Reviewer: mbt shoes clearance kabisa
Date: 11/20/2013 - 02:33 am
Title: oneshot
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Reviewer: gdo
Date: 01/30/2010 - 09:41 pm
Title: oneshot
Hee. Though maybe add a joke by Angel about how Pattirson is really English but speaks with an American accent . Yeah, whole lot of plot holes in the series. I enjoyed.
Author's Response: Lol kinda like how James Marsters is American but speaks with a British accent? :D
Reviewer: BlueEyes
Date: 01/24/2010 - 05:42 pm
Title: oneshot
Go you - I have been reading the ridiculous non-Buffy Buffy comic. There are so much that do not mesh another example of the whole excuse of bringing and unskin dead Warren by claiming Amy saved him at the last minute did anyone not see him go up in flames after the skin removal. Then there is giving Buffy the ability to fly. Sure give her more power no problem after she died yet again and how did she just come back because falling from that height just as she had died before and Xander and Dawn ewww and Buffy becoming desperate enough to start thinking of Xander that way when there have so many past times that she could have and didn't. Not that I don't like Xander but as Buffy has always said he is like a brother her best friend and she just doesn't think of him that way and now she considers it because she catches him with Dawn. I do like the decoy theory at the very beginning of the comic story and I'm not crazy about her experiementing with Sanshu but I can give it a okay not crazy about it but fine but the rest is just becoming so unbelievable as well as non-Buffyish from the series on T.V. Plus I miss Spike.
Author's Response: The non-Buffy comics is exactly what they are ;). And you reminded me! I was going to complain that Warren was impersonated by the First, so he must be dead! It's such a shame that they went for the shock factor instead of staying loyal to the characters... I actually like Xander and Dawn together, but I was disgusted when Buffy went for Xander (and not just because ew...Buffy/Xander...;)), but what kind of creep goes after her sister's guy? plus, like Xander said, he was her last choice...even after the girls! I love the decoy idea- that's pretty much all I'll take as canon, but that's just because I didn't like TGIQ ;) And I miss Spike, too! :(((( :D
Reviewer: Spikelissa/BandS
Date: 01/24/2010 - 04:59 pm
Title: oneshot I the only one getting this??? This is hilarious! Loved it! Thanks for sharing...and I so stalked you! Giggles...I hope you come back to do another one-shot after this...this was great! I need a quick laugh...I'm definitely coming back to this...and Angel pompous as ever...He is definitely wearing that Halo well...giggles.
Author's Response: Lol look at you sending me loads of reviews! Much appreciated! :D Pompous Angel makes me laugh. ;)
Reviewer: Anonymous
Date: 01/24/2010 - 04:53 pm
Title: oneshot
Author's Response: This is a parody fic- it will probably only make sense if you read the comics and are up to date with all the spoilers, discussions, etc.