a "sex picture" of them and really, ewwww).
see ya buddy !!!

Author's Response: thank you dear, and my muse thanks you too for caring about her health, lol! Ihihi, I told you that things would get crazier. the most twisted story ever?? woow, I'm flattered !!! about the picture you had about Giles and Harm, I agree with your ewwww!! lol

Reviewer: Amelia-Jane Anonymous Date: 05/16/2006 - 07:28 am Title: Planning (I)

Yikes! I must've been doing too much birthday celebrating yesterday. What a meant to say at the end of my previous review was that your chapter "gave" me a good laugh. Sorry for the earlier typo. =)

Reviewer: Amelia-Jane Anonymous Date: 05/15/2006 - 11:10 pm Title: Planning (I)

Whoa! You weren't kidding when you said things in this universe were crazy... lol! Giles and Harmony married and Harmony a physics major. That was a major surpise! Great update! You really me a good laugh on my birthday. :D

Author's Response: thank you dear, I warned you that it would get crazier, eh eh eh! i'm so glad for amusing you during your birthday, i just hope you spent a wonderful day!

Reviewer: Amelia-Jane Anonymous Date: 04/17/2006 - 01:30 pm Title: Mysterious Objects (II)

Poor Giles, his reaction to the talk of the vampire's sexcapdes was very funny. I liked how the girls took out their uber vamps before their guys, and the way Buffy pulled out the scythe before Spike even had a chance to finish his sentence. Great chapter!

Author's Response: thank you dear, I'm glad you founf Giles' reaction funny! And about the girls taking the uber vamps before the guys, plus the scythe ... girl power eh, eh! ;)

Reviewer: sharon Anonymous Date: 04/17/2006 - 03:49 am Title: Mysterious Objects (II)

i want more !!! that was just too good to stop here !!!!
come on the "sentimental" part was funny and and also angel and spike toalking about each others' girlfriends was just soooo them lol !!!
about the incorporeity part i think it was the funniest comment the first could do and i imagine buffy all proud and peppy about the scythe.
honestly it was a damn good and funny chapter, i really want more (i hope imagining me pouting will help you write faster lol).

Author's Response: thank you dear, I'm very glad that you found all that part so funny ! I hope you'll still do ;)

Reviewer: sharon Anonymous Date: 04/08/2006 - 10:35 am Title: Mysterious Objects (I)

dru wearing jeans ?? yeah she's definitely spent too much time with cordy lol !!!!
about the "horny angel" part, i'm glad he didn't get what he wanted from dru (hihihi i'm evil).
as for the "champion's drawer", that was sooooooooo funny : i love it when dawn makes fun of angel....poor vampire, this chapter wasn't funny for him (but for us it was).
thanks again and personnally i don't mind the wait, don't worry !!!

Author's Response: Thaks dear, I'm glad you like both 'my ' dru and Angel, lol ;)

Reviewer: Amelia-Jane Anonymous Date: 04/08/2006 - 05:12 am Title: Mysterious Objects (I)

I really liked Dru in this chapter, it's great to see her rush to the aide of her family. Great scene with Dru and Angel, it was cute the way they teased each other, especially when Dru scolded Angel about ripping her clothes... you can definitely tell she's been spending too much time with Cordy and Harmony... lol. The medallion info was very interesting and worrisome, can't wait to learn how it's gonna effect our favorite blondes. Good update!

Author's Response: Thanks dear, I'm so glad you like 'my ' Dru in this story, yes , she has changed pretty much, lol!

Reviewer: sharon Anonymous Date: 03/17/2006 - 09:09 am Title: Scolding And Relax (II)

i'm so surprised : i loooved this chapter too lol !!!!
honestly that was great : it was funny (mostly the "notice" part....lol) it was dangerous (it kinda freaked me out when they all changed their features in front of the owner) and it was romantic so i guess you did well buddy !!!
congrats again and take your time for the translation !!! bye

Author's Response: thank you so much, dear, I'm glad you enjoyed also this part.. uh? dangerous? really ? c''mon, they have such pretty cute game faces.. lol ;)

Reviewer: Amelia-Jane Anonymous Date: 03/15/2006 - 04:11 pm Title: Scolding And Relax (II)

Great confrontation between the vamps and the homeowner, especially LES joining in on the terrorizing fun. I like the way GB handled the not interfering in the killing situation. Interesting that the first thing LES and ES did was head for the fridge, typical they had no idea why their girls were angry with them. I'm glad they all made up. Wonderful update!

Author's Response: thank you dear, I'm glad you liked this part so much ! ;)

Reviewer: Amelia-Jane Anonymous Date: 03/15/2006 - 04:47 am Title: Scolding And Relax (I)

Poor Giles... he really has his hands full with the vamps. Great dialogue in this chapter. From Giles calling the vamps cows to Dru's outspoken ramblings and ES's responses to them. Great update!

Author's Response: thanks dear, yeah , poor Giles. I'm soo glad you liked the dialogue!!! ;) ;) and the cow and Dru's rambling part eh eh ;)

Reviewer: sharon Anonymous Date: 03/14/2006 - 06:04 am Title: Scolding And Relax (I)

well i thought the scolding part would be harder, but it went find after all....it's good to know that old rupert forgets everything very fast lol !!!
as for the other comments, spuffy won't change at all (it's always a matter of sex !!!! it's starting to freak me out a little).
i absolutely loooooved the "genius" part (especially the "you moron" comment by spike toward drusilla). it made me laugh, because it is so far away from the situation we knew, with a spike head over heal for dru !!!!
anyway, to make short, that was a great chapter as always : thanks and see you later !!!

Author's Response: thank you dear, yeah, lol, this Giles forgives quickly eh eh ! Lol, I'm glad you like the fact that Spike (ES) and Dru can't stand each other, it's just that I like some stuff far away from the show eh eh eh! ;) also in a Fantasy one I'm co-wrtiting you can find a Spike not so easy going with Dru ;), lol :)

Reviewer: sharon Anonymous Date: 03/05/2006 - 02:21 am Title: Intervention (II)

well that was a tragic chapter (unless the "ouch" part that i found very funny).
but as for the rest, the two innocent victims didn't deserve what happened to them...sure vampires are meant to kill and drink people to heal but you made me feel bad for those two. and poor buffy, well i shouldn't say poor but i should scold her !!!! (but i guess that will be in the next chapter lol).
so thanks for making it clear that those twins can be reeeeaally different....from now on i shall read this story with another state of mind.
bye !!!

Author's Response: thank you, dear, I'm glad you fofund the 'ouch ' part funny. About the victim, I know , but I had no choice.. plus I gotta dmit that, I love also very evil Spike and Buffy in fan fictions, eh eh ! ;) let's see the positive side, the two unlucky one are not two characters of the show at least ;) thanks again

Reviewer: Amelia-Jane Anonymous Date: 03/03/2006 - 06:02 am Title: Intervention (II)

I feel bad for the two victims, but you did do a great job of givings us a very realistic glimpse into ES and EB'S hunting techniques. Poor GB her soul was so conflicted about what happened. Can't wait to find out where things go from here. Great update.

Author's Response: thank you dear, I know the two vicitims did nothing bad, but I had to do that, anyway, I'm glad you enjoyed Es and EB's hunt ;)

Reviewer: sharon Anonymous Date: 03/01/2006 - 10:52 am Title: Intervention (I)

i wish i could make a list for all the things i looved in this chapter....well i guess i can do it now lol (after all that's what reviews are for) :
first, everybody knew that they were all so full of themselves so i simpathize with giles...it must have been really hard for him to stand those four vampires.
second, in my opinion i think that was the funniest part :"- you know football my love ? - football ? what is that ?" lol. ES was right : there is no one bit of mental sanity in there !!!
then there was the "i didn't lose" part that was so....spikey lol !!! blondey bear you shouldn't be ashamed of what you did....not !!! lol
and last but not least, the spuffy innuedo about the "pushing my buttons" bit and then....ouch !!! poor vampires who won't be able to have sex for a loooong time !!!
see you soon and thanks for this fabulous chapter.

Author's Response: oh my, dear, thank you so much for the list, i'm glad you liked those stuff, esp. the one about Dru (there will be more about her, don't worry ;) ) . . about Spike and Buffy's impossibility.. well.. don't be so sure, lol! I'll try to update asap, thanks again ;)