Reviewer: Avalon'sMysteries
Date: 05/01/2007 - 12:52 pm
Title: meetings and understandings
I am so happy to see an update! I still love the story and I'm really curious what prophecies they will find. Well, Angel's reaction was calmer then I thought it would be, but I like the way Buffy and William dealt with him.
I hope the next chapter will be up soon!
Author's Response: Angel is still a bit in shock and Angelus knew better than to cross the Master Slayer. What he will do once it sinks in I am not sure yet but once my muses tell me what happens next I will post it.
Thanks for reading,
Reviewer: jas
Date: 03/21/2007 - 02:16 pm
Title: Here watcher watcher
please finish this story
Author's Response: kinda got a block at the moment but I'm working on it and hope to have something soon...........
Thanks Trinity
Reviewer: spikesangel
Date: 07/20/2006 - 05:53 pm
Title: Here watcher watcher
no i want to see what else happens. update soon! please!!!! i hope theres some more intense spuffy coming.
Author's Response: Working on the next chapter. Hope to have something soon.
Reviewer: Yzba
Date: 04/28/2006 - 03:10 am
Title: Here watcher watcher
*chants* more more more
Author's Response: currently working on the next chapter. Still looking for Beta readers.
Hope to have something soon.
Thanks for reading...................Trinity
Reviewer: Anne
Date: 04/23/2006 - 10:10 pm
Title: Here watcher watcher
Wonderful story love the crossover just think of all the possibilities. Waiting for next updated up it is soon.
Author's Response: I hope to have something soon.
Still looking for beta readers who will actually respond.
Thanks for reading
Reviewer: nichole
Date: 04/23/2006 - 07:12 pm
Title: Here watcher watcher
ok this story rocks..i'm liking the crossover with Highlander..i enjoy that show too..look forward to more of this fic..N
Author's Response: thanks for reading
Reviewer: Avalon'sMysteries
Date: 04/23/2006 - 12:01 pm
Title: Here watcher watcher
Still loving it, good chapter. I hope there will be more soon, I'm really curious what will happen now that Scoobies and Angel are there.
Author's Response: I am too....LOL. I will try to get my muse to tell me soon. Thanks for reading
Reviewer: maryperk
Date: 04/23/2006 - 11:36 am
Title: Here watcher watcher
Good chapter
Author's Response: thanks for reading
Reviewer: Avalon'sMysteries
Date: 04/08/2006 - 12:45 pm
Title: A master what
Great chapter! I love it, please update soon! Can't wait to read more.
Author's Response: thank for reading. I hope to have more soon.
Reviewer: maryperk
Date: 04/08/2006 - 09:30 am
Title: reunited
Very Interesting. Please continue.
Author's Response: thanks for readding I hope to have more soon
Reviewer: cheysma2000
Date: 03/06/2006 - 05:50 pm
Title: reunited
I really am enjoying this story line. I always loved the Hightlander series and I am Spuffy all the way. Give us more!
Author's Response: I'm currently awaiting some beta responces. I will repost what is there and add the new stuff as soon as they are done.
Thanks for reading
Reviewer: Avalon'sMysteries
Date: 02/15/2006 - 11:34 am
Title: reunited
It's really interesting, I'm curious how will this story go on. Will there be more characters from Highlander, like Amanda or Methos?
Author's Response: A Highlander cross without Methos or Amanda....Are you crazy? Of course they will be in it. They my only make small appearances but they will be there. Thanks for reading..........Trinity
Reviewer: Kim
Date: 02/15/2006 - 07:43 am
Title: reunited
I like this story. I loved the Highlander series, and who doesn't love X. And Buffy and Spike as Immortals thats great. Can't wait to read more!
Author's Response: thanks I hope to write more on it soon