Reviewer: Anonymous
Date: 09/25/2012 - 04:10 am
Title: Chapter 29
I love it!!!!!! Want more soon! I well be very happy if you update soon, so will you, please? With a cherry on top?
Reviewer: cordykitten Signed
Date: 07/12/2010 - 12:50 pm
Title: Chapter 29
Awe, sweet spuffyness :)
Enjoyed the update, glad you're still writing.
Looking forward to find out what unaware of the events they had just set into motion means.
Reviewer: All4Spike Signed
Date: 07/12/2010 - 07:57 am
Title: Chapter 29
So glad to see an update, I was so afraid this lovely story had been abandoned. Sweet chapter. ...unaware of the events they had just set into motion. Uh oh, what's going on now?
Reviewer: AMI Signed
Date: 07/12/2010 - 12:45 am
Title: Chapter 29
Hi Kitten. Wow, I'm so glad you're back to this story and are posting again. :) Hope everything is well with you, you've been missed,
Very good chappie, I love that you put Groma and Hourak together, they deserve it. And Buffy and Spike making love is so sweet. I can't wait to see what happens, if they go back to Sunnydale or not. That last sentence was kinda ominous. "Events set in motion." Uhoh.
Still enjoying very much...*hugs*
Reviewer: PaganBaby
Date: 07/11/2010 - 11:02 pm
Title: Chapter 29
Hooray! More Kitten-y goodness =D I love this story, and I'm so happy you're continuing with it!
What a sweet chapter to resume the story with :D Groma and Hourak - yay! And Spuffy love - double yay! heehee Groma deserved a cuddle bunny of her own. And it's beautiful that Spike loves who Buffy is on the inside - she could look like a Toruk-Han and he'd still love her... Okay, he might have more of a problem, but I think he could get past even that lol
Loved the chapter, and love you! Keep writin! =D *huggggles & smooochies*
Author's Response: :D *big grin* Thanks for all your encouragement as well as suggestions when it comes to this story. Couldnt do it with out you! B&S together is always good, even dressed as fairy tale characters! (shout out to Fractured Fairy Tales by PaganBaby) Much love to you!
Reviewer: Spikelissa
Date: 07/11/2010 - 08:28 pm
Title: Chapter 29
KItten! You're back! Missed you sooo! Missed Groma, Hourak, Spike, Buffy and Kaia!
What a beautiful return, certainly brought tears to my eyes!!!! I so had this feeling that Hourak would do something like this. It just fit, ya know?
I can't wait to read some more! Hugs you bunches for that sweet yet meaningful love making between Buffy/in Kaia's body and Spike. Ya know, I think I'm beginning to see what just might happen or I'm hoping to happen...Maybe they go back and he gets to keep that sun allergy, but I sort of think for some reason they will stay...can't wait to see what you do! So very very very very very very very very very glad you are back! Huggles much!
OxOxOx ;)
Author's Response: Thanks Lissa :) I need to finish, when it haunts my dreams. Just need to make the time to get it all typed out. I do hope you like what I have in mind... Stay with me, I hope to have more out very soon.
Reviewer: Blazing Fire
Date: 07/11/2010 - 06:50 pm
Title: Chapter 29
I'm so glad that you didn't give up this story. I love this story. Are they going to return with the baby to their own time? In one way I hope so but in many other ways I hope not.
Author's Response: Thanks for reviewing BF :) and thrilled to know this story is still on other peoples minds. Stay with me, the tale has almost been told...
Reviewer: All4Spike Signed
Date: 01/29/2010 - 01:31 pm
Title: Chapter 28
Sorry I've been a bit remiss in reviewing. No excuse. Delighted to see the update and happy to see how Buffy received Spike. I'm sure that Groma will be safe and happy with Hourak if Buffy decides to try to get home while pregnant - not sure how that would work for Kaia though... will it leave her world without a slayer?
Author's Response: a bit remiss>>> fits for me too. many good questions, all will be answered in the upcoming chapters :) Thanks for reviewing!
Reviewer: liz
Date: 01/16/2010 - 07:58 pm
Title: Chapter 1
Love the story so far, can't wait for more!
Author's Response: more here, and more to come! Thanks for taking time to comment Liz. *Hugs*
Reviewer: xaphania
Date: 01/06/2010 - 12:33 pm
Title: Chapter 28
Aww, glad to see this updated. Very sweet scene, looking forward to more :)
Author's Response: Thanks xaph :) more is here. sorry for the delay in my response
Reviewer: spuffyIStruluv
Date: 01/06/2010 - 09:18 am
Title: Chapter 28
YAY UPDATE :D !!! (A) :P (:
Awwww, They're so sweet! :) I can't wait to see what happens, if they go back to Sunnydale with or without Groma or if they leave at all. AHHHH! I want to read next chapter NOW ! (:
Love your story :)
Author's Response: sorry for the delay in responding, and posting, but new chappy is now up! thanks for the r&r
Reviewer: Blazing Fire
Date: 01/06/2010 - 07:42 am
Title: Chapter 28
I'm so glad to see you are still writing this story. I hope that Buffy goes home to stop Willow. She has to be stopped. And I can't wait to see Spike as a Dad. I know he will melt when he sees the baby. Awwww.
Author's Response: :) just you wait>>>> I think you will like the upcoming chapters, Blazing Fire!
Reviewer: msspikester Signed
Date: 01/06/2010 - 03:01 am
Title: Chapter 28
Yay!! I was so pleasantly excited to see an update in my email, and such a sweet one, too. I'm glad to see the two of them in the same spot and enjoying each other. Looking forward to more!
Author's Response: *hugs msspikester* glad to see still enjoying, new chapter just posted today.
Reviewer: AMI Signed
Date: 01/05/2010 - 05:36 pm
Title: Chapter 28
Yay! I missed you Kitten and your great stories. I'm so happy to see this updated. Sorry about RL, I hope you're feeling better now and things are going well. :)
Great chappie, I loved understanding Spike. He loves her no matter what, even in another body. And is willing to do whatever Buffy wants and help her with the baby. He's so's his child too, even if he's not the biological dad. *hugs Spike* The last scene was so sweet, both S/B and H/G.
Spike in a loincloth? *drools at the awesome image*LOL
Thanx for the update, hope to see more soon. *hugs*
Author's Response: thanks for the review ami, sorry for my delayed response. So much more to come and hope you enjoy future updates as well.