Reviewer: nmcil
Date: 07/14/2009 - 10:25 pm
Title: Execution
terrific sequel - I really liked your treatment of their mating - a good balance between the physical and the emotional aspects of their experience. You presented a wonderful variation on the origins theme for The Slayer and vampire connection to Spike -
Very much enjoyed your second part of the series - expect more good Spuffy and Scooby adventures - plus, I hope more of the AI team in part three -
Reviewer: Blackoberst Signed
Date: 02/10/2009 - 07:20 pm
Title: Reintroduction
Very enjoytable read. I loved where you went with this and how it all played out.
Author's Response:
Reviewer: PhotographyNut
Date: 12/29/2008 - 06:21 pm
Title: Reintroduction
Can't tell you how much I loved this! Will be looking forward to the sequel!
Author's Response:
Reviewer: MarzBar Signed
Date: 12/29/2008 - 04:27 pm
Title: Reintroduction
I'm loving the Akoshta series. I am and will be looking for the next one.
Author's Response:
Reviewer: Pet Signed
Date: 12/29/2008 - 03:59 pm
Title: Reintroduction
Don't know how I managed to miss a couple of updates. Really enjoyed this story, and now I'm looking forward to the next one. :)
Author's Response:
Reviewer: cordykitten Signed
Date: 12/29/2008 - 11:48 am
Title: Reintroduction
Heh heh no chance for Randall :) Fun when he fainted like a girl.
Buffy offered them to start anew. Hopefully with the right watchers to go along with it, it will function.
Sounds as if Dawn should go back to a point, she seems to fit into the new Council.
Enjoyed the read; looking forward to the next book. Two to go?
Author's Response:
Reviewer: PhotographyNut
Date: 12/27/2008 - 06:26 pm
Title: Execution
Loved Quinton's reaction! Can't wait to read more!!
Author's Response: Last part is up now. Thanks so much for your feedback!
Reviewer: MarzBar Signed
Date: 12/25/2008 - 11:28 pm
Title: Execution
Thank you so much for the fab pressie! You can be sure I'll be around for Part III.
Author's Response: That's Great! Thank you so much.
Reviewer: cordykitten Signed
Date: 12/24/2008 - 08:54 am
Title: Execution
YAY Sounds as if the plan did function after all. Even if the recording was dead now... I hope it was enough. Quentin Travers is so in trouble now!
Hopefully the grown up won't interfere too much.
Author's Response: I really enjoy your reviews and I hope you like the final chappie.
Reviewer: PhotographyNut
Date: 12/18/2008 - 06:45 pm
Title: Returned
Really enjoying this fic! Can't wait to read more!
Author's Response: More is here!
Reviewer: cordykitten Signed
Date: 12/18/2008 - 05:29 pm
Title: Returned
Sounds as if Xander is starting to grow on the idea of Anya and kids, huh?
Well done with the mating scene. So things should change now.
Author's Response: TY all around, things are going to get fun now.
Reviewer: MarzBar Signed
Date: 12/18/2008 - 04:27 pm
Title: Returned
Have I told you how much I look forward to every new chapter you post in this tale? Reading your others, too.
Author's Response: Hmm.. not for awhile at least ;) Glad to see you're reading.
Reviewer: PhotographyNut
Date: 12/17/2008 - 07:03 pm
Title: Obvious Conclusions
Enjoyed this chapter! Can't wait to read more!
Author's Response: Theres more... again. :P
Reviewer: cordykitten Signed
Date: 12/17/2008 - 05:47 pm
Title: Obvious Conclusions
Loved the update :) The 'kids' acted like secret agent men. Fun to 'watch'. And we really will get a mating.
What do you mean with does anyone know the proper way to show an image? *It is larger than 200x200 so the site wont allow it*? I thought first that you've meant a banner but they are aloud bigger (650x250)
Only buttons (for nominations etc.) are aloud up to 120x60. But check the FAQ that's for the summary.
You could add them in the A/N by example. Or a bigger one into the banner section.
If everything goes wrong you could always post a link. Not sure what you're mean / looking for.
Good luck for that :)
Author's Response: Cool Cool.
I mean I have a banner about 300X500 I think and the "My Images" folder on my account here wont allow me to load it. I tried to show it using html but instead of showing the banner all i get is the code. So I was just wondering if anyone knew what I was doing wrong.
Reviewer: PhotographyNut
Date: 12/11/2008 - 08:33 pm
Title: Fangs You Very Much
Really loving this! Can't wait to read more!
Author's Response: The wait is over *giggles* New chappie posted.
Reviewer: cordykitten Signed
Date: 12/11/2008 - 04:26 pm
Title: Fangs You Very Much
Still reading and enjoying (And wondering: like if Buffy will claim Spike. Would an opportunity to share blood, maybe Spike was thinking about that.)
Author's Response: Hmmm... maybe.... New chappie is up.
Reviewer: Pet
Date: 12/11/2008 - 11:20 am
Title: Fangs You Very Much
Yup, still enjoying. Looking forward to see what happens next. Great update! :)
Author's Response: Groovy. New chappie just posted.
Reviewer: PhotographyNut
Date: 12/04/2008 - 09:41 pm
Title: Pivotal
Really loving this! Can't wait to read more!
Author's Response: Thanks. More will be up soon.
Reviewer: cordykitten Signed
Date: 12/04/2008 - 05:59 pm
Title: Pivotal
So Buffy got a demon too (well a visible one, as a slayer she had one before); makes me wonder what the gift for Spike's demon will be.
*pets* Bad for him, no more smokes now *g*
And the plan worked like a charm :)
Looking forward to more of this too.
Author's Response: HeHe. Yeah I like messing with the character's minds.more will be posted soon.
Reviewer: Pet Signed
Date: 12/01/2008 - 02:44 pm
Title: Setting Up
Great chapters. I've missed this story. Hope to see more soon. :)
Author's Response: Thanks hun. I kinda missed it too. More is now up.
Reviewer: PhotographyNut
Date: 11/30/2008 - 05:57 pm
Title: Setting Up
Enjoying! Can't wait to read more!
Author's Response: Thanks as always. More just posted.
Reviewer: cordykitten Signed
Date: 11/30/2008 - 08:44 am
Title: Setting Up
Cool, Spike even still has his vampire face. The council won't suspect him to be alive.
Looking forward to more.
Author's Response: Thanks so much. Its gonna get a bit messed up here in a bit.
Reviewer: cordykitten Signed
Date: 11/30/2008 - 08:32 am
Title: Setting Up
I wondered when you would update again. Good to see you back.
Seems as if the plan is functioning. Ah Travers, not even wanting a wake or funeral.
I like the twist with the spirits of the Pure and T'mure.
Author's Response: Glad to see you're still with me on this.
Reviewer: BuffyLuvsSpike Signed
Date: 11/30/2008 - 01:25 am
Title: Setting Up
ohh i want to go see twilight so bad but i do not have the time for it right now and those were some wonderful updates can't wait for more
Author's Response: U must see twilight if you get the chance. I really hope you do. And I'm glad you liked the updates.
Reviewer: PhotographyNut
Date: 08/27/2008 - 06:58 pm
Title: Time
I'm on the edge of my seat! Can't wait to read more!
Author's Response: