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05/18/17 04:16 am
pj! I remember wishing one of your stories would be finished seriously about a decade ago. Amazing. I just tried an old password I used to use and amazingly got in too. Memories!
03/20/17 01:20 am
10 yrs later, i finally rem my username and password. Pari, you rock. Hope you are well.
12/23/16 01:12 pm
I donate every month. Please donate to keep this site up!
10/06/16 08:34 am
Great post.
08/31/16 03:45 pm
And anyone else who loves this site, it's worth mentioning there's a nifty little "Donate" option just below the shout box here! ;)
08/31/16 03:43 pm
Just wanted to take a moment to thank Pari and all the mods for maintaining such a great site!


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Will stepped back to survey his handy work. He gave the room a once-over, sizing and testing everything. Perfect. Now all he needed were his captives.


“You call us if you have any problems, OK? Got it? You’ve got the cell phone, don’t be afraid to use it. We’re here if you need us, always, alright?”

“Oh my God. If you don’t go home and have a wild weekend with those hunks of yours I’m going to kick you!” Dawn said hotly. Buffy was hovering, and it was getting on her nerves. “It’s only the weekend, Buffy. Cainna and I are going to be fine. We need this, I need this, and you three definitely need this. We’ll be FINE.”

Buffy sighed and nodded. She knew all of this. I was just…hard. Dawn and Cainna had become part of their family landscape, and it was just weird to know they were going to be gone for the next few days. Though with Andrew off to some Star Trek convention with his new friends, this did give her time with her twinlets…

“Have fun, and be safe, OK?” She gave Dawn a hug, and watched as she got on the travel van. Now, to find her men…

…who weren’t answering their phones. She’d tried Spike, Will, home, Spike again, home, Will, the fax line…and no one was answering. Where the hell were they? She pulled into her parking space with a frustrated sigh. So much for making the most of all of their time. She got out of her car…and saw both Spike’s and Will’s cars parked in their spots. She frowned before heading up the apartment.

“Guys? Hello? Spike? Will? Anyone home? Bueller?” She heard a slight noise from the direction of their bed room, and she cautiously headed in that direction. She gasped at the sight that greeted her.

“Hello, luv.” Her breath caught as a steel arm wrapped around her, pinning her in place, her eyes never wavering from the sight in front of her.

Spike was naked and stretched to his full height, chained to the ceiling by manacles attached to bolts that definitely hadn’t been there this morning. His thick cock was turgid and standing at attention, a cock ring dark against his pale flesh. His feet were spread wide by a bar cuffed to his ankles. Buffy whimpered at the erotic sight, warmth flooding her body. A dark laugh echoed in her ear.

“Isn’t he beautiful, all tied up and helpless?” Buffy sagged against him, his words affecting her more than she could have ever guessed. “Strip.”

She stumbled back when her support disappeared, her hazy mind trying to catch up with the situation.

“Wha-ha?” she blinked at Will, noting that he was shirtless, his beautiful chest taunting her with its perfection. His hair was a mess of gelled curls, just the way she liked it best, and his eyes were dark-rimmed, making him look dangerous. Which she belatedly acknowledged he was. He was in one of THOSE moods, the moods that promised delicious pain and searing ecstasy and everything in between. He arched an eyebrow at her, eloquently commanding her to get on it or she’d pay…more than she already was.

Buffy slowly began peeling her clothes off, letting them pool on the floor at her feet. She suppressed the urge to smirk when her lack of panties and red sheer bra made Will gasp, upsetting his carefully controlled demeanor. She also heard the soft rattle of chains as Spike also let her know he was enjoying the view. She slowly unhooked the clasp of her bra, her eyes challenging Will, stoking the raging fires she saw him struggling to repress; she wasn’t going to submit without a fight. The scrap of material fluttered to the ground, and Buffy had never felt more exposed. His eyes raked over her, burning her with their intensity.

He stepped towards her, danger and predatory intent coloring his movement. He was chest-to-chest with her, his height forcing her to tilt back to see him. She could feel the heat of his body, and she wanted nothing more than to touch him, to surround herself with him. But he stopped her, gripping her arms and walking her back. He guided her around to the bed, his hypnotic eyes keeping her in his thrall. She felt herself slipping away, awash in Will’s commanding presence and hypnotic eyes.

Will spun her around and pinned her to the bed, ignoring the feeling of her smooth, hot skin against his chest. He deftly fastened the waiting cuffs to her wrists, making sure the soft lining was smooth against her wrists. The only marks he wanted on her body were the ones he specifically put there.

“Will, whaguh.” Will landed a sharp blow to her upturned rump. Buffy seemed to get the message, and closed her eyes as Will spread her legs and fastened restraints around them. She turned her head and almost had a heart attack. Their stand-alone antique mirror had been moved. It was strategically placed so that she could see, from her bound position on the bed, Spike’s bound form…and everything that might be done to him. The pained expression on Spike’s face told her that he had an equally stimulating view, both of her backside and her face.

Will took a moment to admire his handy work, and the perfect hand print that gleamed rosily on Buffy’s ass. Gods, he was a lucky man. But there was time for tender romance later; right now, he was a man on a mission. He ducked into the adjacent bathroom and retrieved his tools. He took a small vial and placed it beside Buffy, out of her line of vision, before moving onto his other victim. The clear sound of a small bell reverberated through the room. With a small smile, Will tied a small gold bell to Spike’s penis, enjoying the sound it made as he let it hang in the air.

He slunk out of the room, escaping into the bathroom to collect his thoughts and calm his raging libido. He had a very specific plan, and he wasn’t about to let his hormones ruin it. He pulled out everything he’d need for the rest of the evening, preparing each toy and instrument with precise care. When it was all laid out in front of him, he smiled in satisfaction, collecting everything and returning to the bedroom.

“Now, I think we’re ready to begin,” Will said with satisfaction, enjoying his views. Tonight was going to be a night to remember.

A/N: So, you may have just set yourself up for a huge tease--I'm going to France for about two weeks on Monday. I'm not sure if/when I'll ever have an internet connection, so...you may be a bit out of luck for the next two weeks. Yes, I'm evil, I know. But I fully plan to do a lot of writing during my travel time, so...

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