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05/18/17 04:16 am
pj! I remember wishing one of your stories would be finished seriously about a decade ago. Amazing. I just tried an old password I used to use and amazingly got in too. Memories!
03/20/17 01:20 am
10 yrs later, i finally rem my username and password. Pari, you rock. Hope you are well.
12/23/16 01:12 pm
I donate every month. Please donate to keep this site up!
10/06/16 08:34 am
Great post.
08/31/16 03:45 pm
And anyone else who loves this site, it's worth mentioning there's a nifty little "Donate" option just below the shout box here! ;)
08/31/16 03:43 pm
Just wanted to take a moment to thank Pari and all the mods for maintaining such a great site!


Author's Corner

Reviews For The Olympian
Reviewer: ScarlettDuck Signed Date: 06/19/2012 - 01:59 pm Title: The Olympian

Hot, if a bit fanastic!

Reviewer: xoChantelly Signed Date: 05/01/2009 - 03:38 am Title: The Olympian

Wooooot! Damn, that was hott, burnkitty! I liked how he was all nervous at the end. Awesome for Buffy's gold medal!

This was great and original. I really enjoyed it = )

Reviewer: Duchess Michelle Signed Date: 11/27/2008 - 09:30 pm Title: The Olympian

I liked it a lot!!

Reviewer: laura_exist2inspire Anonymous Date: 08/28/2008 - 05:45 pm Title: The Olympian

Loved it!!! Knew the Olympics were on for a reason lol a truly great Spuffy moment. The sex was hot and sweet at the same time. Fantastic!!!

Author's Response: Aww thank you! *blushes* It is a fair bit differently written then my other smut too I think. It was nice to do. Plus who else has a perfect body for flipping her tiny little arse all over the place? I think Buffy would be perfect as a gymnast! I'm glad you liked it, it means alot that you took the time to leave a review.

Reviewer: Porcelain-Shadow17 Anonymous Date: 08/28/2008 - 12:02 pm Title: The Olympian

interesting take on their... ahem... relationship.
Twas tres bon :)

Author's Response: Thanks for the review. I don't know what Twas tres bon means exactly but I hope it means something good.

Reviewer: Blackoberst Anonymous Date: 08/27/2008 - 06:44 am Title: The Olympian

Very hot and nice to see that they start dating at the end.

Author's Response: *skips* Oh I am so happy you like it! Maybe a 'get to know you' date and 'see where it leads even if its just back to that shower stall for more sex' date. *grins* Hell I don't think William would be complaining.

Reviewer: suzyq Anonymous Date: 08/26/2008 - 08:40 pm Title: The Olympian

yaay! i waiting for someone to do an olympics story. maybe this is a littttttle unbelievable, but definitely an a+. follow up? pretty pleasse? :)

Author's Response: I am actually quite suprised that no one else has done one. I tried to make it as realistic as I could though. Besides how else could you have hot shower sex? As for a follow up, I dunno. I have 2 WIPs atm and they are driving me in circles! Plus I don't know where I would go with it. But thank you for your beautiful words, they mean a lot.

Reviewer: gdo Anonymous Date: 08/26/2008 - 02:24 pm Title: The Olympian

that was a cute story.

Author's Response: Im glad you liked it, its fairly different from what I usually write so it was a nice change. Thank you for taking the time to review, it really means alot.

Reviewer: sarah g Anonymous Date: 08/25/2008 - 07:13 pm Title: The Olympian

hey sorry for the more part, it had it on the page that it wasnt complete and now it says it is, anyways the story kicked ass and cant wait to read more of your work

Author's Response: Yeah sorry my bad, I didn't realise until after the fic had been posted for a while. I'm glad you liked it and I just have to get my arse into gear and write more :D

Reviewer: cordykitten Signed Date: 08/25/2008 - 04:59 pm Title: The Olympian

Loved it :)
Wouldn't mind to

Author's Response: I'm glad you liked it but no more on this one hun, sorry. Sorry it has taken so long to answer back, my computer was being strange, but its all better now. Going to try and get into my other two wip's and get some done (even though that was what I was suppose to be doing when I wrote this one)

Reviewer: quirks Signed Date: 08/25/2008 - 01:40 pm Title: The Olympian

yummy! ;D
that's a better reward than the bling.

Author's Response: Yup! I think I would take hot shower sex over bling anyday too hun. Glad you enjoyed it.

Reviewer: Sam Anonymous Date: 08/25/2008 - 01:09 pm Title: The Olympian

Looks like they both struck gold!

Author's Response: Mmm. Yummy shower sex gold! Thank you for taking the time to review. Reviews make the muse smile...and occasionally sing.

Reviewer: Chris Anonymous Date: 08/25/2008 - 04:20 am Title: The Olympian

Like is not the right word ... more like....hmmmm..... love...yes I loved it! It was GrrrrrrrEAT! ;)

Author's Response: *squeeee* Oh I am so glad you liked it! Nothing like a round of shower sex to get your heart going! Thank you for taking the time to review it means alot (plus you can't wipe the smile off my face!)

Reviewer: jamies_lady Anonymous Date: 08/25/2008 - 03:24 am Title: The Olympian

lovely story, enjoyed, many thanks for sharing

Author's Response: Oh thank you for reviewing hun. You have totally made my day! I am glad you liked it too. *grins*

Reviewer: _3xy_ Signed Date: 08/25/2008 - 12:59 am Title: The Olympian

Mmm shower sex indeed... Hotness!!! I just kick started my day with your awesome smut! :D

Author's Response: YAY! Im glad you liked it, even if I haven't finished my other ones yet..*hides head*

Reviewer: sarah g Anonymous Date: 08/24/2008 - 09:46 pm Title: The Olympian


Author's Response: More? Omg your all going to be the death of me! *giggles* I'm glad you liked it though and thank you for taking the time to review it, you totally made my day.

Reviewer: fyreburned Anonymous Date: 08/24/2008 - 09:04 pm Title: The Olympian

Fantastic! (And you couldn't even pay me to watch a sporting event... well, I did watch soccer & rugby once or twice but was dating the goalie)...Enjoyed it lots, sweetie! Will look for more from you!

Author's Response: Aww thank you *blushes* I really enjoyed writing it too.

Reviewer: Lacune Anonymous Date: 08/24/2008 - 08:06 pm Title: The Olympian

Oh yes, she definitely struck gold! So much better than the Olympics, I hope there's more soon.

Author's Response: More? You think there could be more? Gosh...I wasn't thinking of writing anymore. And strike gold she did :D Thank you for taking the time to make my day.

Reviewer: Spikes_slayer08 Signed Date: 08/24/2008 - 07:48 pm Title: The Olympian

I loved it! awesome banner too *hugs*

Author's Response: Of course you liked it sis, coz I WROTE IT!! *laughs* The banner was heaps fun to make and I feel as though everything turned out good. Slowly getting to know the program more and more so bring on the fun with that.

Author's Response: Of course you liked it sis, coz I WROTE IT!! *laughs* The banner was heaps fun to make and I feel as though everything turned out good. Slowly getting to know the program more and more so bring on the fun with that. I can't believe you read it AGAIN!! But Im glad you did :D