Reviewer: jeanie
Date: 01/02/2006 - 04:09 am
Title: Chapter 12
you have got toupdate this soon! i can't wait for the confrontation between angel spike and buffy. love the sex on angel's desk. the soul or lack of a soul was something that i never got on the show. how could they just overlook all the bad things that people with souls did and ignore any of the good that spike did with no soul. sure he opened his mouth and inserted his foot but that is just being male. if someone wants to be evil they will acvcomplish it with soul or no sous.
Author's Response: I'm so glad that you've enjoyed the story so far! My muse has taken a bit of a vacation from this story for a while, though I do promise to finish it.
Thank you for your kind words; I'm glad that you enjoyed. :)
Reviewer: gaillee
Date: 10/25/2005 - 02:55 pm
Title: Chapter 12
This is really, really good. I am looking forward to updates. Thank you for an interesting, exciting read.
Author's Response: Thank you so much! I'm so glad that you're enjoying... I hope to be able to update soon.
Thank you again for reading and reviewing!
Reviewer: Crystal Pegasus Signed
Date: 06/20/2005 - 12:57 pm
Title: Chapter 2
Perfect. Exactly how I would of pictured it. First the loving - then the punch! Excellent beginning.
Reviewer: Crystal Pegasus Signed
Date: 06/20/2005 - 12:52 pm
Title: Chapter 2
Perfect. Exactly how I would of pictured it. First the loving - then the punch! Excellent beginning.
Author's Response: Thank you so much! I'm glad that you're enjoying!
Reviewer: me
Date: 06/18/2005 - 08:13 pm
Title: Chapter 12
Love this story!
Author's Response: Thanks so much!
Reviewer: redwulf50
Date: 06/18/2005 - 08:49 am
Title: Chapter 12
LMAO, pooooor Angel did they shag on your desk you poor Poofter, hope you trip and fall on something wood. :P Great chappie :P
Author's Response: I reserve comment as to whether or not Angel falls on something wood... :P
I'm glad you enjoyed! Thanks for reading and reviewing!
Reviewer: Cordykitten Signed
Date: 06/17/2005 - 06:26 pm
Title: Chapter 12
Sorry - I'm not so good with words to tell how good this chapter was. All the telling of regrets from everyone of them - then the fear of having cost it (Willow, Buffy). Great chapter! Worth the wait.
Author's Response: You did fine with the words, sweetie! This chapter was pretty emotionally draining to write, so I'm very glad to hear that the emotional impact of it translated well to my readers. I'm so glad that you enjoyed it, and that it was worth the delay.
Thanks for reading and reviewing!
Reviewer: steph
Date: 06/17/2005 - 04:30 pm
Title: Chapter 12
Yikes scary! Very good writing!
Author's Response: Glad you're enjoying... thank you for reading and reviewing.
Reviewer: pammy
Date: 06/05/2005 - 02:23 pm
Title: Chapter 11
I really like where this story is going, but when will it be updated?
Author's Response: Thank you so much for writing to let me know how much you enjoy my story. Unfortunately, my muse has been a bit neglectful of Fear recently, although I'm currently working on a new chapter. Hopefully there will be an update within the next week or so.
Again, thank you for your interest in Fear; I'm so glad that you're enjoying and that you're taking the time to read.
Reviewer: riam
Date: 05/12/2005 - 01:07 pm
Title: Chapter 11
love your story, this and orgins are my favorite stories. keep up the good work.
when are you gonna updat?
see ya
Author's Response: Thank you so much for writing to let me know how much you enjoy my story. Unfortunately, my muse has been a bit neglectful of Fear recently, although I'm currently working on a new chapter. Hopefully there will be an update within the next week or so.
Again, thank you for your interest in Fear; I'm so glad that you're enjoying and that you're taking the time to read.
Reviewer: Pin Signed
Date: 03/25/2005 - 09:19 am
Title: Chapter 3
I really appreciate the author's response to the reviewer's comments. Thank you for taking the time to explain your reasoning and for doing so in a thoughtful and reasoned way, rather than responding to the emotionalism of the original comment. It just adds to my overall appreciation for your efforts and respect for your work. Thanks!
Author's Response: Thank you so much for this. In my opinion, everyone taking the time to review deserves a reasonable and well thought-out response. The readers are, after all, taking the time to read my story and offer their opinion; whether or not I agree with that opinion is something else, but I can at least give my reviewers the respect of addressing their concerns in level-headed way. I naturally get emotional over reviews--this fic is, in a lot of ways, my baby, and so praise or criticism have big effects--but it doesn't do anything to raise the level of discourse to meet emotion with emotion. I'd rather offer reasonable explanations for my story ideas and creative decisions where I believe they would be helpful and then let the reader's choice to continue reading or not evolve from that.
Thank you so much for this comment, and for your kind words about my approach to review response adding to your respect for me as an author. I consider that a great compliment, and I am very grateful.
As always, thank you for reading.
Reviewer: Pin Signed
Date: 03/25/2005 - 09:10 am
Title: Chapter 2
I adored Buffy's meltdown and the SG's acceptance of theri feelings. What a relief! Great first kiss - really inspirational!
Author's Response: Thank you! I wanted their reunion to be loving, but Buffy also needed to get her point across regarding him not calling her. I'm glad that you enjoyed. And as for the SG accepting Spike and the idea of Buffy/Spike... he died to save them. That should put to rest any doubts about whether or not he's really a good guy.
Thanks so much for reading & reviewing!
Reviewer: Pin Signed
Date: 03/25/2005 - 09:04 am
Title: Chapter 1
I really like this idea. I'm glad to see them really working through the issue of Angel's manipulation of their memories and their will. Looking forward to seeing what happens in the future walk. Thanks!
Author's Response: I'm glad you're enjoying... I've got to say, I'm having a wonderful time bringing all of the characters from both shows together and having them interact. I hope you continue to enjoy!
Thanks so much for reading & reviewing!
Reviewer: sue
Date: 03/25/2005 - 05:03 am
Title: Chapter 11
Brills - anything the fab duo can do to piss off Angel is all of the good - besides great smut! More, more, more. Thanks.
Author's Response: Thanks so much! I'm having a lot of fun with the smut, and of course they have to work on pissing Angel off a bit. More soon, I promise.
I'm glad you're enjoying... and thanks for reading & reviewing!
Reviewer: Tam
Date: 03/25/2005 - 02:51 am
Title: Chapter 11
who wouldn't split a desk in half while sexing with spike? hell...i'd break the desk, the chair, a refridgerator, a building....
Author's Response: Amen, sister. The house in Smashed would have NOTHING on me LOL.
Thanks for reading & reviewing!
Reviewer: Addie Logan Signed
Date: 03/21/2005 - 06:57 pm
Title: Chapter 10
I really like your take on the whole end of the series. Personally, I had a hard time buying that Angel had completely nobel intentions, and I'm interested in seeing where you're going to take this. I especially had a hard time dealing with the death of Drogan, and I'm glad you mentioned that. Even if Angel was trying to get in with the Circle in order to take them down, killing a warrior like that didn't seem like an action that should ever be acceptable if you're the Champion Angel is purported to be.
Author's Response: Thank you so much, Addie! The end of season 5 just really didn't sit well with me in terms of Angel's actions--I don't know if it was rushed because of the cancellation or just not very well thought-out, but there were several little asides and seemingly throw-away bits that hinted at something much much darker. Fred being a sacrifice being one of these, of course, but particularly Angel's murder of Drogyn. There was no real way to justify that--in canon explanations of his actions or not--as something fitting or appropriate. To my mind, Angel didn't have good intentions... and it would be hard to convince me otherwise, really, so the fic is going to follow me down that path.
I'm so glad that you're enjoying... thanks so much for reading and reviewing!! :o)
Reviewer: Gail
Date: 03/21/2005 - 03:25 pm
Title: Chapter 10
I love the intricacies and twists of canon that you've built into this story. Stories that commence with possibilities present in the shows and make sense are always intriguing to me. Can't wait to see what Lorne "read."
Author's Response: Thank you so much! Writing this into canon has been both difficult and extraordinarily rewarding, and I'm actually having a lot of fun working within those walls. I'm so glad that you're enjoying--thanks much for reading and reviewing!
Reviewer: me
Date: 03/21/2005 - 07:48 am
Title: Chapter 10
Love it!
Author's Response: Glad you're enjoying! Thanks for reading and reviewing!
Reviewer: sue
Date: 03/21/2005 - 05:08 am
Title: Chapter 10
Magnificent! More, more, more and soon. What a wonderful tale you are weaving. Thanks.
Author's Response: So glad that you enjoyed! The next chapter should post within a few days. I'm thrilled that you're so involved with the story... thank you so much for reading and reviewing!
Reviewer: Cordykitten Signed
Date: 03/21/2005 - 04:30 am
Title: Chapter 10
Oh my - I only read the chapter now. I'll continue with the next one - hopefully. What a journey - it doesn't seem as if Angel has any good in him left ... he's gone to the dark side. Poor Lorne, witness this all.
Author's Response: Unfortunately, you're right... Angel has given over to the dark side, although we'll learn a bit about why in a few chapters. It's not without reason, but a sad descent the same, I agree. And yes, Lorne is undoubtedly suffering the most from witnessing everything... by his nature, he's experiencing everything on several levels and is much the worse for wear.
The next chapter has been posted in my LJ if you'd like to read it.. I hope that you're not disillusioned with the story?
Thanks for reading and reviewing!
Reviewer: Cordykitten Signed
Date: 03/01/2005 - 04:21 pm
Title: Chapter 9
Oh - that the one I read before.
I forget - I thought it was a new one. Looking forward to read more.
Author's Response: LOL... sorry, Cordy...same one. New one by the end of the week or Saturday, if all goes as it is now.
Reviewer: ariadne Signed
Date: 02/28/2005 - 09:38 pm
Title: Chapter 9
oh your just evil leaving it off with a cliffhanger...*G* lol at illyria wanting spike for her "pet". but hey cna't blame her. don't we all want a pet spike? the scene with harmony was just too much. i will treasure that for a very long time. and the look on her face when buffy called him her mate was brilliant. i am soo intrigued by this story and where your going to take it. i'm so glad that you liked my review. i ment and mean every word of it. this it truly amazing and you have me begging for more...yes i'm begging...update soon
Author's Response: LOL... I SWEAR I didn't mean for it to be an evil cliffhanger... didn't even know it was until I posted it and began to be called evil. But now the next several chaps have evil cliffhangers *does sinister dance of evil-hood* 'cause I'm enjoying being bad. Just call me Amy-lus ;)
I couldn't resist the catfight... the muse's ego demanded hot chicks fighting over him or he wouldn't let me write, so who am I to argue? lol I'm glad that you're still enjoying... more should (hopefully) be up by the end of the week or Saturday.
Thanks again for reading and reviewing!
Reviewer: ariadne Signed
Date: 02/28/2005 - 12:19 pm
Title: Chapter 8
oh my god. this last chapter has to be the most emotional thing i have ever read. i was riveted and didn't want it to end. it was so beautiful and amazing. i absolutly LOVE this story, one of the best i have read, and i read a ton of buffy fanfic. Amy, you must continue and update soon, very, very soon. this story is going to be great!!!!
Author's Response: I am absolutely blushing to pieces... thank you so much for all of your kind words! I'm so thankful that you love the story, and that you consider it among the best you've read... that's high praise indeed, and I thank you for it. The emotional intricacies of B/S in Fear are interesting and challenging, yet so satisfying to write... I feel like I'm able to give them thefresh start that I always wanted to see them have. The emotions for all of the characters, really, are going to be a bit heightened throughout the story, just by the nature of the plot and the events that they've all been through; I'm glad that you're finding that element as interesting to read as I do to write it.
Chapter 9 just went up... I hope that you enjoy it as well!
Thank you again so much for reading and reviewing!
Reviewer: Cordykitten Signed
Date: 02/26/2005 - 01:51 pm
Title: Chapter 7
Loved the chapter. The description of what happened was beautiful painted. I miss the second half of season 3 and season 4 (the whole arc with Cordelia) so I never thought of it.. but you're right. The first time, the visions came from Doyle to Cordelia. But they never came back to another one when Cordelia fell into coma. Or died.
Author's Response: So glad you liked it. The lapse of the visions was actually something I hadn't consciously realized until it came out as I was writng, but it did seem a little ominous... Happy you enjoyed!
Reviewer: Cordykitten Signed
Date: 02/26/2005 - 01:50 pm
Title: Chapter 8
Loved the description of the claim. Beautiful! And the banter was fun, too. I simply loved it.
Author's Response: so glad that you liked the claim... and the banter was fun. It always puts me in a good mood to channel those two in happy times...