Ballroom Blitz by Aurelia Carlisle
Summary: Just when you think the worst is behind you, there's a formal event.
Categories: General Fics Characters: None
Genres: Action, Horror, Romance
Warnings: Adult Language, Sexual Situations, Violence
Series: None
Chapters: 5 Completed: No Word count: 5472 Read: 3083 Published: 06/26/2008 Updated: 12/02/2013

1. You Are Cordially Invited by Aurelia Carlisle

2. Sharing the News by Aurelia Carlisle

3. Rational by Aurelia Carlisle

4. Blood Bash by Aurelia Carlisle

5. Of Undead Bondage by Aurelia Carlisle

You Are Cordially Invited by Aurelia Carlisle
Author's Notes:
This is the first fic that I've actually posted, so feedback is much appreciated.

I have since edited this chapter. If it looks different that's why
Ballroom Blitz

By: Aurelia Carlisle

A whimper escaped her mouth as strong, rough hands shoved her to the concrete. Her black hair was tangled and her body had ached horribly from being manhandled since she was first attacked in the alley.

She tried desperately to stop shaking, to go limp. If she stopped moving, maybe they would think she was dead, and maybe, just maybe, they would leave her alone.

Looking back, the whole night had been a disaster. Her date, a fellow coed and complete creep, had inquired of her favorite sex position, her preferred form of torture and her dress size. Needless to say, the night had been a bust.

Relieved when the date was over, she thought she was free as she began the trip, making sure to take the short-cut, to her dorm.

She was wrong.

The jerk tackled her in an alley, and then dragged her to what she could only guess was an abandoned warehouse nearby.

As she came back to the present, she could hear the guy through the thin walls talking to someone.

“So, what do you think,” he asked eagerly.

“Well,” the other began, “she is a bit skinny.”

“Ugh,” she scoffed.

“But she'll do, right?” the creep pushed. “I mean, she felt pretty spry, wiggling to get away. Might make for a fine dance partner…”

“Oh, she'll do alright,” the other replied. “Did you get her measurements?”

“Mmhmm,” he said. “She's a size five.”

“Five? Five?” the second guy said in a raged voice. “I told you to get her measurements, not her goddamn dress size!”

“Maybe you shoulda been more specific, man!”

“I swear, if you mess this up for me… I haven't been in nearly a century!”

“Sorry, man. I didn't know.”

“Just, don't do it again…”

What the hell, she thought. Partner? And what did they need her measurements for, anyway?

She gasped. What if they were going to sell her off or something? Or worse: what if they ate her?


“Mmm… yummy, greasy, ground meat-y, burger goodness!” exclaimed a very pleased Xander before diving into his sandwich.

“Ugh!” said Willow. “How can you eat so much crap?”

“What?” he defended through a mouthful of beef. “I'm a man!”

“Yes, he is,” agreed Anya., “He's such a man, I don't have to worry when he wears my und-“

“Hahaha,” Xander’s loud laughter effectively drowned out his girlfriend's remarks. “My girl: such a kidder!” He turned to Anya and lowered his voice. “You remember what I said about secrets and how they're less secret when my friends know them?”

“Know what?” asked Buffy as she took a seat next to Willow.

“Nothing,” yelped Xander, changing the subject. “So how's Dawnie? Still freaked?”

“Pretty much,” Buffy began, “Can't say I blame her; it's not everyday that you get handed something like this.” At their looks, she continued, “…unless you live here.”

“That's Sunnydale for ya,” Willow commented., “Come for the sun, stay for the carnage.”

“Actually,” interjected Buffy, “Patrol's been kinda quiet lately. Neither a horn nor fang to speak of.”

“All play and no work make Buffy a dull girl?” asked Xander playfully. “Wasn't there a time when we didn't wish for demons?”

“Before or after I killed my boyfriend?” she speculated sarcastically.

“Both,” replied Willow.” Speaking of boyfriends, how are you holdin' up?”

“As well as can be expected. I'm just trying to keep myself busy, which, with this demon shortage, is failing miserably.”

“Don't worry, Buffster,” Xander consoled her. “You'll find somebody.”

“Oh, no,” Buffy disagreed., “No boys for Buffy. The last thing I need is somebody else to drive away.”

“Come on, Buffy,” encouraged Willow. “Isn't there somebody you can see yourself with?”


“Spike!” Buffy growled after kicking in the crypt door. “How could you?”

“What?” he asked defiantly. “What have I done to get your knickers in such a twist?”

“How could you let her find out like that?” she shot back. “Do you hate me that much?”

“You think I did that on purpose? Was kept in the dark, wasn't I? How was I supposed to know kid sis was a soddin' mystical key thing?”

“You lead my little sister into town in the middle of the night. Anything could've happened. She could have been hurt! Or killed!”

“I wouldn't've let anything happen to the bit. You know that! Perhaps if someone had filled me in, she wouldn't have known at all!”

“What was I supposed to say? 'Oh, by the way, Spike, Dawn's actually a mystical ball of green energy'?”

“Well, yeah,” Spike fired back. “That would've been- she's green?”

“Apparently,” Buffy replied as she plopped down into his comfy chair. “The point is, Spike…What's this?” She picked up a piece of parchment that had caught her eye from off the floor. “You get mail delivered to a cemetery?”

“It's the Hellmouth, Slayer. What do you expect?” he retorted, snatching the paper back.

“Wait,” she said, “is that an invitation?” She gasped mockingly. “You have friends?”

“Don't be so surprised,” he retorted., “I even have fans.”

“You're lying,” she protested in utter disbelief.

“Nope,” he replied, taking a seat facing her on a sarcophagus. “You see, Slayer, when you've been around as long as I have, you tend to get noticed.”

“Yeah,” Buffy scoffed, studying her fingernails, “I wonder what they'd think of you now that you're impotent.”

“You say that, luv,” he drawled dangerously. “I won't be on this leash forever.”

“I know,” she agreed reluctantly. “What's this invitation to anyways: Hemophiliacs Anonymous?”

“No,” he answered, annoyed, “it's to a ball.”

“A ball, huh?” she questioned, eyebrows raised. “What kind of ball?”

“Read it for yourself…” he offered, tossing it to her. Her hand reached up to catch it in midair and she immediately turned it over to and studied the elegant font on the thick parchment declaring:

Ballroom Blitz 2001

William, The Bloody (plus one),

You are cordially invited to

The 150th annual Ball

At Westfield Mansion

On the Fourteenth day of April

Ballroom attire is required


“Hmm,” she commented, handing the paper back to Spike., “Sounds interesting.”

“'S not your kind of party, pet, trust me.”

“Hey,” Buffy objected. “What's that supposed to mean?”

“You wouldn't exactly fit in, luv,” he reasoned offhandedly.

“Oh, I see. Are they your kinda people? The mosh-pitting, punk-rocking, drunken, puke-on-your-shoes folks?"

“More like the waltzing, classical music, champagne swigging, suck-your-blood type.”

“They're vamps?” she asked disapprovingly. “So the 150 wasn't a typo.” At his look, she rolled her eyes. “Why am I not surprised?”

“Of course they're vamps. Most of 'em have been around since the first one. All of 'em are older ones.”

“So let me get this straight: there's been a ginormous meeting of elder vamps every year, right under my nose?”

“Nothin' to worry your pretty little head about, Slayer,” he assured her chauvinistically. “It's not even held in Sunnydale.”

"Where?" she demanded.


"Do you have a date?"

"Well, no. I just got the invite."

"Now ya do."

"No way in hell, Summers," he exclaimed, turning the other way. "I already get enough grief for helpin' your lot now and then. The last thing I need is the rest of the demon population thinkin' I'm your fucking lapdog!"

"No laps will be involved, believe me."
End Notes:
So...? What do you think? Tell me in a review.
Sharing the News by Aurelia Carlisle
Author's Notes:
I thought I would put some of the other characters' reactions in this one. Thanx to my wonderful beta, Kristin. She is a life (and fic) saver!
Ballroom Blitz

By Aurelia Carlisle

Chapter Two: News Travels Fast

"Do you have a date?"

"Well, no. I just got the invite."

"Now ya do."

"No way in hell," Spike said, turning away from her.

"I already get enough grief for helpin' your lot now and again. The last thing I need is a bunch of master vamps thinkin' I'm your lapdog!"

"No laps will be involved, believe me."


"I can't believe this, Buffy. Have you completely lost your mind?" Giles shouted, appalled. Was she completely mental? "That is a horrible idea!"

"I'm not asking for your permission on this, Giles," Buffy stated firmly. "This is my decision. And I've already decided."

"Which explains why it is so bloody brilliant," retorted Giles sarcastically.

"Look, Giles." She took a deep breath, deciding to do this diplomatically. "I've thought this through and I'm doing this, with or without your help."

"I'm still your Watcher, Buffy. I am well aware you can handle yourself, but I also worry you'll get in over your head."

"I get it," she said. "But I know I can do this. I can feel it. I can't let those poor people walk blindly to their deaths."

"That I understand." He sighed, walking to the counter and leaning against it. "But Spike?"

"I know, but it's the only way in: every master vampire brings a human date. Spike said the place is hard to find. It's connected to a small house. The actual mansion is underground."

"Ideal for vampire gatherings..." Giles trailed off, reaching up to clean his glasses. He looked desperately into her eyes. "Just, please be careful."


"Look out!" Buffy shouted as a vampire grabbed Dawn from behind. Immediately her fist shot out around her sister and punched the vampire in the face, knocking him back and giving Dawn the opportunity to wrestle free. She then feigned left, knowing the vampire would give chase. As expected, he lunged after her, leaving his chest wide open. She quickly twisted her hand and staked him before looking through the falling ashes at her coughing sister.

"What was that?" she Buffy asked, equally annoyed and worried.

"You're the expert," Dawn replied said, walking toward home and effectively avoiding her sister's glare.

"Sorry, wrong answer,." Buffy countered, following her and said, "Wanna try again? What are you doing here?"

"Heading home from Spike's," she mumbled.

"But he didn't know I was coming!"

"Why do you like hanging with him, Dawn?” Buffy tossed her hands up in the air, frustrated with her sister's crazy actions. “He's a murderer!"

"Ex-murderer!" corrected Dawn, glaring at her sister.

"Regardless," Buffy said. "I don't want you hanging out with vampires - it's creepy."

Dawn slowed her steps, her expression softening. "Come on, Buffy. ” She whined, “He's great once you get to know him."

"Here's to hoping I never do," she muttered, just loud enough for Dawn to hear.

"Whatever. He really is a great guy. You should give him more credit." When Buffy just rolled her eyes, Dawn added, "He is!"

"Sure, if he's so great, why does he hang out with a fourteen year old, huh?"

"He's lonely, Buffy," she reasoned genuinely. “You're not exactly helping him, either. The demons resent him for helping you and it's not like he can go out during the day to get some human friends."

"Excuse me for not sympathizing with a killer! He chose to help us," Buffy insisted.

"Isn't that enough for you to treat him like a person?” Dawn shot back. “Hasn't he suffered enough?"


"Haven't I suffered enough, Slayer?" Spike bellowed as he turned towards the crypt's door, which had just been kicked open, again.

"Watcher, actually," Giles corrected said calmly, walking into the dimly lit space. "And I'd say that would depend..."

"Upon what, Rupes?" Spike questioned, slightly bored.

"You," he replied simply.

"Exactly what are you gettin' at?"

"Buffy has informed me of your, eh hem, outing this coming Saturday."

"Of course," Spike said with a sneer, knowing where the conversation was going. "This is the part where you tell me to keep my hands to myself and be a good little boy, right? No need. I'll behave."

"That's right you will," Giles said, face hardening and tone cooling fast, very Ripper-esque. "If this is some plan of yours to lure her away and finally have your 'one good day,' you are sorely mistaken."

"You've got me all wrong, Watcher," Spike said, looking innocent, or at least, trying to. "It was the Slayer's idea. I wasn't even planning on going ‘til she offered her company."

"Oh," Giles droned sarcastically. "I see. And you aren't taking full advantage of the situation?"

"Maybe, I am," Spike retorted defiantly. "But I'm not gonna let anyone hurt her."

"Bloody right you won't," warned said Giles. "As much as I don't trust you, I'm holding you to that."

"You have my word."


"My word!"

"Merciful Zeus!"

"Oh. Really," Willow said.


All the Scoobies turned to look at Anya.

" 'Yay'? I'm not seeing the 'yay' in this, Ahn," Xander exclaimed.

"Now we have another couple to double with!" Anya replied, oblivious to the others' incredulous stares.

"But, Spike?" Xander asked, appalled at both the prospect and his girlfriend's reaction.

"My thoughts exactly," Giles grumbled, breaking out the whiskey and pouring himself a generous portion.

"I'm not too crazy about this plan," Willow said uneasily, slouching in a seat next to Xander.

"To tell the truth," Anya began, as if none of their objections had even reached her ears,. "I'm not all that surprised, really."

"What's that supposed to mean?"

"Well, it was just a matter of time before those two got together. I mean, with her having a thing for vamps and him with his past full of slayers…”

"What thing? There was only the one. She doesn't have a thing!" protested Xander.

Anya still continued, “…not to mention all of that sexual tension. I mean, hell, at times I swear you could cut it with a knife and take it home!"

"Tension?" asked Willow, turning towards Xander for reassurance, "There's tension?"

"I think I speak for us all when I say, 'huh'?" responded Xander.

"Whatever," Anya muttered, heading towards the back shelves to take inventory.
End Notes:
So, will the Scoobies talk her out of it? Will the whole plan blow up in Spike's sexy face? Will Giles ever stop cleaning his goddamn glasses and get contacts? Review and I might tell you in a chappy or two!
Rational by Aurelia Carlisle
Author's Notes:
I must warn that this chappy is high in the angsty department. All ye who can't take it, don't read any further...really... Stop that!

As for the rest of you: enjoy!
Ballroom Blitz

By Aurelia Carlisle

Chapter 3: Rational

On both sides of town, they woke from their disturbed sleep. Him, 15 feet underground in the heart of Restfield. Her, in the plush bed of her childhood home. Both recalling the blur of lace and dim lights, the sounds of music and laughter. Only to push the unsettling thoughts to the back of their minds, bringing forth the worry and confusion of future events.

Were they doing the right thing? Was it her place: attending this malevolent soirée? Was it his to accompany her? To lead her to this new level of darkness?

Neither knew. These thoughts were best dwelt upon with a rested mind.

They both fell back into slumber, only this time dreamlessly.


Buffy was utterly exhausted the next morning. There was something about falling asleep while walking downtown that didn't scream 'rested'. After last night's dream, she didn't think she could avoid the gang for much longer. There was a chance they didn't even know about the whole shindig yet anyway.

She'd decided to tell Giles about her dream. Maybe he could shed some light on it for her. She didn't particularly like sharing her nightmares with anyone, but you know what they say, 'desperate times...'

As soon as she stepped into the Magic Box, the animated chatter of her friends quickly ceased, leaving only the sounds of Anya's heels clacking, as she did her 'capitalist dance of superiority'. At least someone was enjoying themselves.

So they knew, perfect! She wondered how long it would take until one of them said something. She waited. . . . .

After a few seconds of the painfully awkward silence, Xander couldn't take it anymore.

“Are you crazy?” he asked.


“Have you gone completely loony, round the bend?”

“Xander, I don-”.

“Because trusting Spike, of all people, to take you to a party crawling with vampires? You're just the poster girl for sanity, huh, Buffy!” Xander said, laying the sarcasm on thick.

“I don't have a choice: this is my-”.

“Job? Duty? We've heard it all before, Buffy. Only then it was just nests and the like, not an entire fucking ballroom!”

“There's no sense in arguing with her, Xander. She's obviously already made up her mind,” said Tara, avoiding Xander's glare.

The girl in question had had enough deliberation with the Scoobies and exited out the training room door. Meanwhile, her friends were still warring, unaware of Buffy's sudden departure.

“That doesn't mean we have to like it,” Xander huffed. He slowly turned to Willow. “Uh, Wills? Been feelin' neglected and/ or vengenc-y lately?”

“Hey! How come I'm always the first to blame when this stuff happens?” she asked, offended. “And if it's vengeance you're lookin' for, why don't you ask Little Miss Ex-Demon over there?”

At Willow's comment Anya stopped mid-money dance and glared.

“Me? Just because I'm happy with this little turn of events doesn't make it my fault. Even if I wanted to, I couldn't make that happen. Revoked powers, remember? Way to rub it in!”

“I think we should all just calm down and let Buffy explain. I'm sure there's a rational explan-”.

“Rational, Tara? What part of going into a death trap with Spike is rational?”

“I'm sure Buffy knows what she's doing. She wouldn't walk blindly into a situation like that. It's not like her, right Buffy?”

They never even heard her leave.

“Now you've done it!” scoffed Xander.


Spike concentrated on the distraught girl bunched up on his chair from a close by sarcophagus. This was not the Slayer who foiled his plans time and again. And it definitely wasn't his cradle-robbing grandsire's ex-honey. This was Buffy Summers: minus wacky side-kicks, no snappy comebacks, just truth. He liked this new side of her. So vulnerable and human, even in this moment of weakness he couldn't find any desire to harm her.

"What is it, pet?" he asked hesitantly. "Are you okay?"

“I don't know if I can do it,” she confessed, staring blankly at the floor.

“Can't say I blame you, luv. The idea of walkin' into a Slayer conference wouldn't exactly give me warm fuzzies.”

“It's just- how's it all going to go down? I mean I can't just lure them away one by one. Even if I could, there's too many of them. We wouldn't be able to take out half of them.”

“Well, we've got a few days. There's plenty of time to go over the logistics.” At her doubtful look, he crouched down to her eye level and hooked a finger under her chin. “Hey now, none of that. You were born for this, pet. They didn't pick you for your keen fashion sense.”

“Why are you doing this Spike? I know you have to be there to get me in, but what's in it for you? This isn't really gonna boost your street cred with Sunnydale’s demon population.”

“Well, not only did you offer, but- think about it from my point of view, luv. I get to show all of those snobby bastards just how useful I am -sans Dru-. Get to be all manly in an all-out brawl.” He looked into her eyes, “All this, with a gorgeous woman on my arm- a slayer, no less.”

“I see your point,” she began, blushing and looking away. “I'm just angsting over nothing. I can do this. We can do this.” She stood up, really looking at him. “And Spike?”

“Yeah, pet?” Something in her voice made him turn around.

“I- it's just... oh screw it!”

With that she brought her face to his and, for the second time without magical influence, kissed him. Spike was surprised at first, then, deciding there was a god, grabbed her around the waist and returned the kiss. As the lip-lock grew more intense, she nearly forgot who she was. But unfortunately, she didn't. Her eyes shot open and she pushed him away. With one last fleeting look, she saw the emotion on his face and did the only thing she thought she could. She ran.
End Notes:
I did warn you about the angst factor so no flames. I'm not a fic-ninja, I don't think I can take it.

Be Kind,
Please Review!
Blood Bash by Aurelia Carlisle
Author's Notes:
You wanted smut, therefore I give you smut...eventually.
Ballroom Blitz

By Aurelia Carlisle

Chapter Four:

Blood Bash

They both stood in awe of the visions before them. Buffy, of the gigantic, high-ceilinged ballroom they were entering. Spike, of both the radiant beauty beside him and how on earth he convinced her to accompany him.

He quickly looked away as she glanced in his direction. It was close, but she didn't seem to notice his gaze as much as the hors d'vors on the table against the far right wall.

Although he attempted to steer her elsewhere, Buffy dragged him to the food table, if you could even call it that to get a closer look.

"Ew," she yelped as she looked at the vampiric delicacies available.

There were sadistic treats from human digits, Spike called them 'Lady Fingers', and 'Dead Man's Toes'. There were vital organs, he told her they were the hearts of virgins, steak and kidneys, and he did mean kidneys.

"I don't eat any of it, but some vamps take to it like I do Buffalo wings," Spike assured her with a smirk. Hearing this did nothing to comfort Buffy's

horrified state. It only made her stomach churn more at the sights she beheld.

There was, of course, refreshments for the human invitees also, because who would want a malnourished meal? Buffy didn't think she'd risk it, because 'c'mon, they're still vamps'.

She felt Spike lead her away from the gruesome sight, only this time she didn't resist. The entire thing seemed so surreal; she wondered if they were really there.

The lights were low; creating such a romantic atmosphere that everyone in attendance appeared to feel it. As much as Spike had tried to convince her of the company's sophistication, she couldn't help but give him a pointed look when the music turned to "The Time Warp" from Rocky Horror Picture Show.

"Fine," he relented, "It's a modern sophistication."

She grinned and rolled her eyes. Looking around at the other females, she couldn't help but notice that her dress didn't seem to fit in with the others'
embellished gowns.

"They couldn't hold a candle to you, luv," he whispered softly into her ear, having sensed her discomfort. "You look beautiful."

She gave him a small, awkward smile in response before looking away. It was strange to her, how he could be so casual about all of this. Like the kiss never even happened. Like they were two normal people genuinely enjoying each others' company. Then she realized that they were. Despite their supernatural setting and selves, they were about as normal as it gets.

With that thought in mind, Buffy moved closer to Spike.

"Would you like to dance?" he asked her, noticing her changed demeanor.

"I would love to," she responded, accepting his outstretched hand. He led her to the center of the dance floor as the song changed to a more slow paced one. She allowed him to hold her closer and rested her head comfortably against his chest. And in that moment, everything was perfect.


Buffy pondered how she could possibly feel this safe and relaxed in the arms of her former enemy. If someone would have told her a week ago that she'd be dancing comfortably with Spike, she'd ask them if they also heard voices in their head.

She'd promised herself long ago that she'd never give her heart away to another vampire. In this case, she hadn't realized how easily it happened. It wasn't even that he was a vampire. It wasn't what he was, but how he was.

If she really thought about it, Spike had not tried to bring about her imminent demise in a long while. At least four months. As much as she tried to deny it, he had helped her, the Scoobies, and her family without pay, a lot as of late. If she didn't know any better, she'd think he truly cared for her.

Little did she know, the vampire holding her was thinking over this same thing.

He ducked his head into her soft, wavy hair and inhaled. She smelled of vanilla and lavender. Sweetness, everything he should hate, tempting him so seductively. If only she knew. If only she'd see him for what he really was: a man in love.

They were both pulled out of their ,thoughts Kby a high-pitched scream. It sounded so familiar, almost like... They looked at each other with fearful eyes.



They grabbed each other’s hand and sprinted in the direction of the yell.

In the far back-left corner of the ballroom, was a giant cage. A giant cage holding her best friends, including their girlfriends. The looked beaten and bruised.

Willow was clutching one of the vertical bars with one hand and reaching toward Buffy with the other. Xander gently pulled Williow Back from the bars.

"See what you've done Buffy?" he sneered incredulously. "See what trusting him got you? Your friends all huddled together... in a cage."

Buffy felt a weak hand pull her arm and turn her around. Dawn stood before her in a deep blue dress that brought out her sad eyes.

"How could you do this to them, Buffy?"

Suddenly an invisible knife sliced through her dress, Dawn's blood turning it a gruesome purple.

"How could you do this to me?"

Then she felt Spike come up to her side and turn her toward him. She looked upon his now vampiric features with horror.

"See what I am? How easily you trusted me? Don't you know by now, Buffy: all we do is hurt you?"

And with that he lunged at her throat and his teeth pierced her tender flesh.


She woke with a start and ran into something firm. She felt a gentle kiss drop on her neck, exactly where Spike had bit her just moments before.


"Yes, luv?"

"What are you doing here?"

"I think you know very well what I'm doing here. Finishing what you started."

"Spike, I... just kiss me," he obliged her, kissing her softly, trailing up her neck to her lips. She pushed him to arms length and looked him in the eyes.

"I'm ready. I want this," she brought her hand to graze his cheek. "I want you."

End Notes:
You know how sometimes in your dreams you experience things from someone else's point of view, as if you are them? This idea of being the god of our own dreams is nothing new and does not require any suspension of belief. That being said, onto the next chapter!
Of Undead Bondage by Aurelia Carlisle
Author's Notes:
AO Adult Only, Angst, Blood Play, ViolenceBallroom Blitz
Chapter Five
Aurelia Carlisle

"What are you doing here?"

"I think you know very well what I'm doing here. Finishing what you started."

"Spike, I... just kiss me," he obliged her, kissing her softly, trailing up her neck to her lips. She pushed him to arms length and looked him in the eyes.

"I'm ready. I want this," she brought her hand to graze his cheek. "I want you."
Spike did not think twice before diving into Buffy’s kiss. If I’d known she’d respond so well to my sneakin’ in, I’d have told her long ago.

She reacted to his touch with swift fingers untying her pajama bottoms. They broke apart to pull off his shirt then came back together with renewed fervor, as if making up for the lost moments. He nudged her thigh with his erection and they moaned in unison at the contact. She tugged his belt apart urgently and he ripped off the offending article blocking her wetness from him, throwing them over his shoulder for good measure.

He trailed long, sweet open-mouthed kisses from her chest to her earlobe and teased her nipples with his rough fingertips. She whimpered and ground her hips against him. He felt to evidence of her need on his thigh and began teasing her folds.

“Oh God,” she moaned and rose her pelvis, meeting in time with his hand. It had been so long, too long, since she felt this alive. She locked her eyes onto his and saw such emotion in their blue depths. He thrust his fingers into her heat once more and she came, muffling her scream on his lips. He gently pulled away to gage her expression, measuring her reaction. She looked and sated: not off-put in the least. She shifted their weight, pulling him underneath him with her legs. Positioning him at her entrance she kissed him with as much zeal as she could muster…then sank down onto him.

“Guh,” he groaned, almost dizzy from the sensation of her writhing on top of him. In all his years of sexual experience, this was his first one with a human, let alone a slayer. He had only imagined in his wildest fantasies that Buffy would let him this close to her. The moved together to a fast and hard rhythm akin to the punk music he enjoyed, punctuating with breathy moans and whimpers.

Buffy felt him bringing her closer to the edge of sweet oblivion and bared her neck, shocking Spike so that he nearly stilled.

“Do it,” she whispered. He leaned up slowly, hesitant, and then licked her neck on the unscarred side. Her eyes rolled back in her head as he sunk his sharp canines into her jugular. She came hard with a shuttering gasp from her lips “Yours.” The words rolled off her tongue of their own volition.

“Yours,” He echoed his voice thick with passion, her salty blood swimming down his throat. After a few minutes of basking in her residual warmth he pulled out.
“Buffy we-“but she was already taken by a dreamless sleep. He knew he should wake her, rush them both to Giles and try to reverse it. He was such a git; she was going to kill him when she found out. No more empty threats or heated banter; she would literally riddle his chest with splintering death.

He grabbed his clothes and nearly fell as he jerked on his jeans, catching himself on the bed. He wasn’t ready for his end. Then why tell her? After all, he thought closing her window behind him, what the slayer doesn’t know won’t kill me.


“Kill me now, Janice.” Dawn sat on her bed the next morning before school. “You will never guess what I overheard in my sister’s room last night.” She made a face, annoyed when her friend answered correctly on her first try. “Well…yeah, but her boyfriend just left. Is this what rebound looks like? She hates him, can’t shut up about he’s a soulless monster blahty blahty blah.” Janice assured her on the other end that she probably just had a very vivid dream or that…ew, maybe she had been alone in the next room.

“Whatever happened, patrol will be so awkward for them tonight… No, not patrol um… yeah petroleum.”


Blood splatters on the wood paneled walls accompanying the shrill cries of its recent host. Smoke billows in the air around her as she strains to find oxygen. Soon she realizes her lungs will not contract and the lack of air does not choke her.

“I love what you’ve done with your hair, love,” a familiar voice drawls behind her. She turns to see Spike, his arms leaden with the weight of a young ginger-haired woman. Her throat is a massive gaping wound, pulse pushing the last few pints of blood from her quaking body.
“That shade is so fetching on you,” he says, dropping the girl’s dead weight.

She turns away quickly something drips into her eye from her forehead. Bringing her hand up, she screams when more blood runs down her face like scarlet tears. Her other arm is being pulled. She looks down into the girls’ blank eyes, lids flicking. One word brings a scream from her own throat.


Buffy woke to the sound her of her ragged breathing. Her dream had seemed, felt too real. She climbed out of bed and walked over to her closet before she started to feel how cold her room was… and discovered the extent of her undress. She must have taken them off in her half-asleep state the night before, she assured herself. There was no other reason for her nocturnal nudity…

Shaking off her shivers she took out a sweater dress with a turtle neck and shrugged it on, not bothering to check the mirror.


“How’d you sleep last night, love?” Spike’s voice startled her as he joined her from behind a mausoleum.
Her face and voice bewildered, she refused to let the pest know she was off her game. “Fine. Let’s not talk about me.” She sped up her steps, trying to keep her distance. He gave her suspicious vibes, like he was up to something: that was never good news.

“I’m touched, slayer; it’s good to hear you care.” The sarcasm came off him in waves.

“On second thought, how about we don’t talk at all.” Her tone told him all he needed to know: the memory spell had worked.
End Notes:
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