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05/18/17 04:16 am
pj! I remember wishing one of your stories would be finished seriously about a decade ago. Amazing. I just tried an old password I used to use and amazingly got in too. Memories!
03/20/17 01:20 am
10 yrs later, i finally rem my username and password. Pari, you rock. Hope you are well.
12/23/16 01:12 pm
I donate every month. Please donate to keep this site up!
10/06/16 08:34 am
Great post.
08/31/16 03:45 pm
And anyone else who loves this site, it's worth mentioning there's a nifty little "Donate" option just below the shout box here! ;)
08/31/16 03:43 pm
Just wanted to take a moment to thank Pari and all the mods for maintaining such a great site!


Author's Corner

[Reviews - 11]

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Authors Chapter Notes:
It's not very original, I know, but I thought I'd write at least one anyway.
Disclaimer: Buffy the Vampire Slayer and all characters begloning to it are in no way my creation and I make no money off of getting you all off. The Poem used in this fic is by William Butler Yeats.

Passion and Force, Part I

She was so fucking hot and tight. The slayer really did have muscles he had never dreamt of. Though he had dreamt of this moment many, many times it was nothing compared to the reality of her riding his cock into wild oblivion. Spike had to reign in every ounce of control just to keep from cumming at the sight of it.

They had fallen through the floor together, her legs wrapped around him. He had hit the cement floor of the strange basement with his back, taking all the impact. He was momentarily stunned, but nothing could keep his dick from remaining hard inside her tight little twat. Both of them were still fully clothed. Buffy’s hazel eyes were still locked on his, and he knew that his gaze showed every amount of amazement and awe that he felt.

He was there. It was real. He was actually between the Slayer’s legs, the scent of her arousal, her sweat and sweet perfume all around him. And damnit all, he was NOT going to waste this or let her forget this night, or who she had been with.

Feeling was returning to his legs. He bent them at the knee and rested his feet flat on the floor. He was then able to thrust up hard into her, making her gasp from the force of it and almost made her loose her balance. Her grip on him tightened, and she seemed to take it as a challenge, slamming herself down even harder on him, matching his force thrust for thrust.

Spike’s hands moved to her ankles. He unzipped her boots and let her kick them off herself. His hands then moved upward, pushing her skirt up around her waist before gripping and squeezing her backside. In response, Buffy squeezed the muscles of her pussy around him as she lowered herself onto his cock again, drawing out a long groan from him.

Growing impatient with the clothes that separated their bodies, Spike pushed Buffy’s arms up before yanking her shirt up and off. The shirt got caught in her hair, and soon Buffy was removing the pins and clips, letting her long golden hair cascade loosely around her shoulders and down her back. Spike’s fingers immediately moved through it, when he wasn’t watching it bounce while they fucked.

The Slayer was gasping and panting above him. She was so close…Spike pulled her down closer as if to kiss her, but instead trailed small kisses down her neck, making her gasp and press her hips hard against him. He could tell the skin was sensitive. He flicked his tongue back and forth over her jugular, wanting her to know the danger she would be in if he were anyone else; if he weren’t in love with her. He then scraped blunt teeth down the side of her neck and across her collarbone.

Buffy’s body had stiffened. The muscles of her cunt were squeezing him mercilessly and a rush of her juices coated his cock.

She was milking him with every squeeze, but he wouldn’t let himself go just yet. He wanted to make her legs shake and hear her scream. He wrapped an arm around the slayer, and then turned them over, forcing her onto her back on the floor. He kicked some of the debris out of the way and shrugged out of his coat. He tossed the coat aside before reaching down and grabbing hold of Buffy’s simple white bra and ripping the front of it open. She protested, but was quieted as soon as his mouth latched onto a nipple.

Stroking one nipple with his tongue, he teased the other with his fingers, rubbing, squeezing and even giving a hard pinch. She arched her back and gasped, half flailing beneath him.

Spike removed his cock from her core, even as his own body protested the separation. Buffy had pushed her little white thong to the side to allow room to ride him. Now it was coated with her juices. He grabbed hold of it and pulled it down her legs, then stuffed it into the back pocket of his open jeans.

He had nothing but his open jeans and his tight black T-shirt left, but he paid no attention to what he had on. The slayer was lying mostly naked beneath him and he was taking a moment to explore her beauty, to enjoy the sight of her. She, however, was obviously growing impatient with it and grabbed hold of his arms, yanking him closer. He was on top of her again, her legs wrapped around him

Needing no more encouragement, Spike positioned himself properly…then thrust his still hard and throbbing cock into her tight little quim. He heard her cry out in a mix of pleasure and pain as she brought her hips up to meet him. He immediately took on a quick and hard pace, slamming his hips into hers. Buffy was clawing at his back and shoulders, and then brought her hands around to his chest. She grabbed hold of his shirt by the collar before ripping it open down the front. Spike hastily shed the pieces that were left, leaving his bare chest and abdomen at her mercy.

Her nails raked across his chest and he drew in a hiss of pleasure. His thrusts grew more frantic, pounding himself into her body wildly. She was moaning loudly now, her legs wrapping tighter around him. She bit her bottom lip and shook her head back and forth to keep from screaming out his name, a barbaric pleasure racing through her with every brutal thrust of his cock.

Spike suddenly slowed his pace, nearly stopping. Buffy gasped and clawed at his shoulder blades in protest. He grabbed hold of her hair again, pulling her head to the side and whispering into her ear.

“Cor, slayer. You’re so tight. Do you like how hard I fuck you?” To prove his point, he drew out of her and thrust himself back in hard, making her breasts bounce with the force of it.

Buffy cried out and gripped him harder, bringing her hips up to meet his. “Oh god…” She was panting again, and then whimpering when he stopped moving.

“That’s it, luv. Show me how much you want it.” He suckled on her earlobe, and then pulled it on gently with his teeth. One of his hands moved slowly between their bodies until a fingertip found her clit. He grinned as he watched her eyes widen and her mouth fly open in a silent gasp. “Tell me you want me to fuck you.”

Any other time he would have gotten a nose full of slayer fist, but now Buffy was desperately in need of the climax that was coming on, and Spike knew it. He reveled in the noises of pleasure she made and the way her body writhed beneath him.

“Oh god…” she shook her head; as if she would try not to give in. “Fuck…” she finally surrendered. “Hard, Spike. Please, oh god, fuck me hard!”

Spike wouldn’t have been able to resist if he tried. He slammed his cock back into her tight little cunt. He put one hand under her backside to force her hips up to meet each brutal thrust, even though she was moving her hips against him just fine on her own. Spike wasn’t sure how much longer he could hold on, so he used his fingertip to tease and toy with her clit. He could feel every shudder of pleasure as he fucked her mercilessly, pounding her into the ground and listening as she threw her head back and practically screamed in pleasure.

His orgasm hit the moment hers did. He pulled himself out of her body as she shook and shuddered beneath him. He shot his cool, dead seed onto her stomach, gritting his teeth and groaning in his release.


Neither of them could move. Their legs didn’t have much feeling left in them. Spike’s body half covered Buffy’s. His head rested on her shoulder.

Spike could tell that the slayer’s senses were returning to her. Her body was stiffening beneath him. Buffy was looking anywhere but his face. She looked down at their bodies and something akin to dawning horror was creeping into her expression. Spike, however, would have none of it. He began to push his pants down over his hips, undid his shoes and removed them and his socks, and then started to kick the pants off.

This must have told Buffy that he didn’t intend for the night to be over. As Spike shifted until she was able to see his cum on her belly and his cock hardening all over again. It was becoming all too real. Spike saw her shake her head right before he was shoved off of her.

As Buffy scrambled backwards Spike grabbed the skirt bunched around her waist. He yanked it down her legs and pulled it off even as she kicked out at him.

“Stop! Don’t-!”

“I’m not done with you yet.” Spike insisted, slowly crawling towards her retreating form, a hungry and feral look on his face. “I haven’t even tasted you…”

Mistaking his meaning completely, Buffy kicked out at him again, this time hitting his face and sending him sprawling onto his back. She then quickly scrambled off of the floor, for a moment forgetting her clothes completely as she headed for the half – collapsed staircase. Spike was soon up on his feet again and lunging towards her. He grabbed hold of her legs and tried to pull her back down off of the staircase.

Buffy grabbed hold of the rotting railing and pulled her legs from his grasp, swinging them up and wrapping them around his neck. Anyone else would be struggling for breath, but Spike was merely struggling to pull her closer. Parts of the stairs were cracking underneath them, and the banister was beginning to crack under Buffy’s grasp as she struggled to hold on. She finally twisted hard, bending Spike back and making him tumble onto the floor, but Spike had brought his fist down hard on the banister that Buffy had been holding onto, causing it to shatter and fall away so that Buffy fell with him.

Crying out in surprise, Buffy found herself on her back, again on the cold concrete floor. Spike was kicking and struggling, trying to maneuver himself between her legs. Buffy tried to keep him still, but he had managed bring his face right to her crotch.

“What the hell are you…?”

Spike’s tongue finally plunged into her pussy, and he groaned out loud from the taste of her. Buffy could not speak any more, and she had finally stopped trying to escape. Her body was arched and remaining completely still as she tried to process what he had done. He wasted no time, plunging his tongue in and out of her hot little quim, occasionally stroking her soft folds with the tip.

Buffy was no longer struggling to keep Spike still; her legs were now holding him in place in a way that would have suffocated any living man. Her body was shaking with pleasure from what his skilled tongue was doing to her.

Spike brought the tip of his tongue up to tease her clit, circling the small nub before rubbing it. He felt the slayer’s legs tighten around his head and wondered if she would crush his skull once he brought her to orgasm. He somehow managed to force a hand into what little space he had and thrust two of his fingers into her soaking cunt. He loved the delicious moans that were coming from her, but enjoyed her scream even more when he finally latched on to her clit, suckling it and tonguing it hard while he thrust his fingers in and out of her body.

He was surrounded by her scent and her taste was on his tongue. He was sure this was the closest he would ever need to come to heaven. When he heard Buffy cry out his name he grew as hard as a rock. Her body was shaking and her legs were tightening around him. Her breathing had become harsh gasps, and it didn’t take long for another orgasm to slam into her. When he felt her juices covering his fingers he pulled them out and pushed his tongue back into her passage, lapping up her juices with another groan.

Spike enjoyed the taste of her. Buffy was still in shock, breathing hard while she lay on her back. Spike loved the way her hair was spread out wildly around her, some of it covering her face from when she had thrashed around in the pleasure he was giving her. When Buffy finally looked down to meet his eyes, Spike raised his fingers and slowly licked the juices from her body off of each.

“Always wanted to know how you taste.” He said in a voice filled with lust.

Buffy’s legs were splayed open now and her breathing hard and heavy. She watched his movements, watched him lick the juices off of his fingers with obvious satisfaction. It didn’t take her long before her temper flared back up, and Spike found himself kicked across the room.

He hit the floor on his back, his head smacking against the wall. He groaned a bit and shook his head, trying to regain his bearings before the slayer had time to flee. He wasn’t about to let her just scamper off when he finally got a big piece of what he wanted. But to his surprise, she didn’t flee at all. In fact, she was crouching down beside him in all her naked glory, her wet pussy glistening and some of her juices smeared across her thighs. The scent of her brought a growl to his throat.

Spike found himself being held down by Buffy’s hand on his chest. He looked up at her and found a wicked gleam in her eyes that sent a small shiver down his back. He gave her a grin.

“You can’t possibly tell me you didn’t enjoy every moment of that.”

To his further surprise, her hand moved slowly up his thigh. She was leaning over him, her breasts almost close enough to lick. He tried to arch up and capture a nipple into his mouth, but was shoved back onto his back. Buffy suddenly wrapped her warm little fingers around his rock hard cock and made him gasp.

“I can definitely tell you did.” Buffy replied, suddenly back to being bold and taking what she wanted.

He gave her a cocky look and raised his eyebrows as he looked down himself. “That’s always hard for you, luv.”

To Spike’s satisfaction, he could almost see a hint of a blush moving up the Slayer’s cheeks. Her grip suddenly left his cock and went instead to his testicles, gripping them firmly and almost bringing a yelp to Spike’s lips.

“Is that so?” she asked.

“Easy on the jewels, sweetheart…”

She was kneeling at his side and leaning close, her lips brushing against his. He tried to move closer for a kiss, but was punished with a hard squeeze by Buffy’s hand. He gave a slight whimper of protest, but laid still. She brushed her lips gently against his, then moved the across his jaw and to his ear. She traced the very tip of her tongue slowly along his earlobe, then bit onto it while she squeezed his balls.

Spike was painfully hard now, aroused not only by the Slayer’s every touch, but by her desire to dominate him. Her mouth began to slowly kiss down across his jaw before she sucked on his skin beside his chin. He shivered when she moved down further, kissing down his neck while she moved her hand away from his balls and wrapped her fingers back around his hard length.

“God, Summers, you’re killing me…”

She moved down further, her mouth meeting his chest. She flicked her tongue against one of his nipples and he jerked at the feeling. She began to stroke him, moving her hand slowly up and down along his shaft while he let out a hiss of pleasure. She brought her mouth above his nipple and suckled hard on the skin. When Spike looked down he saw a nice round mark her hard suckling left and wondered if that was her intention: to mark him like her property.

Her hand was doing delicious things. She stroked him faster, but when he tried to move his hand to her body to return the favor, she pushed it away violently, giving him an almost brutal squeeze to correct him. Spike groaned out loud and reached back for anything to grasp. His hand met the pipes that crawled up the wall and closed around the metal, immediately denting it with his force.

“And you call me evil…”

Buffy gave him a look, but said nothing. Her mouth moved further down his body while her hand stroked him harder still, the thumb brushing over the soft head of his member with every stroke.

Without warning, she took the head into her mouth, surrounding him with her warmth. He gasped out loud, both of his hands now gripping the pipes on the walls and giving a hard yank.

“Bloody hell!” He closed his eyes and moaned out in ecstasy while she suckled on him, slowly taking more of him in her mouth.

He was sure if he were standing his knees would be buckling. He tried to remain as still as much as he could, wanting nothing more than for her to continue. He let out a groan of pleasure, which only became louder as he looked down to see for himself the delicious sight of his cock in the slayer’s mouth.

He had seen this sight before, with the bot, but it couldn’t even compare to the reality. He didn’t want plastic and hardware. He wanted to the flesh and blood woman that was driving him mad with her hot little mouth and teasing tongue.

His grip on the pipes began to rip them down out of the wall.

It was official. Spike had never known such bliss. The head of his cock was in Buffy’s hot little mouth. What she couldn’t take into her mouth, she had in her hand. She no longer had his balls in a death grip because she knew he wouldn’t be struggling anymore. She was stroking him hard and fast. Spike’s eyes rolled up and he couldn’t help the deep groans of pleasure if he tried.

He felt Buffy’s groan as she took more of him into her mouth. The scent of even more and new arousal came to him, and the fact that the Slayer was getting off from sucking him off was his undoing.

Jaw clenching and back arching, Spike felt his pleasure reach impossible heights. His hips surged up so he could thrust deeper into her mouth. The fingers of one hand dug helplessly into the rubble while the other hand yanked away the last of the piping.

“Slayer!” He cried out in ecstasy. He looked down at her again, only to meet her hazel eyes, clouded with lust. She was watching his reaction, enjoying the sight of him lost to his passion. She pumped him harder, finally pulling her head back just as he was about to reach his peak.

“Oh god, Buffy!” He shouted as he came, his body shuddering with the intensity of his orgasm.

Spike didn’t give Buffy time to become disgusted with herself. As soon as he was sure he could get up he pounced, grabbing hold of her and forcing her onto her back. The Slayer struggled, forcing him onto his back instead. The two of them rolled across the ground, battling for dominance.

Pulling away, Spike got to his knees before pulling Buffy up to hers. She struggled against him, but he forced her to stay on her knees, facing away from him. He was getting hard all over again. Buffy reached up and found purchase on the wall. She never wanted to be in a submissive position for a vampire. She tried to pull herself up to her feet, but Spike’s arms were wrapped tightly around her. She tried to push back using the wall, but it only brought her up close to his growing erection.

“Spike! Let me-!”

She gasped as his fingers dipped into her hot, soaking cunt.

“Look how wet you are after that…” His fingers explored her before pulling out and spreading her own juices across her belly. He bit at her earlobe and growled menacingly. “Just look how hot you are for me…” He brought his still wet fingers to her lips. He could feel her panting in her own lust and need.

He smeared some of the juices left on his fingers onto her lip sand nearly groaned aloud when he felt her hot little tongue dart out to taste herself. He was fully aroused. He raised his fingers to his own lips and licked the rest off himself.

Spike didn’t give her warning before gripping her hips and thrusting his hard length into her tight quim. Buffy’s eyes went wide in shock before closing tightly. She trembled beneath his touch, barely able to catch her breath.


“I intend to.”

His pace was merciless, pounding hard into her body and holding onto her shoulder to pull her back to meet each thrust. Buffy couldn’t even say anything coherent. Soon the only sounds tumbling out of her were loud moans of mind-numbing pleasure. Her hair was bouncing around her face and her breasts were bouncing with each hard stroke. His pace was almost brutal, pumping into her from behind until she began to scream from pleasure, pain and need.

He leaned over her possessively, brushing her hair from the back of her neck. He then bit at her with blunt human teeth, using them to hold her in that submissive position while his hands wandered her body. He cupped her breasts and squeezed them hard before one hand moved slowly down between her legs and found her clit, rubbing the throbbing nub until he felt her muscles shake and spasm around his member, milking him even as Buffy screamed in her orgasm. She slammed her fist into the wall she had been trying to use to push herself up.

Spike roared in his own release, his legs shaking beneath him as he filled her soaking cunt with his cool seed.


They had taken a while to recover. They had been side by side in the rubble, one of them panting hard to catch her breath. Buffy was no longer trying to run or deny what was happening. In fact, she was the one to jump the other first, vampire and Slayer battling for dominance before both gave in to ecstasy.


Spike was completely knackered. He was also more sated then he had ever been in his life. His entire body was completely and utterly satisfied. It practically sang in afterglow. He stretched on the floor, his leather duster spread underneath him.

The woman beside him was obviously just as satisfied. She had long since fallen asleep from exhaustion, and there was a small smile on her face that, had she been awake, she would have denied.

But Spike would forever remember the sounds the Slayer made, her screams of pleasure from his touch, and would forever remember her taste, the feeling of her soft skin, and the scent of her arousal.

Buffy had silently refused to sleep in his arms. When they had both been spent and his touch had turned tender she had turned away, turning partially onto her side and covering herself as much as she could with her leather skirt. She had retreated within herself.

He wanted to touch her again. He wanted to hold her. The cold had never bothered him before, but he wanted the warmth of her body close. And if he was honest with himself, Spike was afraid. He had just gotten a taste of something amazing; something beyond anything he had tasted before. Now he didn’t know if he could ever let her go.

He had known he was damned (well, more so) the moment he knew he had fallen in love with her. Would this change anything? Was he any closer to her at all? He felt like a nancy boy, worrying if she was going to be there when he woke up.

Spike had decided not to sleep. He didn’t want to sleep. No dream could have been better. There was still enough shelter from the crumbled house to keep him from the sun, which he knew was already starting to rise. He would watch his Slayer – his Lover- sleep. Tomorrow would come and bring what it would. He wouldn’t know until she woke.

Watching her peaceful face, he was horrified to find William the Bloody Awful poet rising to the surface. Ridiculous sonnets were already floating through his head, but he pushed them aside. Instead, a poem written by a much better man came to mind and that one he didn’t push away. He whispered it softly like a prayer.

“Had I heaven's embroidered cloths,
Enwrought with golden and silver light,
The blue and the dim and the dark cloths
Of night and light and the half-light,
I would spread the cloths under your feet”

He swallowed hard, then reached over and softly brushed some of her long golden locks away from her face, his fingertips lingering at her cheek. Just to touch her seemed like heaven.

“But I, being poor, have only my dreams;
I have spread my dreams under your feet;”

He caressed her face, then brushed his thumb across her lips, remembering their taste.

“Tread softly”, he quietly begged her, thinking of what the morning would bring. “Because you tread on my dreams.”

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