Reviewer: smlcspike
Date: 05/23/2007 - 06:39 am
Title: In Too Deep
I see Vanessa hasn't been in for a while I hope that means he won't be going back. Did he not claim her a couple chapters ago.
MOre please love it
Reviewer: smlcspike
Date: 05/22/2007 - 07:21 pm
Title: A Few Answers
Please don't let him go back to Venessa.
Reviewer: smlcspike
Date: 05/22/2007 - 06:52 pm
Title: Woke Up This Morning
He doesn't like to share, but it is fine for him too have more than one partner.
Reviewer: smlcspike
Date: 05/22/2007 - 04:07 pm
Title: Forgotten But Not Gone
Oh this is going to be good
Reviewer: smlcspike
Date: 05/22/2007 - 03:28 pm
Title: A Spell Gone Wrong
I love it I read it before but could not remeber it.
Reviewer: Vette
Date: 05/21/2007 - 11:08 am
Title: In Too Deep
Re-read this story from the beginning since I had read it quite awhile ago and I am glad that I did. I really am looking forward to where you are taking this story. Look forward to more chapters.
Reviewer: daydreamer
Date: 05/18/2007 - 01:00 am
Title: In Too Deep
I love this story & am sooo happy you updated :) please uodate again soon
Reviewer: mellissab
Date: 05/17/2007 - 11:21 pm
Title: In Too Deep
plz update soon this is really good
Reviewer: Ari
Date: 05/16/2007 - 11:11 pm
Title: In Too Deep
OMG, you actually wrote a new chapter? *runs to read update* SQUEE!
Reviewer: daydreamer
Date: 03/30/2007 - 06:07 pm
Title: Make Me Lose Control
Great story, please please update
Reviewer: cassi can see
Date: 03/30/2007 - 02:53 pm
Title: Make Me Lose Control
love this story, please update again soon
Reviewer: All4Spike Signed
Date: 11/25/2006 - 03:47 pm
Title: Make Me Lose Control
I'm not usually a fan of baby fics, but this one is intriguing. I love the fact that EvilSpike is still trying to fight the inevitable and Angel is all broody and jealous and that Buffy is really really confused (not that that's anything new). I see you haven't updated for a while... I hope you're still writing......... can't wait to see what's coming...
Reviewer: Roxy
Date: 10/09/2006 - 09:52 am
Title: Make Me Lose Control
NOOOOOO Please update! I love this story so much, it's so wonderful! I really really hope you'll still update! But man, I do feel bad for Angel though, I mean Buffy's like..cheating on him...and Spike! He's a meanie for biting her!
Reviewer: scaryscouse
Date: 04/14/2006 - 04:33 pm
Title: Make Me Lose Control
I like the way this story is going especially the fact that Spike hasn't fallen instantly in love with Buffy like so many other stories do. I am intrigued to find out where this is going
Reviewer: romero
Date: 04/11/2006 - 01:39 am
Title: Make Me Lose Control
I was so happy to see you updating this story!!! I'm wondering what is going on with Buffy and Spike, he seems to know about the control or lack of that Buffy is experiencing. I'm keeping my fingers crossed that you'll continue to update.
Reviewer: carri
Date: 04/10/2006 - 07:19 pm
Title: Make Me Lose Control
Since I am sick at home today, I had time to read your whole story in one piece. At the beginning, I thought it would be another of those baby fics where evil Spike changes his ways and falls in love with Buffy - all within 5 chapters. Boy was I wrong!
I really like your 'more realistic' way of writing Spike's character, it also makes the story better in my opinion. I l love how unpredictable he seems to be, I never knew what he would do in the upcoming chapter. Great work! I hope you can update soon!
Reviewer: letitia
Date: 04/09/2006 - 10:02 pm
Title: Make Me Lose Control
I have so missed this story and so happy to see it back. Wonder what is connecting Spike and Buffy and what caused her to react to him that way? Great chapter.
Reviewer: StrawberryJam Signed
Date: 04/09/2006 - 09:14 pm
Title: Make Me Lose Control
Ooh, much agst right now. This story is really good and I'm loving it so far. I hope someone stakes Dru soon, she's getting in the way of Spuffy!
Reviewer: L
Date: 04/09/2006 - 06:07 pm
Title: Make Me Lose Control
Thanks for posting. So hope you continue... had given up on this one.
Reviewer: Burnz
Date: 04/09/2006 - 01:35 pm
Title: Make Me Lose Control
Ah a new chapter at least and boy am I grateful! I am anxious to Johnny and his goons have planned. I love Dom!Spike. :)
Reviewer: Ari
Date: 04/09/2006 - 07:51 am
Title: Make Me Lose Control
Wait, is this a new chapter? I don't remember reading this on your website. Either way, glad you're still around. Your WIPs are all so great it'd be a sad thing if you never finish them. I love your Spuffy -- snarky, sexy, with that undercurrent of begrudging caring (maybe mystically induced in this case) for each other, feels like the real thing.
Reviewer: jeanie
Date: 04/09/2006 - 01:03 am
Title: Make Me Lose Control
i've been waiting forever for an update to this. glad its finally here. please update more! can't wait for more.
Reviewer: SarahandJamesFanatic
Date: 04/09/2006 - 12:58 am
Title: Make Me Lose Control
good update
Reviewer: BuffyandSpikeForever
Date: 04/17/2005 - 03:32 am
Title: Between Mind and Heart
just read it for the first time and i am loving it so far please keep up the good work and i cant wait for your next update
Reviewer: blondiebear Signed
Date: 01/14/2005 - 12:42 am
Title: Between Mind and Heart