Reviewer: nmcil Signed
Date: 05/10/2017 - 09:49 am
Title: Chapter 26
Glad you brought in the reality of the obvious troubles that they would have with Spike losing his powers.
Reviewer: nmcil Signed
Date: 05/10/2017 - 12:42 am
Title: Chapter 17
Super Neat Story - glad I decided to read it again.
Reviewer: nmcil Signed
Date: 05/09/2017 - 08:29 pm
Title: Chapter 9
Read this before - enjoying it just as much this time.
Reviewer: nmcil Signed
Date: 05/09/2017 - 05:54 pm
Title: Chapter 5
Having this OC and giving Xander a new girlfriend is nice - poor Xander so often gets the full out "jerk" treatment. Nice for a change.
Reviewer: nmcil Signed
Date: 05/09/2017 - 03:35 pm
Title: Chapter 3
Love what you are doing with the vampire bite mythos and how you used it with Angel imposing himself into Buffy's life in such an extreme way.
Reviewer: Mars
Date: 03/08/2014 - 05:56 am
Title: Chapter 27
Thanks for writing this, it was great! I loved the idea of a human and weak spike and the problems of inferiority. It's so real in relationships. I love them working through their problems and coming up with new solutions. It's beautiful.
I liked Dev. She'd be an awesome friend. But after the first couple of chapters I skimmed through most of her sub-plot. :-/ Side stories don't grasp my attention very long, especially when they're original characters.
Lastly. Absolutely loved Harmony!
Author's Response: Thanks for the review and for your honesty!
Reviewer: ScarlettDuck Signed
Date: 02/17/2014 - 06:35 pm
Title: Chapter 27
Wow, fantastic story. You're such a great writer. Would love to know how to find your original work...
Author's Response: Thank you! I wrote a story called, "One Lucky Night," under the name Grace Teague that you can find on Amazon.
Reviewer: Noelle Signed
Date: 05/21/2012 - 09:52 pm
Title: Chapter 27
I just caught up with this story over the past fee days. Absolutely loved it! I love how you always make fhe characters your own, but at the same time they're so in-character. My heart broke a little for each character at one point during this fic, and I loved how you left off. Can't wait to see what you've got in store for us next!
Author's Response: Thanks so much for the comment! I love the characters on Buffy, obviously, and I'm glad you felt for everybody. I was trying not to make anyone an unambiguous villain. It means a lot to me that you felt I succeeded.
Reviewer: The Enemy of Reality Signed
Date: 05/19/2012 - 12:01 am
Title: Chapter 27
Ooh, I did not expect that scene at the end! Harmony and Faith. Now that's a thought! :D Also, thanks for the scorching scene between Buffy and Spike. ;) Spike definitely knows how to go about satisfying the Slayer, vampire or not. This entire story was amazing and I enjoyed every bit of it!!! Hope we'll see more of your amazing writing soon. :)
Author's Response: I'm glad you liked it, thanks for commenting!
Reviewer: The Enemy of Reality Signed
Date: 05/18/2012 - 11:49 pm
Title: Chapter 26
I suppose Spike can relate to Riley right now, but we all know that even human, Spike can give Buffy a lot more than Riley ever could. I'm curious to see how they come overcome this hurdle! :)
Author's Response: I hope your curiosity is satisfied. ;)
Reviewer: The Enemy of Reality Signed
Date: 05/18/2012 - 11:37 pm
Title: Chapter 25
Finally finished my uni stuff and now I can catch up to this fantastic story! I'm glad Willow decided to take responsibility to her actions and end the spell. Yay for growing up!
Author's Response: You're so sweet, thank you!!!
Reviewer: BuffyRat
Date: 05/17/2012 - 02:16 am
Title: Chapter 27
Spike, the sexual problem solver. Glad he got her back. Can't imagine a world where love isn't enough for those two. And Faith, Harmony, and Graham. :) Don't feel so bad for Faith getting tied up with the initiative if she's got fun threesome backup. :) Fun story. Thanks for sharing. Oh, btw... Do you think, Dav and Giles are gonna have a girl, or a boy?
Author's Response: I think Spike would be a creative genius when it came to sex, and that was my inspiration. Also, I think love is enough to carry you through the tough parts, as long as you have two devoted people, and those two definitely are. Faith is definitely having a lot of fun. I hope someone writes, "Harmony Kendall, in the Army Now!" It would be the dirtiest story of all time. Giles and Dav are having a girl, no question. They're going to name her Celeste. And that's about all I've got. Thanks so much for the comments!!!
Reviewer: gopher101
Date: 05/17/2012 - 01:42 am
Title: Chapter 27
That last bit had me cracking up laughing. A Faith,harmony/Graham relationship. Giggles.
Loved the way you ended it, it just seemed right.
Author's Response: I thought it was funny, too! Glad you liked the ending and thanks for commenting.
Reviewer: Cavemenftw
Date: 05/10/2012 - 01:37 am
Title: Chapter 26
I honestly thought that was the ending, and was kinda OK with that.
I'm glad it's not, but I have zero problem with ambiguous endings.
PS. Thank You, because I kinda love Tara.
Author's Response: I am glad you love Tara!! The ending isn't a neat wrap up, but it does bring things full circle. Hopefully. Thanks for the comments!
Reviewer: Cavemenftw
Date: 05/09/2012 - 03:37 am
Title: Chapter 26
Well first off, that was one of the best pieces of fanfic I've read in quite a while.
Now a but.... But my god that was bittersweet. Maybe just bitter...nope, nope there was some sweet in there.
Whew that was tough. Everyone kinda got stomped on there. So we'll written though.
Author's Response: Thanks for the compliment! There's a lot of sweetness, despite all the sad. Giles and Dav are going to have a baby, Buffy and Spike are going to work it out and Andrew and Eddie are really happy. Xander and Willow are sad, but they are going to be okay. Plus Tara and Anya aren't dead. My vow to you is that I will never, ever kill Tara.
Reviewer: Cavemenftw
Date: 05/08/2012 - 11:47 pm
Title: Chapter 13
I started to read this story a while back but aborted due to a tiring of initiative based stories.
After reading a handful of mostly underwhelming fics since, and remembering how much I had enjoyed your writing style, I had to come back and see what I'd missed.
Might I just say, Wow.
Amazing, amazing chapter here.
I didn't see most of that coming. I always feel like that is the best thing I can say about a writer in any medium. So I'm gonna say again I didn't see most of what has happened I. This chapter coming.
I'm gonna work on finishing this story over the next couple nights, I just wanted to thank you for the compelling read.
Also, your friends I'm not sure exactly what to make of Doctor Oliver. Sometimes he reads like a creepily conscience free antagonist, while at other times he reads kinda guilt ridden about the role he's played in the treatment of both Buffy and Spike, as well as about the function of the Initiative itself. (all while remaining kinda creepy.)
Scientific detachment, interspersed with spots of actual empathy from a man unused to the emotion maybe?
Great story thus far anyway.
Author's Response: Wow, thanks for taking another look at this one. I wanted to mention what happens in this chapter, but didn't want to leave spoilers on the comment page. Anyway, I'm so flattered that you liked this. Dr. Oliver's main goal is to protect Maggie. He doesn't like what she's doing, but in the end he'll sacrifice anything or anyone for her.
Reviewer: kelticmoon Signed
Date: 05/08/2012 - 01:35 pm
Title: Chapter 26
I like this story a lot . Is spike going to go back to being a vampire? I think he should. But that's ok if you don't turn him.
Author's Response: I will let you know in the next chapter!
Reviewer: BuffyRat
Date: 05/07/2012 - 11:42 pm
Title: Chapter 26
Poor insecure Spike. Makes sense that there is something missing when he becomes human. I have faith that they can overcome. And Giles and Dav with a mini watcher on the way! I wonder if they make tweed in infant size. :) Hope Xander manages to find what he is looking for, too. No Dav, no Willow... Time to find himself. Hope he does. Update soon!
Author's Response: Thanks so much for the comment.
Reviewer: BuffyRat
Date: 05/01/2012 - 01:30 am
Title: Chapter 25
Lots o' trauma going on here, Hope not too much has followed them back from Giles. Damn Initiative. And Xander, what will he say... Stupid magic. Glad to see more of this. Update soon!
Author's Response: Thanks so much for the comment! You win a prize for being the two-hundredth commenter. E-mail me.
Reviewer: G
Date: 04/29/2012 - 02:20 pm
Title: Chapter 25
Xander is going to mad mad, but he has a complete right to be.
Who would have the guessed the messed up relationships would have been non-spuffy.
I love how Giles had a picture of Buffy in his study, sweet.
Author's Response: The picture was a call back to an earlier chapter when Spike was rifling through Giles' study. Glad you like the messed up relationships! Thanks so much for the comment.
Reviewer: Demona424
Date: 04/28/2012 - 02:55 pm
Title: Chapter 25
This chapter was heartbreaking in so many ways. How do I count the ways! Poor Giles, the passion and love he feels for Davina and his realization that he took advantage. I don't think he exactly took advantage, but she wasn't in a good spot to make the most...clear..decisions. And oh, the books! I would be distraught if I was Giles. How awful!
And then there is Willow. Poor Willow. Somehow you made me feel sorry for her! I was all "Ugh, that Willow" but then you made my heart break for her. She just wants to be loved so bad, she's willing to do anything including destroy her lifelong friendship with Xander.
So happy to see an update!
Author's Response: Thank you so much for the comment.
Reviewer: Cavemenftw
Date: 03/28/2012 - 04:26 am
Title: Chapter 10
Yeah, I just didn't feel like reading about the subject, I think your writing style is pretty visceral and engaging. You capture character and keep a nice pace.
That last review really came off the wrong way. Sorry about that.
Author's Response: No problem. You weren't really insulting, I just had no idea how to respond. It's kind of like when my mom tells people that don't like potato salad that they don't know until they've tried HER potato salad. I think they know. You're just not an Initiative fan. It's cool. Thanks for commenting!
Reviewer: Cavemenftw
Date: 03/19/2012 - 09:12 pm
Title: Chapter 10
Loved the story until the Initiative became a factor. Far too many stories use them. I liked the writing though.
Author's Response: I don't really know how to respond to that. Thanks for liking the first half?
Author's Response: I've never written about the Initiative before, this was my take on that whole season.
Reviewer: The Enemy of Reality Signed
Date: 01/27/2012 - 04:12 pm
Title: Chapter 24
Ah, Willow, she's definitely done something... again. Sometimes baking cookies just can't make everything better. Loved Buffy saying 'monkey butler'! Such a Buffy-ism. :D Can't wait to read more and see how all the relationships will develop!! Finally getting to read this has vastly improved my stressful week. Thank you for posting!! :)
Author's Response: Cookies go a long way, but there are some things that can't be fixed with carbo loading. Thanks so much for commenting!
Reviewer: Passion4Spike Signed
Date: 01/26/2012 - 06:19 pm
Title: Chapter 24
Oh, just as I feared, Willow did something to Xander's little squishy pink brain. I've been waiting for Spike to look in a mirror ... heehee! He'll probably want to install one above his bed now. Sounds like Willow is going down that very bad road of too much magic, wonder how Giles will deal ... and how she'll deal with being dealt with.
Author's Response: Thanks for the comment! The mirror above the bed sounds fun.