Reviewer: darlaslilgirl
Date: 01/04/2009 - 06:19 am
Title: One Last Dance
beautiful story, ive still got tears are still rolling down,
Author's Response: Awww, thank you!
Reviewer: vampsNslayers101 Signed
Date: 12/26/2008 - 04:04 am
Title: One Last Dance
This was such a sad story. I cried and my eyes are still watery. Excellent job. Keep up the amazing work.
Author's Response: Awww, thank you so much! I do love the angst, and the whole human/vampire relationship seems made for it.
Reviewer: spikette55
Date: 12/25/2008 - 11:46 pm
Title: One Last Dance
Thank you, this was very heart warming and sadly sweet.
Author's Response: Thank you!
Reviewer: All4Spike Signed
Date: 12/25/2008 - 06:21 pm
Title: One Last Dance
{sniff} Oh that was beautiful. A very powerful piece of writing, made more so by the harsh reality that eventually humans must inevitably die, while vampires don't. Pass the tissues please...
Author's Response: *hands over the kleenex* Thank you, so glad you liked it. I think the awareness that one day they won't have each other helps drive some of Spike's desperate yearning to have Buffy as soon as he realizes he wants her.
Reviewer: Nicka
Date: 12/23/2008 - 03:10 am
Title: One Last Dance
That was so sweet but it made me want to cry.
Author's Response: Thank you!
Reviewer: jamies_lady
Date: 12/23/2008 - 02:50 am
Title: One Last Dance
sobbed my way through. a remarkable piece of writing that can get me to do that.
well done, wish he could join her in won't be paradie for her without him...
Author's Response: Awww, thank you! I tinkered with the idea of heaven for Spike, but ultimately felt him staying put was more realistic (and added to the angst, of course)
Reviewer: Chelsea_Dagger Signed
Date: 12/23/2008 - 12:32 am
Title: One Last Dance
Oh my. Truly, an incredibly beautiful one-shot. Touching, moving, emotional and timelessly lovely. The imagery was beautiful, and the ending so wistful that it choked me up a little. Poor Spike, having to go on without her. Poor poor Spike. But I truly believe this Buffy has gone on to a better place. Great story. x
Author's Response: Thank you so much! I completely agree with you about Buffy being bound for heaven, and think that knowledge is the main thing that keeps Spike from doing anything stupid. That, and his family (which may end up as another story entirely)
Reviewer: txjmfan
Date: 12/22/2008 - 09:06 pm
Title: One Last Dance
I think that's the saddest thing I've ever read. Stil have tears rolling. You definitely need to put a kleenex warning on this one. Job well-done of writing something that can evoke so much emotion.
Author's Response: Oh, wow, thank you so much! I tend to like angst, and love those readers who will stick by me through it