Reviewer: sc
Date: 02/28/2008 - 09:33 pm
Title: Amends
that was an awesome story! and the plot was so original and creative. I loved every moment of it, and i'm gonna read some more of your fics! thanx for this great story!
Reviewer: Wikka Tara
Date: 01/14/2007 - 06:32 am
Title: Trust
i'm glad that William's ok with it. that makes me happy. I can't wait to read more!
Reviewer: Wikka Tara
Date: 01/14/2007 - 06:16 am
Title: Look at that lip....
good chappie!
Reviewer: WikkaTara
Date: 01/14/2007 - 06:01 am
Title: Cafeteria Chaos
I like how this is going, I really like it... so I'll go back to reading it right now. good story!
Reviewer: turnedbyspike Signed
Date: 11/06/2006 - 12:25 pm
Title: Epilogue
Beautiful ending, absolutely loved it! Excellent fic, I was on the edge of my seat the entire time!!!
Reviewer: turnedbyspike Signed
Date: 11/06/2006 - 12:16 pm
Title: Dust to dust
Wow! Dru and Angel are dust, and Spike can go in the sun! So now the question is, what is it that Jenny and Giles found?
Reviewer: turnedbyspike Signed
Date: 11/06/2006 - 12:11 pm
Title: Amends
YAY!!! So happy. Seriously, I'm like, on cloud nine here. Happy happy happy!!!
Reviewer: turnedbyspike Signed
Date: 11/06/2006 - 12:06 pm
Title: Alive
:-) so sweet! things are happy again! I love it!
Reviewer: turnedbyspike Signed
Date: 11/06/2006 - 12:03 pm
Title: Are we so different?
YAY!!! Oh thank you thank you thank you!!! it's going to be okay!!!!
Reviewer: turnedbyspike Signed
Date: 11/06/2006 - 11:57 am
Title: Primal part 2
Why did he run??? Things were perfect!!! Very hot there with the primal mating!
Reviewer: turnedbyspike Signed
Date: 11/06/2006 - 11:50 am
Title: Primal part 1
Ooh, the spell went better than I thought it would! It finally made them meet! Even if they are kinda out of their minds...
Reviewer: turnedbyspike Signed
Date: 11/06/2006 - 11:46 am
Title: Change of plans
NO!!! Ack, Willow's gonna make everything bad!!! please no!!!
Reviewer: turnedbyspike Signed
Date: 11/06/2006 - 11:41 am
Title: Underneath......
He needs to tell Buffy! SOMEONE needs to tell Buffy, and soon!!!
Reviewer: turnedbyspike Signed
Date: 11/06/2006 - 09:07 am
Title: A different need...
Oh yeah, he claimed her! So they're mated! So he NEEDS TO GO SEE HER!!!!
Reviewer: turnedbyspike Signed
Date: 11/06/2006 - 09:00 am
Title: Commonplace
He IS gonna go see Buffy, right? Not Dru? He HAS to go see Buffy!!!
Reviewer: turnedbyspike Signed
Date: 11/06/2006 - 08:55 am
Title: Ashes to ashes
He still has the light! er, his essence, or something...he needs to go find Buffy!!!
Reviewer: turnedbyspike Signed
Date: 11/06/2006 - 08:50 am
Title: He's Gone
Yeah, I understand why Jenny didn't tell Buffy, but I wish she had! and hey, is she gonna give him his soul, cause that'd be excellent!
Reviewer: turnedbyspike Signed
Date: 11/06/2006 - 08:45 am
Title: God help him
Oh no!!! no no no!!! Poor William, poor Buffy when she finds out...he'll still love her, though, right? not Dru?
Reviewer: turnedbyspike Signed
Date: 11/06/2006 - 08:40 am
Title: Everything we do is perfect
Yay! They made love!!! and they're so in love with each other, it's perfect!
Reviewer: turnedbyspike Signed
Date: 11/06/2006 - 08:33 am
Title: They did the monster mash/ Graveyard smash
Ha! Hilarious halloween--absolutely perfect!!!
Reviewer: turnedbyspike Signed
Date: 11/06/2006 - 08:24 am
Title: They did the mash.....
teehee--extra hot Spike/William!!! And now it's time for the spell...
Reviewer: turnedbyspike Signed
Date: 11/06/2006 - 08:18 am
Title: Getting ready to party
Aww, so sweet. Stupid Ethan--this halloween sure is gonna be interesting...
Reviewer: turnedbyspike Signed
Date: 11/06/2006 - 01:24 am
Title: 1902
YAYAYAY!!! So perfect! They love each other! and 1903, not 1902 thing was adorable!
Reviewer: turnedbyspike Signed
Date: 11/06/2006 - 01:17 am
Title: Trust
Yay! Now William knows, and he's gonna help with slaying! excellent!
Reviewer: turnedbyspike Signed
Date: 11/06/2006 - 01:12 am
Title: "Our veins: the glass they drink from"
Ha! nice line, William! Excellent chapter!