Reviewer: ScarlettDuck Signed
Date: 12/04/2012 - 07:33 pm
Title: oneshot
Oh, this is beautiful, but the end much too abrupt and final. Feeling a bit gutted.
Reviewer: Nikki
Date: 02/20/2010 - 12:14 am
Title: oneshot
I really enjoyed this story so much. It was really emotional and nice to know that Angel in this story would be able to sacrifice his own happiness for Buffy and Spike - and how they mourned for him at the end instead of just celebrating. Thanks!
Author's Response: Thank you! I wanted to experiment with the claim concept, and I thought about making Angel the villain, but really, it's so much more poignant to make him a hero. :D
Reviewer: BuffyRat
Date: 01/20/2010 - 10:25 pm
Title: oneshot
Love the way that Buffy and Spike found each other around Angel. And the way that the 3 coexisted. But I feel that Angel staking himself was a bit melodramatic. Couldn't he have just allowed Spike to be the dominant vamp and usurp the claim? It was mentioned earlier, when Buffy tried to give Spike blood, and again when they were napping together on the couch. It is selfless to let the blonds be together, but staking seems to be Angels martyr complex acting up. I did enjoy the story, and I'm glad they get to be together, but it's a shame that they can't still do some good with Angel around, too.
Author's Response: Spike could have broken into the claim, but I think that Angel saw the problem as more than just giving the lovers each other- he and Buffy both expressed dissatisfaction with the existence of the claim, which was pretty much keeping Buffy in chains, and that wouldn't have changed even if there were three of them in the claim- it would just trap Spike, too. But, yes, definitely Angel's martyr complex more than anything contributed to his decision. ;)
Reviewer: Anonymous
Date: 01/20/2010 - 12:25 am
Title: oneshot
you have the awesomest stories going on right now!! so welcome aboard and thank you so sharing!!
Author's Response: Thank you! Glad to be here, and thank you for taking the time to review!
Reviewer: Anonymous
Date: 01/20/2010 - 12:24 am
Title: oneshot
wow, that was fantastic. I loved that story. if you were up for a sequel that would be nice lol. but that was a very good one shot standalone. thank you for writing. it was good that angel finally did something worthwhile with his life. i mean did he really think he was the one for buffy when she is so bright and full of like and he is like doomed to the shadows with broodiness forever. yeah right.
Author's Response: Thank you! I don't think I'll write a sequel- the outsider's view of the Spuffy here makes it so precious that I think any other depiction of it would cheapen the relationship... And yup, Angel was noble! It almost makes me like His Broodiness... :D