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05/18/17 04:16 am
pj! I remember wishing one of your stories would be finished seriously about a decade ago. Amazing. I just tried an old password I used to use and amazingly got in too. Memories!
03/20/17 01:20 am
10 yrs later, i finally rem my username and password. Pari, you rock. Hope you are well.
12/23/16 01:12 pm
I donate every month. Please donate to keep this site up!
10/06/16 08:34 am
Great post.
08/31/16 03:45 pm
And anyone else who loves this site, it's worth mentioning there's a nifty little "Donate" option just below the shout box here! ;)
08/31/16 03:43 pm
Just wanted to take a moment to thank Pari and all the mods for maintaining such a great site!


Author's Corner

Reviewer: rogue Anonymous Date: 07/29/2007 - 03:14 pm Title: As the Sun Sets

way cool storie i love it can you please write more i love it and if it no truble can you please email me so i can read it
thank you

Reviewer: Mrs_JQuest Anonymous Date: 07/19/2007 - 06:13 pm Title: As the Sun Sets

OMG!!! I love this story! It is absolutely one of the best fanfics I have ever read! But what happens now??? How will she react??? Pleeeeease, I'm dying to know!!! Please you have to update soon, pleeeeeeeeeeeeeeease!!!

Reviewer: Jessie Anonymous Date: 07/09/2007 - 01:51 pm Title: As the Sun Sets

I absolutely love this fic so far. I really hope u can finish or update soon. Thank u so much!!

Reviewer: Slayingthedreamer Anonymous Date: 07/07/2007 - 05:29 am Title: As the Sun Sets

This story totally ROCKS! Pleaze pleaze update soon!

Reviewer: Stephanie Anonymous Date: 06/22/2007 - 10:28 pm Title: As the Sun Sets

I just love this story. Please, please, PLEASE right chapter 21 soon!! Thanks!

Reviewer: spikes_wish Anonymous Date: 06/19/2007 - 04:12 pm Title: As the Sun Sets

Ohmigosh you cant just leave it there! I notice u havent updated in a while- if ur not writing it anymore is there any chance there's more on another archive, maybe?

Reviewer: Lina B Anonymous Date: 06/16/2007 - 06:54 am Title: As the Sun Sets

I just read this whole story in one go, and I think it's definitely my most favorite Spuffy AU out there. Any chance you'll be updating? I really hope so. Thanks.

Reviewer: Mangagirl Anonymous Date: 05/24/2007 - 08:05 pm Title: As the Sun Sets

Is this fic being updated? I'm A-DDIC-TED. Seriously. I love it. Love it. Love it. And yes I sound like a broken record but I LOVE IT. Please update soon?

Reviewer: Mia Anonymous Date: 05/21/2007 - 04:44 am Title: As the Sun Sets

Hiya, I was told that you would in fact be finishing this fic and you haven't abandoned it, you're just not happy with how its going. Is this true? PLEASE tell me you're continuing with it. See how many reviews you've got for this chapter alone? That's how much people want you to finish it. It's such a great fic, I can't even tell you. We'd all love it if you could please please update. Thanks

Reviewer: Mal Anonymous Date: 05/17/2007 - 01:29 am Title: As the Sun Sets

awww...finally showing a softer side...update soon!!

Reviewer: Rouge Anonymous Date: 05/09/2007 - 12:53 pm Title: As the Sun Sets

Your story is so great, and, you know, you've really got to keep on writing it, 'cause everybody's pouting.

Reviewer: aj Anonymous Date: 05/07/2007 - 08:00 am Title: As the Sun Sets

write some more NOW jk, but seriously.

Reviewer: Buffylover Anonymous Date: 05/06/2007 - 04:10 am Title: As the Sun Sets

Why do people start stories and not finish them? It's very exasperating and I won't start one of your stories again. :(

Reviewer: Kallin Anonymous Date: 05/01/2007 - 03:38 pm Title: As the Sun Sets

such a great story, crossing my fingers for an update soon. I sooo want to know what happens!!

Reviewer: jas Anonymous Date: 04/23/2007 - 02:48 am Title: As the Sun Sets

please update soon, I miss your writing

Reviewer: Rouge Anonymous Date: 04/15/2007 - 12:36 pm Title: As the Sun Sets

I totally love this chapter, and don’t tell me that you won’t write more soon, because it’s a torture! Seriously, you’re bloody brilliant.

And I can’t believe that you wrote more! You have to go to http://www.bsdiaries.com/profile.php?user=pj and add your new chapters there, because I really thought that you didn’t update after chapter 16, and I was totally crushed. Go. Go and tell them that you've got more! People have to know! :)

Please write new chapters soon. Can’t bear the thought, that you would stop.

P.S. Loved your story. Never, ever, ever end it, and write every day. Hugs!

- Rouge, your forever stalking fan

Reviewer: Steph Anonymous Date: 03/11/2007 - 01:38 pm Title: As the Sun Sets

Waa please update asap!! I've been waiting forever! It's killing me with this cliff-hanger! (no pun intended.)

Reviewer: Whisk Anonymous Date: 03/04/2007 - 11:46 pm Title: As the Sun Sets

Ahhhhhh OMG update soon!!!!!1!!!111

Reviewer: Kat Anonymous Date: 03/04/2007 - 11:24 am Title: As the Sun Sets

Please write more! It's so good!

Reviewer: Flashes Anonymous Date: 02/16/2007 - 09:05 pm Title: As the Sun Sets

Ughhhhhhhh! Ahhhhhh! You can't just leave it there! I'm dying to know what she says or what he does or what happens next! Such a cliffhanger I am left screaming for more more more.

Reviewer: SilentOne2K Anonymous Date: 02/13/2007 - 01:47 pm Title: As the Sun Sets

A friend told me to check out this story cause I was looking for something different to read and God this story has it all and more. I see its been a while on updates but I hope you continue with it from where you left off it just has so much going for it and you are a gifted writer; had me hanging on the egde of my seat almost every chapter. Killer cliff hanger though!!!
Hope you add more when you can.

Reviewer: Jenny Anonymous Date: 01/27/2007 - 09:48 pm Title: As the Sun Sets

You're absolutely evil! How could you just leave it like that...we're dying here!!!!
Love this story!!! Can't wait for more.

Reviewer: JCD Anonymous Date: 01/26/2007 - 08:45 pm Title: As the Sun Sets

Sooooooooooooo good please add more soon!!!!

Reviewer: Little_Sea_Horse Anonymous Date: 01/23/2007 - 03:40 pm Title: As the Sun Sets

Please add more this is my favorite epic fan fiction on all of the board no other story comes close to the greatness of this one it stands alone. Please do not give up on it.

Reviewer: steph Anonymous Date: 01/23/2007 - 09:18 am Title: As the Sun Sets

waaa review!