Also, unlike with my other fics, I'm posting this one as I write it so there is no set schedule for when I will be updating...chapters will just be posted as I finish them :) Hopefully that's okay with you. (There are also two more fics, for two other banners at the ABF Challenge that I will start posting soon)
Author's Note: I'm still seeing about getting the banner customised--that it's not done is entirely my fault, not the artist's.
Also, I'm sorry it's taken me so long to get something posted here, I was really sick, then I took a very unexpected trip out of town--which is why no fics were updated by me last week, managed to get even sicker, came back, dealt with that....and today I'm figuring out making spaghetti for 75 people ;) But hey, you do get fic! I just hope you like it

banner by elsaf
So Cold it Was Summer
Part I
“They sent me away,” the girl with auburn haired whispered to him. “If they’ll do that to me, what do you think they’re going to do to you?” There was a cruelness to her voice that Spike had never heard before—not even during her little ‘woe is me’ time.
He’d never heard that tone from her before and it made him want to shout at her. To tell her to stop it, to be her again. To be Red, not whoever this spiteful creature was.
“You don’t believe me, do you?” she asked again with a false hint of concern. “You think this is all just a trick to drive you crazy? Well, newsflash Spike, you already are crazy!” Suddenly she sounded rather manic.
Spike wanted to just cur.l up in a ball on the floor and hide from the anything and everything that constituted the world. He wanted away from it all.
“That’s right, vampire, you hide. But when Buffy comes to see you—and we both know she will, if only for curiosity’s sake—you ask her. You ask her where I am!”
Not-Willow was gone as quickly as she came, leaving Spike with a few blissful moments of silence.
Buffy knew that everything was likely hitting her now only because she hadn’t given herself enough time to think about it before, but…
Having both Willow and Spike out of her life (at least for the time being) was a lot tougher than she would have imagined.
It made sense for Willow’s absence to be hard; they had, after all, been best friends for five years now. But Spike…
Buffy really didn’t know why his being gone made such an impact—and a negative one at that—on her life. He’d been the bane of her existence for three years, she should be glad he was gone, with no promise to return.
Yet, she found herself missing him.
God but she was screwed up.
Not for the first time, Buffy found herself wondering if it would help her to talk to Willow. That, however, was not going to happen because though her friend had seemed her old self once Xander had talked her down from ending the world, Willow was back to being very angry.
Especially with Buffy.
Willow didn’t see her stay at the coven as a means to learn to control her power, rather, she felt they were trying to diminish her power. She didn’t think it was fair that Buffy was able to develop and even increase her Slayer powers and yet they all expected her, Willow, to give hers up. At least that was how she saw things.
So, at the moment, she hated Buffy for being hypocritical.
If she weren’t trying so hard to continue believing that it was just Willow’s frustration speaking, Buffy might have found what her friend said funny; she couldn’t count the times she had wanted to give up her Slayer powers.
She was stuck with them, though.
And, she guessed, Willow was likely stuck with hers as well.
So, it looked like the situation with Willow would wait until whenever Willow returned. Which meant, Buffy chided herself, she could stop stressing over it and start focusing her attention on more relevant matters.
Like, say, why she missed Spike. Especially after what he had done prior to his departure from town. She actually had already given it a lot of thought—more thought than she thought she would ever give anything involving Spike and not involving killing Spike—but still Buffy had no answer.
She wasn’t sure she ever would.
Spike was starting to wonder just how he had put up with his blasted nutter of a sire for so long. He was sure that for a while his poet’s heart had found her intriguing and he had loved her for being the one to want him, but now…Now Spike was ready to stake her himself.
Only problem was, she was a bit too non-corporeal for a staking by anyone least of all him.
“Listen, Dru,” he interrupted her latest tirade on burning fishes and sunshine eating the moon, “why don’t you shove off?”
“Does my pretty boy not want his princess?” from her place across the dirty room, Dru swayed in place and stared at him forlornly.
“Oh come off it, pet. We both know you’re not real so why don’t you just let ol’ Spike get some rest?”
“Tsk tsk,” she scolded, “there’s no rest for the wicked, sweet William.”
Spike was ready to tell her off again but then she was moving towards him and he knew something was off.
“Dru?” he asked hesitantly.
“Mummy shall have to keep all the tea and biscuits to herself…bad doggy gets no rewards.”
When she was just inches away from him, Spike reached out to touch her, sure that she, unlike everyone else, really was there.
Only his fingers slipped right through her ghostly form.
Drusilla’s child-like laughter rang in his ears as she danced away from him and Spike was sure that he had finally well and truly lost him mind.
“How did you…” he trailed off, not even sure what he was trying to ask.
“Princess has her tricks,” she answered mysteriously before suddenly vanishing, her answer leaving Spike to wonder if she had truly been there or not.
For the millionth time he cursed Angelus for not telling him the soul would drive him insane. Stupid ponce!