Reviewer: ScarlettDuck Signed
Date: 07/24/2012 - 07:18 pm
Title: Ten
So exquisitely beautiful and heart-wrenching. Giles sure did not have a very good time...
Author's Response: Giles didn't deserve to have a good time... :)
Reviewer: magnus374 Signed
Date: 06/26/2010 - 08:57 am
Title: Ten
Now it's time for the last part and hopefuly a happy ending.
Author's Response: Happy ending. I promise. :)
Reviewer: yubi
Date: 07/03/2009 - 09:16 am
Title: Ten
nice. i hope everything ends well in the last part which ill read now...
Author's Response: Last part ends well. I think they've been through enough, don't you? :)
Reviewer: Jessy Signed
Date: 12/23/2007 - 07:12 pm
Title: Ten
Too sad for my taste.. Hope that in the next one they're gonna be happy. They don't deserve it, to be apart. Here's a great story for the ones who like drama and angst.. I could understand better why he is doing it, but still, I think it's wrong. Anyway, gonna read the next one, you write very well, I love your fics, it's just that this one was too sad..
Author's Response: The whole series was meant to be angsty - up until the happy ending. Thanks for reading. :)
Reviewer: Jessy Signed
Date: 12/23/2007 - 12:17 am
Title: Six
Is he going to take his soul back? :D
It's killing me knowing that he's going to leave, I can't enjoy it so much knowing that.
Author's Response: Alas, that's the premise for the series - the fact that they can't be together. Please keep reading, though. There are four fics in the series...:)
Reviewer: Jessy Signed
Date: 12/22/2007 - 11:41 pm
Title: Four
Don't want him to go.. gonna cry, snif snif. Please, don't make him go again..
Author's Response: Sorry? Hee! But imagine how sweet the reunion will be!
Reviewer: Jessy Signed
Date: 12/22/2007 - 11:20 pm
Title: Three
Oh, that so sad... He's with her, then he's not, then again and then he's going to leave.. Even I can't take it, imagine how Buffy is feeling... poor Buffy.
Author's Response: Yeah, not an ideal situation, but as long as he keeps coming back...
Reviewer: scaryscouse
Date: 04/16/2007 - 06:50 pm
Title: Ten
ahh, love it. hope there will be another one soon ??
Author's Response: There's one more - Love Sanctioned.
Reviewer: Kelly
Date: 04/13/2007 - 04:13 pm
Title: Ten
Loved it!
Author's Response: I'm glad you did. :)
Reviewer: txjmfan
Date: 04/07/2007 - 03:46 pm
Title: Ten
Another excellent installment of their journey. Please let him be able to stay with her soon. My heart breaks right alon with theirs every time he leaves.
Author's Response: No problem. We're getting there. :)Thanks for reading.
Reviewer: Squid
Date: 04/07/2007 - 02:50 pm
Title: Ten
OK, hate to put in any flames but that was too angsty at the end. We need a sequel and have them get together, especially when we know they love eachother. C'mon the end of the show really sucked because he died and then came to life but they still couldn't be together and that's why we have Spuffy - to fix the buggered up show! Why would you have them have angst like that here when we can fix it. SEQUEL!!
Author's Response: Hee! No sweat, Squid. You've stated your opinion, I don't consider it a flame. I think, though, that you might want to take a look at what it says at the beginning of the first fic in this series about what kind of ending there will eventually be (happy) and how long it's going to take to get there. (4 fics) The sequel is already up - and we're nine chapters in.
Just so you know, though. I love reading a good angsty story and sometimes I just have the urge to write one. Check the warnings before reading. :)
Reviewer: BuffyRat
Date: 04/04/2007 - 10:44 pm
Title: Ten
Perhaps this time Spike gets to keep the sheets. Another goodbye, only means were closer to the next hello. An imperfect relationship, but when is anything ever perfect. Marvelous story.
Author's Response: Thank you. And, yes, another separation means another reunion sooner or later. And, it might actually be sooner this time. :)
Reviewer: ochit duzon
Date: 04/04/2007 - 05:59 am
Title: Ten
Nice ending. But i am hoping the sequel will be much better!
Author's Response: Thank you - if "by better" you mean it will have a happy ending, then, yes. I think so. :)
Reviewer: DK
Date: 04/03/2007 - 10:44 pm
Title: Ten
They admitted to being in love with each other; she is willing to wait, he is willing to be there for her and her Mom. That is still better than what they had before.
Thank you and I hope your Muse inspires you for a fourth.
Author's Response: The first two chapters of the fourth, and last, story in the series are up now. Thanks for reading. :)
Reviewer: Pam S
Date: 04/03/2007 - 11:21 am
Title: Ten
Waiting for "4"... Enjoying the story.
Author's Response: Thanks. Story #4, coming up soon. :)
Reviewer: Sam
Date: 04/03/2007 - 10:26 am
Title: Ten
Very sad. Will they ever decide they can be together? Looking forward to the next instalment.
Author's Response: We'll see. Next installment coming up tonight.
Reviewer: Nina
Date: 04/03/2007 - 10:12 am
Title: Ten
I cheated. Sorry, I couldn't help it. I still read this last chapter again though, and it really is my favorite part in this series.
I think you had a similar situation in Hearts Breaking Even (another great fic), and I loved it there as well. I really enjoy the way you write Spike. I don't like a wussy Spike and you seem to be able to balance the strength with vulnerability really well.
Thanks for posting this, I look forward to re-reading the next part - and will try not cheat. ;)
Author's Response: ROFL - well, as long as you still liked it. :)
Thanks for your kind words about my Spike. I don't like a wussy Spike either, although what makes him so appealing, of course, is that vulnerability that sneaks out every now and then.
I did have something very similar in Hearts - in that he comes back for the Cruciamentum- and, of course, the angst over his having to leave in the first place. Hopefully this series is different enough that the two don't get mixed up. :)
Reviewer: jamies_lady
Date: 04/03/2007 - 03:17 am
Title: Nine
like the way Joyce is coming round. really lovely. looking forward to more
Author's Response: Thanks. Yeah, I see Joyce as a realist - more so than Joss did, probably.
Reviewer: daydreamer
Date: 04/03/2007 - 02:12 am
Title: Nine
good chp, can't wait for the date :)
Author's Response: Thanks. Later today. :)
Reviewer: BuffyRat
Date: 04/03/2007 - 01:11 am
Title: Nine
"Joyce watched silently from the door as they had a brief argument over whether Spike was going to risk immolation by holding the car door open for Buffy..." Love that line, and it is so very Spike. And Buffy's conversation with her mother was also quite priceless. Still loving this. Looking forward to the next update.
Author's Response: Thanks. More later today.
Reviewer: BuffyRat
Date: 04/03/2007 - 01:05 am
Title: Eight and Nine
The situation does indeed suck, but what more can they hope for. Reality is not always fair. A great chapter, though.
Author's Response: It isn't. Especially in the worlds that Joss created. :)
Reviewer: kw
Date: 04/02/2007 - 10:02 pm
Title: Nine
Look foward to the date
Author's Response: Soon. :)
Reviewer: DK
Date: 04/02/2007 - 09:44 pm
Title: Nine
As usual you wrote a strong chapter, thanks for letting us in on the Mom/daughter talk, they actually needed more or those. So where are they going?
Author's Response: Oh, just out to dinner. Totally made up a restaurant outside of town. :)
Reviewer: jamies_lady
Date: 04/02/2007 - 08:02 am
Title: Eight and Nine
i am enjoying the more reasoned thoughtful Giles that you are writing about. I loved Joyce's reaction to Spike spending money and am looking forward tothe next bit
Author's Response: Thanks. Another chapter soon.
Reviewer: jamies_lady
Date: 04/02/2007 - 04:20 am
Title: Seven
the thought of him leaving is so sad. loved the way you wove the story. looking forward to more
Author's Response: Thanks - more today.