Reviewer: yubi
Date: 06/23/2009 - 03:38 pm
Title: Epilogue
great story! i really liked penny but seeing as she came from the 'real world' i kinda figured shed have to go back eventually -but i guess not. ive always wanted to see a sane dru and you created her, thx for the insight.
Reviewer: Genn
Date: 05/07/2009 - 12:55 am
Title: chapter 2
Brilliant story idea, really well-written... it's about time the Scoobies got a psych eval from an objective viewer... :)
Also, your other stories are great as well, just so you know.
Reviewer: Spuffy_obsessed Signed
Date: 01/13/2009 - 03:10 am
Title: Chapter 5
I loved the ending of this chapter. The parallels between Nazi Germany and the Initiative, priceless and very true. Even made me realize an odd symbolism that Walsh was Blonde and blue-eyed with very German features...thats just my thinking now.
I liked that you tied in things that actually happened, that no one would take into consideration. For example the fact that Buffy DID rely on instinct with threatening Drusilla because of the love with Spike would get him to back down. Never saw it that way. Great job!
Reviewer: Spuffy_obsessed Signed
Date: 01/13/2009 - 03:02 am
Title: Chapter 4
From what I've read so far, damn! I like it. It's finally the chance for us to get the 'Buffy stop being prejudice speech' with some true solid thought to it. This brainstorming and researching must have taken awhile and I applaud at your deliverance. It all makes sense, whether it's truly believed in occult studies or is just a twisted belief with the following of the Buffy culture. Great job.
But it wasn�t redemption that got him interested in helping�it was Liam�s attraction to a fifteen year old child.�
When the episode aired that showed Angel seeing Buffy for the first time right away I found that it was sort to say in a pedophile manner, so thank you for pointing that out. It's about time!
Reviewer: sta
Date: 06/10/2007 - 09:04 pm
Title: Epilogue
An interesting tale. I like that Drusilla was brought to work with the white hats. And bringing back Doyle was fabulous, but I think this story was at its best and absolutely brilliant when you wrote the letter toRiley from Harmony. That was spot on. Thanks
Reviewer: Squid
Date: 06/04/2007 - 03:10 pm
Title: Epilogue
This was really good and really creative. I always really like your stories, but this one seemed even better than usual. I've never seen a story line like this, great job. I'm glad to know that their are some authors out there who are willing to go a different direction that normal.
A sequel could be really interesting - if you're up to it.
Again, great job.
Date: 05/26/2007 - 10:31 pm
Title: Epilogue
I enjoyed this story very much.
I must admit, it started off so painfully slowly that I almost gave up trying to read it... the psychoanalysis of the characters kind of bored me. *cringe* sorry... it felt somewhat fantasy-worldish and not really a very viable method of getting the characters to recognize their own faults. Most of them, I feel, wouldn't sit down and listen long enough to "cave" and see themselves in that kind of light.
All in all, the "Penny" character seemed somewhat superfluous, despite her being the catalyst for most of the story...
BUT - throughout the not-so-positive first impression I got of this story - it did compel me to keep reading. The plot was slightly small given that the story was 51 chapters long - I think most of the story was psychoanalyzing the past and future rather than concentrating on the present setting, but it did compel me nonetheless. I like the way the characters were portrayed for themselves - some of the interaction was off (It took them a VERY long time to accept Spike's character in the series - even through seeing all of his many good deeds and obvious love for Buffy.)
But the dialogue and what plot there was was interesting enough to hold my attention for 51 chapters, and I must applaud that.
Good job. :-)
Reviewer: Inara Signed
Date: 05/24/2007 - 11:27 pm
Title: Chapter 4
Thank you so much for that last comment. Obviously being a fan of Spike, I've always said that Angel was never that "good" because a 200+ year old "man-pire" was crushing on a 15 year old valley girl.
Spike doesn't count in that whole old man thing..cuz he's only like 150 and way hotter. *gg*
Anyway...thanks for writing about that point and ignoring my double standard!! :)