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05/18/17 04:16 am
pj! I remember wishing one of your stories would be finished seriously about a decade ago. Amazing. I just tried an old password I used to use and amazingly got in too. Memories!
03/20/17 01:20 am
10 yrs later, i finally rem my username and password. Pari, you rock. Hope you are well.
12/23/16 01:12 pm
I donate every month. Please donate to keep this site up!
10/06/16 08:34 am
Great post.
08/31/16 03:45 pm
And anyone else who loves this site, it's worth mentioning there's a nifty little "Donate" option just below the shout box here! ;)
08/31/16 03:43 pm
Just wanted to take a moment to thank Pari and all the mods for maintaining such a great site!


Author's Corner

Reviewer: Bella Anonymous Date: 10/02/2005 - 04:10 am Title: Chapter Twenty

Ralph and leroy......Herdmans mayhap?

Reviewer: Erin Anonymous Date: 09/10/2005 - 06:38 pm Title: Chapter Twenty-Seven

Wonderful story. Couldnt stop reading. Keep up the great work!!

Reviewer: Karen Anonymous Date: 09/07/2005 - 09:12 pm Title: Chapter Twenty-Seven

Bravo! Excellent job on your fic. I loved each and every chapter.

Reviewer: Crystal Pegasus Signed Date: 09/06/2005 - 09:56 pm Title: Chapter Twenty-Seven

Love the themed hotel rooms! very nice ending (but oh so sad that it has to end). thanks for the wonderful tale. I was totally entertained from start to finish.

Reviewer: Crystal Pegasus Signed Date: 09/06/2005 - 09:53 pm Title: Chapter Twenty-Six

I really wish Buffy would let Spike use Xander as a snack (on second thought - he'd probably leave a nasty taste - better just have willow skin him alive!) Love the tale. too bad it's almost over.

Reviewer: Beth J Anonymous Date: 09/06/2005 - 05:13 pm Title: Chapter Twenty-Seven

I read this all in one sitting and can honestly say that I loved it. Things I might have overlooked had I read this as it was updated wove together beautifully. And while the ending was certainly happy, it was realistic to this story. The Scoobs stand by each other, even when they disagree. I also want to add that I enjoy your stories and have for quite a while. Now, back to the shadows with me....

Reviewer: Cordykitten Signed Date: 09/06/2005 - 04:26 pm Title: Chapter Twenty-Seven

*sniff* so this is the end now *sigh* I loved reading if very much. A big thank you for writing it!

Reviewer: Roz Anonymous Date: 09/06/2005 - 04:09 pm Title: Chapter Twenty-Seven

Loved the ending of the story. have read it the whole way through and absolutely love it. Perhaps a sequel ... Or feed the other plot bunnies. I'm a happy camper xx

Reviewer: chris Anonymous Date: 09/06/2005 - 04:01 pm Title: Chapter Twenty-Seven

Great finish to a really fun fic....I really enjoyed reading it!!

Reviewer: Bridget Anonymous Date: 09/06/2005 - 01:36 pm Title: Chapter Twenty-Seven

Thank you for a great story and a happy ending.

Reviewer: sirc Anonymous Date: 09/06/2005 - 11:07 am Title: Chapter Twenty-Seven

*sigh*... too bad that it's over.. :(....When you post some new fic (maybe, possibly, in the near future?) I'm sure this smiley would turn upside-down!!

Reviewer: rockerbaby Anonymous Date: 09/06/2005 - 10:11 am Title: Chapter Twenty-Seven

Fabulous story! Sad to see it end but at the same time looking forward to reading more of your stories.

Reviewer: Brunettepet Signed Date: 09/06/2005 - 09:51 am Title: Chapter Twenty-Seven

Excellent wrap up to an entertaining and engaging story. Thanks for bringing Xander and Giles back into the fold, even grudgingly.

Reviewer: momzilla Anonymous Date: 09/06/2005 - 08:54 am Title: Chapter Twenty-Seven

Nine months or no, it was well worth the wait and the read. Thanks so much for the story. I hope to see more from you soon.

Reviewer: Heaven Anonymous Date: 09/06/2005 - 08:34 am Title: Chapter Twenty-Seven

Loved the last chapter just like I loved all the other ones....Can't wait to read something new:)

Reviewer: wolfspider Anonymous Date: 09/06/2005 - 08:03 am Title: Chapter Twenty-Seven

I loved it all. I think you wrapped up each thread well. I just can't believe it's over. Good for you and now you write more spuffy and fun. Great story Addie. It was brilliant

Reviewer: Chelsea Signed Date: 09/06/2005 - 01:32 am Title: Chapter Twenty-Seven

Awesome ending. This was one of the best Spuffy stories I've read! Great job!

Reviewer: dstarlit Anonymous Date: 09/05/2005 - 11:47 pm Title: Chapter Twenty-Seven

Thanks you! This story was a breath of freah air - I truly enjoyed it!

Reviewer: Mariana Anonymous Date: 09/05/2005 - 11:44 pm Title: Chapter Twenty-Seven

thanx so much!! this was a wonerful...though my corny side wanted for there to be a small bundle of joy...but loved the enda.. again thanx so much!!

Reviewer: braat44 Signed Date: 09/05/2005 - 11:26 pm Title: Chapter Twenty-Seven

I loved it! The whole thing, from beginning to end, was beautifully written. I can't wait to read more of your stories.

Reviewer: BuffyRat Signed Date: 09/05/2005 - 11:07 pm Title: Chapter Twenty-Seven

A fabulous and fitting end. Her friends are working towards acceptence, but aren't quite there, and Spike is working on accepting them. And Spike and Buffy are just too damn cute... but the nautical themed honeymoon suite... that's so amazingly brilliant! I think I may just go and read the whole thing from the beginning... right now. I loved this fic so much, and I will willingly follow your plot bunnies where ever they go. You are a very talented writer. Thank you so much for sharing, it brought me a lot of joy.

Reviewer: demonica mills Anonymous Date: 09/05/2005 - 09:33 pm Title: Chapter Twenty-Seven

yay you for finishing! good job!

Reviewer: demona424 Anonymous Date: 09/05/2005 - 08:58 pm Title: Chapter Twenty-Seven

Great story! It was such a fun read. Sad to see it go, but it was a pleasure while it lasted. I'm glad the scoobies, saw the error of their ways, even if they are reluctant. I can't wait to see what other stories you have in mind.

Reviewer: Niamh Anonymous Date: 09/05/2005 - 08:50 pm Title: Chapter Twenty-Seven

Okay. . so I loved it. And Yeah, I'm taking credit for all the. . you did a wonderful job with the whole story. . . really, truly. I loved it.

Reviewer: DK Anonymous Date: 09/05/2005 - 08:33 pm Title: Chapter Twenty-Seven

Great ending, no dusting. Like the suite, fits the theme. I have really enjoyed reading and reviewing this story, Thank you for sharing.