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05/18/17 04:16 am
pj! I remember wishing one of your stories would be finished seriously about a decade ago. Amazing. I just tried an old password I used to use and amazingly got in too. Memories!
03/20/17 01:20 am
10 yrs later, i finally rem my username and password. Pari, you rock. Hope you are well.
12/23/16 01:12 pm
I donate every month. Please donate to keep this site up!
10/06/16 08:34 am
Great post.
08/31/16 03:45 pm
And anyone else who loves this site, it's worth mentioning there's a nifty little "Donate" option just below the shout box here! ;)
08/31/16 03:43 pm
Just wanted to take a moment to thank Pari and all the mods for maintaining such a great site!


Author's Corner

Reviewer: Blackoberst Signed Date: 12/03/2009 - 06:10 pm Title: Ku'u I'ini

And then... :D I enjoyed this story this far and I'll be keeping an eye on it - hopefully (damned RL is really kicking my ass lately)

Reviewer: sanityfair Anonymous Date: 11/21/2009 - 12:56 pm Title: Ku'u I'ini

I'm so glad you've updated! This a lovely story and a great chapter.

Reviewer: PhotographyNut Anonymous Date: 11/21/2009 - 10:34 am Title: Ku'u I'ini

Loved it! Can't wait to read more!

Reviewer: cordykitten Signed Date: 11/20/2009 - 04:23 pm Title: Ku'u I'ini

Heh :) At last they arrived where they supposed to be now. :D

Reviewer: immortalangel08 Anonymous Date: 11/20/2009 - 03:58 pm Title: Ku'u I'ini

As much as I currently hate Hawaii I loved this chapter!!!! There arguing is hilarious going back and forth and trying to figure out how to get there. Reading it over is no problem and I enjoy seeing what comes out from the original ideas. Can't wait for more and I loved it!

Reviewer: PhotographyNut Anonymous Date: 10/24/2009 - 12:33 pm Title: Hawaii?

Really enjoying this fic!

Reviewer: cordykitten Signed Date: 10/22/2009 - 04:26 pm Title: Hawaii?

:) Spike told Buffy! Wasn't sure if he dared.
Good to see an update. :)

Reviewer: tammy Anonymous Date: 10/22/2009 - 11:02 am Title: Hawaii?

Hi. I saw your previous comments on the cbox. Dont let 1 idiot get to you. You have a great talent and you cant please every single moron. Keep up the great work. I like this alot.

Reviewer: Charlie Aome Signed Date: 10/22/2009 - 10:56 am Title: Hawaii?

Nice update Jake. It's been a while for this story and me chatting with you but....it was good. feel free to write more whenever. and where's the institution story? it's lonely. make it not lonely

Reviewer: sanityfair Anonymous Date: 10/22/2009 - 09:56 am Title: Hawaii?

So glad for he update. Thank! I'm also looking forward to an update of The Devil's Knockin. Hope there will be one soon.

Reviewer: littlebow Signed Date: 10/22/2009 - 06:47 am Title: Living the dream

I really like your writings. I tried to get on the chit chat board to tell you not to quit writing. There's alot of assholes that can't write shit but complain. These people are just jeolous of your writings. Keep up the good work!

Reviewer: cal Anonymous Date: 08/15/2009 - 07:49 pm Title: Your hand was where?!!!

Hey Jake. How are you doing? Things are heating up between our favorite couple. Nice. Why did Buffy have to stop the Spuffy action. Spike is probably wondering the same thing. Don't fight the desire just give in to it. haha
Thanks for the wonderful chapter.

Reviewer: PhotographyNut Anonymous Date: 08/15/2009 - 01:21 pm Title: Your hand was where?!!!

Out of the mouths of babes! Can't wait for more!

Reviewer: cordykitten Signed Date: 08/13/2009 - 02:23 pm Title: Your hand was where?!!!

*gg* @ Andrew's question. Spike was lucky that Buffy saved him from answering that.

Reviewer: sanityfair Anonymous Date: 08/13/2009 - 11:23 am Title: Your hand was where?!!!

Thanks for updating this story. Would love to read about these two more often.

Reviewer: laemda Signed Date: 08/13/2009 - 10:36 am Title: Your hand was where?!!!

Yeah an update and a great one!!! Thanks

Reviewer: Charlie Aome Signed Date: 08/13/2009 - 09:48 am Title: Your hand was where?!!!

my goodness Jake. Ur crazy. I think u might kill Spike in this story lol. He'll prob die of blue balls thanks to Buffy lol. good update :)

Reviewer: basket_case1880 Anonymous Date: 08/13/2009 - 08:42 am Title: Your hand was where?!!!

I think you shold keep going with this fic. It sounds like there are a lot of possibilities with how it could go.
Can't wait for the next update, will be looking out for it.

Reviewer: Sam Anonymous Date: 08/13/2009 - 04:29 am Title: Your hand was where?!!!

Just read from the beginning and I'm along for the ride. Looking forward to reading more soon - PLEASE.

Reviewer: immortalangel08 Signed Date: 08/13/2009 - 04:13 am Title: Your hand was where?!!!

Loved the new chapter and can't wait for more!

Reviewer: Spuffyfan Anonymous Date: 08/13/2009 - 04:10 am Title: Your hand was where?!!!

Great chapter! Looking forward to more :D
And I see you fixed that repeated piece :P

Reviewer: CallMeKitten Signed Date: 06/11/2009 - 06:31 am Title: Red Carpet Swagger

yup, I knew they naughtiness would start soon, cant keep their hands off each other. but will Buffy freak out and leave him hangin? I am guessin yes. more soon please :)

Reviewer: AMI Anonymous Date: 06/10/2009 - 11:47 pm Title: Red Carpet Swagger

Oh so good! But why did you leave it there, evil, evil woman?;) God I can't wait for them to finally admit they want each other.

More soon please!

Reviewer: PhotographyNut Anonymous Date: 06/10/2009 - 07:03 pm Title: Red Carpet Swagger

Guess they're both in denial. Can't wait to read more!

Reviewer: sanityfair Anonymous Date: 06/10/2009 - 10:13 am Title: Red Carpet Swagger

I'm enjoying this story! Please don't stop the updates! Can't wait to see what happens next.