Reviewer: sarah
Date: 05/02/2015 - 09:01 am
Title: Chapter 1
Great story
Reviewer: ScarlettDuck Signed
Date: 06/13/2012 - 06:06 am
Title: Chapter 1
Very hot!
Author's Response: Thanks. I had fun writing it.
Reviewer: Pam S
Date: 03/24/2011 - 07:44 am
Title: Chapter 1
Author's Response: Thank you. :)
Reviewer: cordykitten Signed
Date: 03/23/2011 - 08:56 pm
Title: Chapter 1
Oh that was hot. :D
Loved it.
Author's Response: Thank you. I certainly needed it after writing angst in my other fic.
Reviewer: AMI
Date: 03/22/2011 - 04:44 pm
Title: Chapter 1
Whooo! *fans self* This was totally HOT! I loved every minute of it. :) There's nothing like sweaty! yummy! Spike. Dammit why can't I have Spike as a neighbor?
Great one shot! Thanx for posting it. :)
Author's Response: I aim to please ;)
Thank you for reviewing, I was kinda nervous about it as I'm pretty new to writing fanfic and I only wrote plot before but people seemed to like the sex scenes and I like me some smut so I thought I'd give it a go.
Reviewer: SpikesGirl Signed
Date: 03/22/2011 - 02:15 pm
Title: Chapter 1
Liked the one shot. Very tempting indeed!!
Author's Response: Thank you. I try :)
Reviewer: yumimum Signed
Date: 03/22/2011 - 05:43 am
Title: Chapter 1
Well, I now have the most gorgeous mental image of a sweaty!Spike stuck in my head, and for that I can't thank you enough *happy sigh*
Hot and sexy Spuffy loving. Nom Nom Nom :)
Author's Response: What an image to have lodged in your brain. I don't even know haw I manage to write this stuff with those images in my head. You're very welcome. I enjoy spreading joy from the nummy treat that is Spike. :)
Reviewer: Sam
Date: 03/22/2011 - 04:26 am
Title: Chapter 1
That perked me up first thing on a Tuesday morning! What I wouldn't give to have a neighbour like that! Enjoyed the read - thank you.
Author's Response: You are most welcome. It was certainly fun to write. Thank you :)
Author's Response: You are most welcome. It was certainly fun to write. Thank you :)
Reviewer: BuffyRat
Date: 03/22/2011 - 03:42 am
Title: Chapter 1
Lovely. So glad she beat Faith to the punch. Thanks for sharing.
Author's Response: Thanks for the feedback, I'm happy you liked it :)
Reviewer: Lori
Date: 03/21/2011 - 11:37 pm
Title: Chapter 1
Firery hot! What a 'banging' way to end my ho-hum Monday. I need a cool-down now. Why can't I have a hot neigbor like Spike?
Author's Response: Well I'm delighted I brightened up your Monday. We all want a neighbour like Spike. I think there would be a lot of ogling going on if he lived next door. ;)