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05/18/17 04:16 am
pj! I remember wishing one of your stories would be finished seriously about a decade ago. Amazing. I just tried an old password I used to use and amazingly got in too. Memories!
03/20/17 01:20 am
10 yrs later, i finally rem my username and password. Pari, you rock. Hope you are well.
12/23/16 01:12 pm
I donate every month. Please donate to keep this site up!
10/06/16 08:34 am
Great post.
08/31/16 03:45 pm
And anyone else who loves this site, it's worth mentioning there's a nifty little "Donate" option just below the shout box here! ;)
08/31/16 03:43 pm
Just wanted to take a moment to thank Pari and all the mods for maintaining such a great site!


Author's Corner

[Reviews - 318]

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Title: Blue Eyed Devil
Author: Pattyanne
Disclaimer: The characters in this
story do not belong to me
Feedback: Yes, please.
Rating: Will differ from chapter to
chapter, but it will go up to NC-17

Summary: AU. (Here I go again)
Spike is an up and coming rock star. His
band is called "Blue Eyed Devil". Buffy is
a pre-school teacher, who meets him one
night in a club where his band is singing.

AN: Since I can't write music, and music is
going to be a major theme in this story, I'll
be using other songs that I like. Unless it's
noted that the song belongs to someone else,
I need you to suspend a little belief and pretend
it's a Blue Eyed Devil song. I'm sure none of
you will have any problem imagining "him"
singing a love song...to whoever.

Part One...

"Are you busy tonight?"

Buffy glanced up at her best friend and employer. Willow
was standing in the doorway to her classroom, clutching a
piece of poster board that looked like she'd stolen if off the
side of a building.

She finished dumping the last of the wooden blocks into their
bins, then sat back on her heels and pushed her hair out of her
eyes. "I'm just finishing up some of my early evaluation reports
and maybe working on next weeks lesson plan a little more. Why?"

With an impish smile, Willow turned the poster board around and
gave Buffy a look at it.

Buffy looked, then shrugged. "Blue Eyed Devil? Who's he?"

Willow sighed. "Honestly, Buff...do you ever turn on the radio or the
television? I know you own one of each."

Climbing to her feet, Buffy pushed the block box off into a corner,
then turned around, smoothing down her skirt. "Look...I'm not
up for one of your "let's drag Buffy into the modern world, kicking and
screaming" talks. I don't know who he is...so just tell me."

"It's not a "he", Willow explained, placing the poster down on
Buffy's desk. "It's a band. A really...really...hot band. Their
first single went platinum almost overnight, and they've just signed
a zillion dollar contract for three albums..."

Buffy straightened the books on the reading shelf. "So...why
do I need to know all this?"

"Because," Willow exclaimed. "They're gonna be playing here to-
night! In a couple of weeks, they're kicking off this mega city tour,
but they'll be here at Union Jacks tonight!"

"At who?"

"Union Jacks," Willow repeated. "That new club down by the pier.
It just opened a couple of days ago."

Buffy scraped a crayon mark off one of her books with her thumb-
nail. "How come...a big band like that is playing in a little club here
in Sunnydale?"

"I heard that the owner of the club is Spike Devlin's uncle and he..."

"Hold it," Buffy said, holding up one hand. "Who...is Spike Devlin?"

"Oh for..." Willow shook her head in disgust at Buffy's ignorance. "He's
the front man...the lead singer...plays lead guitar...and he's related
to the man who owns the club...so they're playing here as a favor to
him. You know...to get the place off to a good start."

Buffy nodded. "And I take it that you want to go and see them? And
drag me along for the ride."

Willow grinned. "You got it, best friend."

"But I've really got a lot to do tonight, Wils and I..."

"Best friend here!" Willow cut her off. "Who gave you your first teaching
job at her school...over more experienced applicants."

Sighing, Buffy rolled her eyes. Willow was never...ever...gonna let
her forget that little piece of information. She had indeed passed over
three other teachers with years of experience behind them, and hired
her instead...fresh out of school herself.

Buffy knew she was trapped. Willow owned the school, and while
she wouldn't use that as a weapon, Buffy didn't want to make waves
with her boss.

"All right...I'll go with you," she agreed. "I'll hear Blue Eyed what's-his-
name sing and play, and...whatever. But you..."

"Great!" Willow said happily, cutting Buffy off mid-sentence. "I'll meet you
there at 7:00. We can have dinner first. My treat."

Gathering up her purse and her jacket, Buffy grabbed her leather
satchel as well. She stuffed her unfinished evaluation reports and her
lesson plans in it. Maybe she could get a little work done before the
band started breaking her eardrums.


They were seated at a side table with a fairly good view of
the stage. After ordering hamburgers and milk shakes, they
sat and talked about their plans for the school year. Willow
filled Buffy in on some of the background of her fellow teachers,
and Buffy countered with stories about some of her own
class mates who were now working in the public school system.

The bands instruments were all set up on stage, ready to go.
Buffy counted five guitars, an elaborate keyboard set up, and
a drum kit that looked like it could shake the walls to kindling.

Their meals arrived, and they had just begun to eat when Willow's
cell phone chirped loudly. She grabbed the tiny phone and went
out into the main entry way to talk, and when she came back
to the table, Buffy could tell it wasn't good news.

"I've gotta go," she said, gathering her things together. "That
was the cleaning service. A pipe burst in Marian's class-
room and they don't know how to turn off the water."

Buffy wiped her mouth with a napkin and started to stand, but
Willow waved her back down. "You stay...it's nowhere near your
room, and there's no reason for you to miss the band. Um...I'll
see you tomorrow...and if you can get me an autograph...I'd..
I gotta go..."

Sitting back down, Buffy considered leaving as well. But, she
was hungry and didn't have much at home, since she hadn't
bothered to go to the market. Besides, Willow had looked so
upset and all....maybe she COULD get her the autograph she'd asked


Once her stomach was full, she pushed the plate away and
grabbed her satchel. Spreading out the evaluation papers, she
began to write on them, quickly becoming so engrossed that she
wasn't really too aware of what was going on around her.

She heard the band being introduced and the burst of loud
applause that followed. Music began to play, but she didn't bother
looking up....until a voice spoke almost directly into her ear.

"S'cuse me, luv....are we bothering you with all that loud music
we're playing?"

Buffy finally raised her head and found herself looking at what
had to be the 'Blue Eyed Devil' himself.

Oh, boy....were his eyes blue! Like aquamarine gems...or maybe
blue topaz...and they were framed by long, dark lashes that a girl
would envy.

He was leaning on her table, smiling down at her like a wolf
who'd just stumbled over a particularly vulnerable looking lamb.

A little over average height, he was dressed in a pair of skin tight
jeans, a black t-shirt, and a red button down shirt on top of that,
loosely tucked into his pants. He wore a pair of scuffed black
boots, worn down at the heel, and around his neck hung a silver
Celtic cross.

Buffy's cheeks turned bright pink. "I...I beg your pardon?" she
asked nervously.

"I asked you if we were disturbing you with our music, darling," he

The people sitting at the tables around them giggled and whispered
amongst themselves as they watched this little drama. The band was
still playing their instruments, but softly, wanting to hear what was
being said.

"Why are you asking me that?" she hissed, wiping suddenly
sweaty palms on her skirt. "Am I offending you in some way?"

"As a matter of fact, luv," he said, nodding. "I'm sort of used to people
actually paying attention to the show. Makes me feel all warm and
cozy inside."

"I can hear you," she answered smartly. "Am I required to sit and
stare at you as well?"

The people around them all went "oohhh" at the same time, as
though they were expecting a knock-down drag out fight to start.

But the man bothering her looked delighted. "Sassy little thing,
aren't you? What are you doing?" he asked, gesturing at her

"I don't see how that concerns you," she answered huffily. He
laughed and made a grab for her lesson planner. Buffy grabbed the
other end of it, and there was a brief tug-of-war between them. "Let
go!" she demanded, slapping at his hand.

"Ouch!" he said, pretending to be grievously wounded. "Come on...let
me see." He yanked the book out of her hand and flipped it
open. "Lesson plans....are you a teacher?" he asked, handing the
book back to her. He leaned his elbows on the table and cupped his
cheek in his palm. "That's fantastic," he murmured in a silky tone of
voice. "You wouldn't believe the fantasies I've had about teachers, luv.
Not as pretty as you...but close."

Buffy's cheeks flamed scarlet again as her eyes darted nervously
around. "Will you just get back up on the stage and...and do what
you're supposed to be doing?" she whispered hotly.

"Depends," he said, eyeing her up and down. "Will you promise to
listen? I'll sing a song for you, if you do."

At this point, she would have agreed to do almost anything in order
to get him to go away. Her embarrassment was reaching horrifying
proportions, and she was afraid that she might start to cry. This
reaction was a holdover from her adolescence that she just couldn't
seem to shake, even at the age of twenty-five.

"Fine," she said irritably. "I'll listen."

He leaned closer, until she could feel the warmth of his breath on
her skin. "Will you watch, too?"

The other people in the club were getting restless. Apparently they
were tired of watching this particular show and wanted to get back
to the one they had come to see. She sensed a few dirty looks
being aimed in her direction, but her tormentor obviously cared
nothing about keeping the rest of his audience happy.

"Yes," she snapped. "I'll watch, too. Now...shoo!" She waved
him away, pointing at the stage.

"Thanks, luv," he said, making a kiss at her. He turned and went
back to the stage, jumping up on it in one leap.

The bass player, a nice looking boy with reddish blond hair, gave
him a look. "Thought you were never coming back. Not that I
blame you...she's something else."

Spike Devlin clipped his guitar strap back around his neck and
stared straight at Buffy. "Down, boy," he said, audible to everyone
in the club. "I saw her first."




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