Reviewer: SeaPea
Date: 04/05/2010 - 08:16 pm
Title: Chapter 2
I'm sure I've passed by Redwood City. Anyway, I love this. I'm liking Faith here. Nice to see her and Andrew working together - it must frustrate the heck out of Faith!
Author's Response: Yeah, RWC is a sleepy little suburb. More restaurants than housing, I swear. Working with Andrew is driving Faith crazy, but I think he's the only one Buffy wouldn't be suspicious of getting set up--and the only one who would consider doing it!
Reviewer: AMI Signed
Date: 04/05/2010 - 12:27 am
Title: Chapter 2
I'm enjoying this alot. i love the Spike/Faith relationship.I'm really starting to like Faith alot more now.Buffy is of course Buffy, still afraid of what she feels for Spike. She misses him ,but hasn't tried to talk to him. Oh Buffy.
And I really, really like this Spike. :)
Can't wait for more, especially the road trip to NO.
More soon plz.
Reviewer: lori
Date: 04/04/2010 - 11:30 pm
Title: Chapter 2
Really digging the budding friendship between Faith and Spike. I especially like the lust Faith had for smokes OVER Spike. This fic is something I think was missing from canon--kindred spirits making it in the world. Great update.
Author's Response: *blushes* You always leave the best reviews. I think the big reasons I wanted to write this was to pen a quieter, more mature Spuffy post-series reunion fic and to upend the usual boundaries of Spaith interaction. Much as I think they'd make a fun couple, I think they'd work much better as friends. Maybe the cuddly are they-aren't they? kinda friends but friends nonetheless. And yeah, I agree, canon fumbled the interpersonal relationships ball quite a few times. I'm still sad that the series ended before we could see Faith really grow into the role model that she really could have become.
Reviewer: AMI
Date: 03/22/2010 - 07:27 pm
Title: Chapter 1
I'm liking this story so far. I like your Faith, trying to bring these two 2gether. So five yrs have passed huh? Wow...I don't blame Spike, Buffy could have contacted him and so could the others, he wasn't exactly hiding.
Does Spike have a gf, cause there's a Spike/Other warning. Or is it gonna be Faith?
Can't wait to see what happens next...I hope Spike doesn't have to beg or apologize constanly to Buffy. I like a strong Spike, and you see to have him written this way. :)
btw...I had trouble reading cause the text was so small, and even the large button didn't change it. I don't know if you can do anything about that.
More soon plz.
Author's Response: The Spike/Other is for any UST that might crop up between Spike/Faith. The way they interact in my head can be rather...flirty at times. Ah, I'll just try to use a larger a font for the next chapter. I typed up half of it on a MS Word and the other half with Appleworks so there were some formatting issues. Oh yes, and thanks! I like Spike strong too. I think Buffy needs to do a bit of apologizing but I don't know...I'll just let it flow.
Reviewer: All4Spike Signed
Date: 03/22/2010 - 03:54 pm
Title: Chapter 1
Damn, got the code wrong and the thingy ate my review. What did I say? Um... loved it - loved the way you have Spike pointing out that nobody could be bothered to contact him which Buffy could have if she'd wanted to. His presence in LA with Angel wasn't exactly a secret and he hasn't exactly been lying low since.
Author's Response: Thanks, the next chapter goes into why Buffy didn't get into contact with him. It's not a spoiler if I say it's the same old shit, right? (lol)
Reviewer: total geek
Date: 03/21/2010 - 10:01 pm
Title: Chapter 1
i dont usually read post chosen fics but i enjoyed this ill be keepin an eye open for the nxt chap
Reviewer: lori
Date: 03/21/2010 - 07:41 pm
Title: Chapter 1
This fic is going to rock so hard. Starting off with Faith and Spike all grown up shows the love you have for the Whedon!verse. Spike is still William --I mean, cup of coffee with the victims?-- and just chillin' watching Faith kick ass? totally the Big Bad.
The quiet moments that you gave Faith--really understanding Buffy despite the terse, Allbusiness!Buffy speak, and her internal, "I'm weird, too" were really what showed me that you're writing a more grounded and grown-up Faith. I like that you still have her paired up with Robin and not just because of wanting Spuffy in the future of this fic; she deserves someone who will stand by her side.
I wasn't worried at all about your A/N notes at the beginning. Both Spike and Faith are very sexual creatures and would no doubt be combustable in the sack, but they have UST because they're kindred spirits and know what it means to be on a redemptive path.
Totally loving this fic. Can't wait for more!.
Author's Response: Thank you. As much as a part of me likes Faith/Spike as a couple I think they'd work better as friends. (that happen to flirt shamelessly with one another but hey, who doesn't have a friend like that?) As for Robin, I may not have always liked him as a character, but I got a good feeling about him and Faith. He's a good guy with just enough of a edge to keep her interested. ;)