Reviewer: ILoveLamp
Date: 06/06/2012 - 10:53 am
Title: Act Three
Holy crap, that was amazing and great, and amazingly great.
Author's Response: Thank you so much for the (amazing) compliments. I'm glad you enjoyed the story, even with its twisty ending. It's that kind of feedback that makes me think about working on the sequel!
Reviewer: IT
Date: 09/07/2010 - 02:23 am
Title: Act Three
Wow! I didn't see that ending coming at all!
What a great fic. Well done. Thanks for sharing.
Author's Response: I'm glad you enjoyed it! Thanks so much for letting me know!
Reviewer: Tara
Date: 08/30/2010 - 02:51 pm
Title: Act Three
Wow-I was not expecting that at all! Great, inventive story! Honestly, that is one of the best episode (season) twists I have ever read. Great job!
Author's Response: I'm so happy that you enjoyed it! The ending is a little disturbing, but I do think it has a certain symmetry. Thanks so much for the lovely compliments.
Reviewer: cordykitten Signed
Date: 08/27/2010 - 02:51 pm
Title: Act Three
Thinking of SMG having brown here got me thinking that Buffy would without the hair tinting lotion would have been brown or brunette too. So even Buffy in her normal body / outfit would be his type. ;)
Loved that Spike noticed that something was wrong with Buffy.
Would be a very surprising twist if I didn't know the end from checking @ seasonal_spuffy.
Even if it is sad that Buffy won't be able to get back in her old body.
Author's Response: I hadn't thought of SMG's natural hair color, but you're right. I was thinking more of Dollhouse where different people end up in the same body. Same with Doctor Who and Face/Off! Also, I think JM mostly gets involved with brunettes, which is a weakness I share. ;-}
It's very serious stuff for Buffy, though. Not only does she not get her old body back, she's stuck in that of the person she killed, and she's got to live with that every day. Very serious, indeed. Thanks for commenting!
Reviewer: cordykitten Signed
Date: 08/27/2010 - 02:36 pm
Title: Act Two
I wonder if it's better to read this particular story knowing where it ends up? Can't say because in this case I know. Otherwise I'm used to read WIP, never knowing where it goes but I had bad surprise than too. I can understand why some people don't want to read WIPs.
But when I can I check the end out to see if Buffy and Spike end together :)
Good Spike POV with Something Blue. Enjoyed how Spike discovered how to kill demons again. He was really happy.
Author's Response: I'm glad you had some fun with this. I thought you'd be the perfect candidate to say whether it's better with or without the surprise, since you read it both ways, a couple of months apart, but I can understand that it's hard to judge. Thanks so much for your comments!
Reviewer: Elly
Date: 08/27/2010 - 02:30 am
Title: Act Three
Jaw is dropped. Very unexpected. Holy crap. Hopefully you won't leave it at that because... Oh My God!
Love it. ;)
Author's Response: *helps to hoist jaw* It does pose some interesting questions, doesn't it? Heh. I have some ideas for a sequel, but I'm not sure when it'll happen. Thanks so much for commenting!
Reviewer: Blue Eyes
Date: 08/26/2010 - 09:33 pm
Title: Act Three
Wow - definitely didn't exptect that. This is the first time Buffy was stuck in Faith's body. P.S. awesome banner. I like but feel weird at the same time. Sorry the story is over.
Author's Response: I'm glad you like it, but it's no surprise you also feel weird. I think it is extremely creepy, myself. Plausible, perhaps, but not very comforting. Buffy is a hero, and this is not her finest hour. Perhaps she will find her way back to heroism as she deals with the aftermath...which of course, means sequel!
Thanks for commenting!
Reviewer: Anonymous
Date: 08/26/2010 - 06:59 pm
Title: Act Three
That's it??
Author's Response: For now. ;-}
Reviewer: jamies_lady Signed
Date: 08/26/2010 - 06:15 pm
Title: Act Three
totally unexpected ending, but loved it
Author's Response: I'm glad you liked it! Thanks so much for commenting!
Reviewer: Elly
Date: 08/25/2010 - 05:21 pm
Title: Act Two
Bah! Ignore what the last person said. I absolutely love this fic. I can't wait until the next chapter is out. I will wait anxiously on the edge of my seat. :)
Author's Response: I'm so happy that you are enjoying it. (I thought "anonymous" was kind of amusing, so no worries.) It took awhile for this chapter to be validated, but hopefully the next one will be up by tomorrow. Make sure to take lots of water breaks from your chair between now and then. We can't have valued readers falling ill. ;-)
Reviewer: Blue Eyes
Date: 08/24/2010 - 07:57 pm
Title: Act One
Very interesting new take on the story. Excellent new plot with realism. I like I like a lot.
Author's Response: I glad you like it! I thought it had some basis for happening, and wanted to see if it would make a huge difference. Hint: it does.
Thanks for commenting!
Reviewer: cordykitten Signed
Date: 08/24/2010 - 06:04 pm
Title: Act One
What a coincidence. I've added this story to my LJ memories yesterday when I saw it recced (for a Spike & Joyce scene). I must say I cheated and read the last sentences, being curious after seeing the banner. But that would definitely give to much away I guess. ;)
When you post it here I can read it here too.
I liked the scene with Joyce but also the Spike+Buffy one.
Author's Response: Hee! Shhhhh. I wonder if it's better to read this particular story knowing where it ends up? I'm glad you're enjoying the Spike/Summers byplay. They're a fun bunch.
Thanks for commenting!
Reviewer: Anonymous
Date: 08/24/2010 - 10:53 am
Title: Act One
Ok, I'm really confused. First off, POV is written(in my opinion) in the first person for who is the speaker--in this case Spike. Secondly, I don't think Joyce would have invited Spike to stay. She did have moments of being strong willed, but those were few and far between. She would have never gone against Buffy when it came to her thoughts and treatment of Spike. Thirdly, totally random with Spike asking Buffy to marry him. I'm sorry to be harsh, it's just all of this really stuck in my mind as issues and made this difficult to read.
Author's Response: First person POV is a valid choice, but not the only one. I'm telling the story in "third person limited" which means that we don't get inside anybody's head but Spike's, and that we see what he sees. There are sites that allow you to search for first person POV, if that's what you are looking for. It's not the most common, but there is plenty of it out there.
As to your third point, on the proposal, I admit that I was relying on the reader's familiarity with the source material to fill in that we had arrived at "Something Blue". Which is indeed totally random.
The second point you make is where we must agree to disagree. If you cannot suspend your disbelief enough to allow Joyce to make this choice, then this isn't the story for you.