Reviewer: Spuffy_obsessed Signed
Date: 11/01/2009 - 08:33 pm
Title: Sunnydale, 1998
I loved the twist on this. Most people just go straight for the cliche ending of him turning her and they living happily ever after especially in stories where they first meet but in this story, especially in the wish verse Spike had no ties to Buffy. She wasn't some extroidinary slayer because she hadn't done anything great in the wish verse, and he didn't have the time to love her or have reason to. Yeah in the show it was obvious Spike was attracted to her at first sight, but just like in your story it was all about intrigue and sexual attraction at first sight, no doubt if this situation happened in the regular canon the first time they ever met he'd kill her and go back to Drusilla. Great story, loved it. Probably the only one shot I've ever truly been awed by.
Author's Response: Yay! You got it! You know exactly what I was trying to portray in this fic, which makes me really happy! I'm soooo glad you liked it and were moved by it! Thanks so much for your thoughts!
Reviewer: alison cantrell
Date: 07/09/2009 - 08:52 am
Title: Sunnydale, 1998
Loved it!!! Really nice twist at the end and such hot shagging!!
Author's Response: Wow, haven't gotten a review for this fic in a while. I'm glad you enjoyed! I'm glad you reviewed, made my day that my less than new fics are still being read and reviewed = ) *hugs*
Reviewer: yubi
Date: 06/28/2009 - 01:56 pm
Title: Sunnydale, 1998
darn i kinda wanted him to through with it but honestly, its more realistic this way. absolutely luved this story.
Author's Response: LOl I was going to have him turn her, but thought that this would be the Spike thing to do if he hadnt met Buffy before. I am glad you loved it! Thanks for reviewing.
Reviewer: lori
Date: 06/14/2009 - 02:19 am
Title: Sunnydale, 1998
Hmm...go for the pain or the kill? Well, if it's evil Spike, then it's definitely both. I thoroughly enjoyed this AU. Since it's a one-shot, it's worth exploring how unaffected Spike can be. This Buffy holds no sassy appeal for him--she is without her shampoo commercial hair, and her friends--exactly what made her such a different slayer and hard-to-kill in the first place. Also, an Angel-less world makes Spike top-dog and without competition for Dru.
I do have to admit that you put a hair-line fracture in my heart to read how callous Spike was in destroying Buffy's hope for a different kind of freedom which ultimately means that YOUR STORY WAS AWESOME!
Author's Response: I LOVED YOUR REVIEW!! This is an awesome review. You captured EVERYTHING I wanted the reader to get when reading this fic. Spike is top-dog and supremely evil. Buffy is a dullish slayer, none of that fire and vibrance the real Buffy had. I'm sorry it made you sad, but I wanted to shock people lol I shocked alot of people with it lol. I'm sooo glad you loved it!! Thanks sooo much for the AWESOME review! *hugs and squishes*
Reviewer: xaphania Signed
Date: 06/11/2009 - 10:49 am
Title: Sunnydale, 1998
Definitely a very different take on Spuffy, you wrote quite a shocking ending considering we're generally used to (mostly) happy and together Spike and Buffy. But I do think it works here because Spike without the experiences of S2 would think nothing of doing this. Slayer of slayers, it's what he does.
Anyway, really liked what you did with this idea even if there was no happy Spuffy ending!
Author's Response: Heehee I am glad you liked it. I was sooo nervous about this, because it's such a different take. I dont think I would have came up with this idea if both of us haadnt watched The Wish yesterday and talked about it lol. Some people like it and some people dont lol One person called it intense on EF haha. It is sort of. Thanks for beta'ing and the banner too, hun the banner is awesome. Thanks for reviewing.
Reviewer: CallMeKitten Signed
Date: 06/11/2009 - 10:25 am
Title: Sunnydale, 1998
Very different. Its nice to see you branching out :) I liked your Spike characterization very much, and was a little shocked by the ending!
Author's Response: Yup, I thought it was different too. I like branching out.. makes me come up with new and good things like this lol. I thought the Spike chacterization was really good too, got his evil pre-buffy side good. They don't even know each others names lol. Sorry about the ending, but it opened it up for a sequel in a weird supernatural way lol. Thanks for reviewing.
Reviewer: PaganBaby Signed
Date: 06/11/2009 - 12:23 am
Title: Sunnydale, 1998
Well, I can't say that I'm pleased with how it ended (I always want that happy or even semi-happy Spuffy ending lol), but it was a neat story. It's great that you're trying new stories and coming up with surprising plot twists :D
Uber-angsty, but well done :) I need to read one of your more lighthearted fics now, I think lol
Author's Response: Heehee sorry PB! Its happy for Spike I gues... and Buffy got her semi wish.. she is dead and doesnt have to deal with her life anymore... but I think I might make a sequel (thanks to brett and making me think of a pretty good one) and it will be less angsty. I am glad you thought the writing was good tho. heehee go read something fluffy.
Reviewer: Brett
Date: 06/11/2009 - 12:17 am
Title: Sunnydale, 1998
LOL Brilliant. What a great one shot. Cruel world..but at least Buffy is finished. Done and all that rot now. I would love more of this...Like he actually turns her. I love dark the wish spuffy.
Author's Response: Hmmm.... Maybe I will make a longer fic with an alternate ending... Spike starts dreaming of her and stuff wanting her and starts to regret killing her... then something happens a time loop or something and he gets thrown into the past and he changes what happens lol. Hmmm... Maybe. I am glad you liked this. Thanks for reviewing.
Reviewer: Anonymous
Date: 06/11/2009 - 12:10 am
Title: Sunnydale, 1998
Author's Response: And again...
Reviewer: Anonymous
Date: 06/11/2009 - 12:09 am
Title: Sunnydale, 1998
Author's Response: No review again....
Reviewer: Anonymous
Date: 06/11/2009 - 12:03 am
Title: Sunnydale, 1998
Author's Response: There is no review? Again... odd..
Reviewer: msspikester Signed
Date: 06/10/2009 - 10:22 pm
Title: Sunnydale, 1998
Interesting turn of events. Quite well done!
Author's Response: Thanks. I'm glad you liked it. I was really nervous about this fic, not knowing how it would turn out you know? I think it's an alright fic, something I would like, you know? But I cant talk for everyone else lol. Thanks sooo much for reviewing and telling me how you feel about it.