Reviewer: Charlie Aome Signed
Date: 08/22/2009 - 01:47 am
Title: Epilogue
aww i thought it was sweet. rushed yes but still totally enjoyable. i really like it :) made me smile. well the ending not the dad being a douche. i'm kinda sad Spike didn't punch him. good story
Reviewer: yubi
Date: 05/30/2009 - 09:43 pm
Title: Epilogue
nice story, although i not sure if buffy is allowed to stay with spike when she's still in high school, isnt that illegal?
Reviewer: Sam
Date: 07/09/2007 - 02:00 pm
Title: Epilogue
Read it all in one go and it was lovely.
Reviewer: smlcspike Signed
Date: 05/30/2007 - 05:09 pm
Title: Epilogue
Rushed just like the rushed one on the show, which is try they never did end it did they.
Reviewer: smlcspike Signed
Date: 05/30/2007 - 04:59 pm
Title: Chapter 16
That was good, I figured that Spike might have dated her but it didn't work out.
Faith is his cousin, I don't think I have seen that.
Reviewer: smlcspike Signed
Date: 05/30/2007 - 04:18 pm
Title: Chapter 7
Spike and Willow to the rescue I guess.
Reviewer: smlcspike Signed
Date: 05/30/2007 - 04:10 pm
Title: Chapter 5
of course he might need her again, they can't get together if they don't
Reviewer: smlcspike Signed
Date: 05/30/2007 - 03:33 pm
Title: Prologue
That was great I take it Tara and Spike are siblings, I also believe I might have read it before, but can't remember.
Reviewer: Alien
Date: 12/11/2006 - 02:24 pm
Title: Epilogue
I love your stories. and this is great one too.
Reviewer: turnedbyspike Signed
Date: 11/10/2006 - 02:29 pm
Title: Epilogue
yay!!! beautiful ending. Loved this fic!
Reviewer: turnedbyspike Signed
Date: 11/10/2006 - 02:25 pm
Title: Chapter 17
Yay!! happy happy happy! things are finally looking up for Buffy!
Reviewer: turnedbyspike Signed
Date: 11/10/2006 - 02:22 pm
Title: Chapter 16
I'm glad they're finally talking to the police. they better put her father behind bars!
Reviewer: turnedbyspike Signed
Date: 11/10/2006 - 02:19 pm
Title: Chapter 15
YAY!!!! they told each other that they love one another!!! woo-hooo!!!
Reviewer: turnedbyspike Signed
Date: 11/10/2006 - 02:16 pm
Title: Chapter 14
Oh my god! that's horrible! poor Buffy! why did she even go back??
Reviewer: turnedbyspike Signed
Date: 11/10/2006 - 02:14 pm
Title: Chapter 13
YES!!! they kissed! and Buffy's staying with him!! yay!!!
Reviewer: turnedbyspike Signed
Date: 11/10/2006 - 02:11 pm
Title: Chapter 12
Poor Buffy! I hope Spike beats the crap out of her father...
Reviewer: turnedbyspike Signed
Date: 11/10/2006 - 02:07 pm
Title: Chapter 11
sooo romantic! can't they see they're perfect for each other?
Reviewer: turnedbyspike Signed
Date: 11/10/2006 - 02:04 pm
Title: Chapter 10
yay!!! he shouldn't try to stop! falling is good!!!
Reviewer: turnedbyspike Signed
Date: 11/10/2006 - 02:00 pm
Title: Chapter 9
urgh, Angel better not make a move on Buffy...
Reviewer: turnedbyspike Signed
Date: 11/10/2006 - 01:57 pm
Title: Chapter 8
teehee...that ought to give Spike something to think about!
Reviewer: turnedbyspike Signed
Date: 11/10/2006 - 01:55 pm
Title: Chapter 7
it's good that Spike is finding out about Buffy's home life--hopefully, he'll be able to help her. Hopefully she'll be able to admit she needs help.
Reviewer: turnedbyspike Signed
Date: 11/10/2006 - 01:53 pm
Title: Chapter 6
yay! she's gonna babysit for him again!
Reviewer: turnedbyspike Signed
Date: 11/10/2006 - 01:49 pm
Title: Chapter 5
Ooh, they're starting to bond...
Reviewer: turnedbyspike Signed
Date: 11/10/2006 - 01:41 pm
Title: Chapter 4
Wow, Buffy's home life isn't so happy...but Amanda definitely likes her! that was so sweet!
Reviewer: turnedbyspike Signed
Date: 11/10/2006 - 01:37 pm
Title: Chapter 3
Ooh, yay! Buffy's gonna babysit Amanda! hopefully that'll help Spike see how perfect they are together!