Reviewer: jess
Date: 08/28/2008 - 12:42 am
Title: Things You Said
what?!?! thats it?? it cant end there. it doesnt make SENSE. theres no conclusion there...
Reviewer: Kristen
Date: 05/18/2005 - 09:31 pm
Title: Things You Said
Wow, I am going through all of your stories and they are amazing! This one was fantastic! You write Buffy so perfectly! From the first line on it was the commentary was so in character it was perfect! I hope you continue to write, I love your stories!
Reviewer: bluezchic2105 Signed
Date: 03/19/2005 - 04:49 am
Title: Things You Said
that was above and beyond awesomeness...from the awkward crazy arguments to the sweet tender spuffy moments and ending....basically it kicked major ass and i loved every minute of totally rock :) needs a sequel maybe lol
Reviewer: Cordykitten Signed
Date: 01/08/2005 - 06:38 pm
Title: Things You Said
That’s another one of this fics how it could have been – and always better than it was in the series! Thanks for writing!
Reviewer: Cordykitten Signed
Date: 01/08/2005 - 06:37 pm
Title: Things You Said
That’s another one of this fics how it could have been – and always better than it was in the series! Thanks for writing!
Reviewer: songgal Signed
Date: 01/08/2005 - 02:23 am
Title: Things You Said
pretty neat for a one shot!
Reviewer: Allison
Date: 01/08/2005 - 12:37 am
Title: Things You Said
This was so perfectly written. This (by far) was my favorite episode of AtS Season 5, and this has to be one of my favorite fics ever that is centered around it. But unlike a lot of the others, you covered the aftermath and incorporated so many subjects that were left hanging after the series finale of BtVS. Beautiful fic!:)