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05/18/17 04:16 am
pj! I remember wishing one of your stories would be finished seriously about a decade ago. Amazing. I just tried an old password I used to use and amazingly got in too. Memories!
03/20/17 01:20 am
10 yrs later, i finally rem my username and password. Pari, you rock. Hope you are well.
12/23/16 01:12 pm
I donate every month. Please donate to keep this site up!
10/06/16 08:34 am
Great post.
08/31/16 03:45 pm
And anyone else who loves this site, it's worth mentioning there's a nifty little "Donate" option just below the shout box here! ;)
08/31/16 03:43 pm
Just wanted to take a moment to thank Pari and all the mods for maintaining such a great site!


Author's Corner

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Authors Chapter Notes:
I pulled the story to re-write and tweak it. I wasn't happy with it. So, if you recognize it then that's why. If you are a new reader then Welcome!!! Yeah, I know I swapped Buffy and Willow, but they are not nearly the same person. I just didn't want Buffy being the Slayer.

Buffy Summers was your average girl, from an average small town. She was born in Sunnydale, and in her sixteen years, she has yet to ever leave Sunnydale.

She came from strict parents. Her Mother was always away on business, and when she was home, she would host parties to show off her latest gallery finds. Buffy would always have to be on her best behavior.

Her Father was a smart man, went to Yale, became a lawyer. He wanted his daughter to follow in his footsteps. So, up until the divorce, he made sure Buffy studied non-stop. She rarely had time for friends. The only friend she had was Xander. To this day, he was her only friend...well, until Willow showed up.

Buffy became your, not so average girl anymore. She became research girl for the Slayer.

Willow Rosenberg was the Slayer, chosen to fight vampires and the forces of evil.

Her and Xander accepted her immediately. Buffy because Willow was nice at first, and Xander, because he was obviously infatuated with the girl. When Willow trusted them enough, she told them about her slaying. Ever since then, the two friends had helped the newcomer.

At first, Willow seemed to appreciate her help. Buffy would take time and stay long hours at the Watcher’s house to research, and most of the time, continue even after everyone went home.

Lately though, the Slayer has been taking advantage of her. She not only asks her to research, but also take notes for her and class, and even do her homework. Willow was always nice to Xander, probably because he’d do anything for her and she knew it.

Buffy thought about all of that while she was waiting for Willow to answer a question. She had asked her to say a sentence in French; an easy one. To her, it was something an elementary student could say. But to Willow, it was obviously a feat.

"Le vache doit me touch de la Jeudi," Willow recited what she'd written down, then scrunched her face up. "Was it wrong? Should I use the plural?"

"No, but you said, 'The cow should touch me from Thursday.'" Buffy laughed sarcastically.

"Maybe that's what I was thinking."

"And you said it wrong."

"Oh, je stink." Willow whined back to her.

Buffy wasn't sure what was wrong with her; usually she could take the ignorance, but lately she seemed to have enough.

Even though she was annoyed, she didn‘t want a confrontation so she tried to side with her redheaded friend. "Maybe your not focused because you miss Angel.“


What Buffy didn’t know was that while she was with her friend, a bleached blonde vampire walked into the club. He was looking around for his latest victim. Spike had a specific victim in mind-The Slayer. He had heard about her when he was in Prague with his sire. She had killed the Master. He wanted the challenge.

He looked around the club, trying to locate the girl. When he saw a flash of red hair, he stopped. The girl at the table must have been her, but what really caught his eye was the blonde she was with.

He immediately noticed the way the light bounced off her golden hair and the way it framed her petite face.

Spike decided, in that moment, to change his plans for the evening. He would make himself known to the Slayer another night. He had to know that girl, tonight.

As he wondered what her name was; luck was on his side. He heard the Slayer call her Buffy.

The Slayer's tone was slightly rude to the girl. Spike found himself fighting the rise of his demon. He didn't even know the girl and he already felt protective over her. He'd never felt this way about a human. He was William the Bloody, Scourge of Europe. He killed little girls like her, he didn't lust after them. Spike felt a sudden stab in his gut at the thought of her being dead. He wasn’t going to let that happen to her. She wouldn’t be just another meal.

When the Slayer toddled off, he would make his move on the Golden Goddess.


Back at the table, Willow was tapping her pen continuously. Buffy knew she was waiting for her to give her an excuse to do something, anything, other than homework.

"You know Willow, if you don't want to study, I'm not making you." Buffy said to her.

"You're the best, Buffy!" the red-head beamed as she jumped off her stool and closed her books. "I just rather spend time with Angel, tonight. We can do this later, right,” she turned to leave, but turned around to say, “I mean, you could always let me copy the assignment…if you wanted.”

"Actually, Willow, that's not what I..."

“Great!“ Willow dismissingly stated, then ran off. She sighed and slumped into her seat, feeling ditched by her supposed friend.

Buffy stood up and started to pack up, deciding not to sit there alone all night, looking like a loner. When she'd collected her possessions off the table, Buffy turned to make her exit, only to collide with Xander's chest.

"Hey, Xander," she said to him with a bright smile on her face; clutching the French papers to her chest.

"Hey, Buffsters. How goes it?"

It was clear that Xander wasn’t genuine. He was looking around the club, not at her. He didn’t care what she had to say. This was how it had been for months now. Xander was always concerned with what Willow was doing.

She followed his gaze, and not that she needed it, but it was confirmed, he was looking for Willow.

She was dancing with Angel. Her leg was raised and resting on his hip as he held it in place. She arched her back seductively, grinding her hips against Angel's groin.

She looked back at Xander and, of course, he couldn't tear his eyes away from the scene. He had a pathetic frown.

He was obviously ignoring her, so she took the opportunity to say what was really on her mind.

"I'm not good, Xan. I'm tired of being treated like crap. I don’t get any respect from Willow and lately, you too. She uses me, and you ignore me. I feel like I don’t have any real friends,“ Buffy huffed then looked at Xander. Just like she thought, he hadn’t heard a word.

When he said nothing, just continued to stare off at Willow, looking like he wished it was him instead of Angel on the receiving end of that dance, she snapped.

Buffy slapped his chest, trying to gain his attention. When he finally looked at her, she seethed with anger and frustration, poking him in the chest with each statement to get her point across. "You're not even listening to me, Xander! We used to be so close, but ever since Willow moved here, you've been treating me like I don't even exist! She just asked me to copy my paper! She's using us, Xan."

Xander was obviously taken aback by her yelling because his jaw had dropped.

"Jeez, Buff. What's your deal? Willow is amazing. She's the Slayer. I mean, hello, how cool is that?" Xander rubbed his chest, trying to rub away the pain Buffy's pokes had caused. "Don't be so selfish. If Willow is too busy to do her homework, then maybe you could help her out.“ he sighed, then pulled his long-time friend into a hug, hoping to calm her down a little. "You obviously need to go home and calm down. I'll call you tomorrow."

He didn't wait for a response. He was already walking out of the Bronze.


Spike watched as the brunet boy walked away from his new target, leaving her standing there with a lovely shade of red on her face. Obviously she was brassed off.

Spike stalked over to her, easily maneuvering through the bodies on the dance floor and careful to avoid the Slayer and his grandsire.

He would like to know what game Angelus was playing. He had heard rumors about a soul, and by the display of affection they were portraying, the rumors must be true. He looked to be in love with her.

He was almost to the golden goddess, when he saw her toss her papers into the rubbage bin.

Finally getting to where he wanted to be, Spike was right behind her, and she didn't even know it. He could so easily snap her neck before she even turned around, but he wouldn't dare do that. Instead he stood there, listening to her talk to herself.

"God, what are their problems?"

"Well I'm not God, luv. But I could try to answer your question." Spike leered at her.

He could see her stiffen at the sound of his voice.

Buffy heard his voice from behind her and instantly, her panties dampened. She'd never heard such a sexy accent before. Giles' was so proper, but the English accent she just heard was deep, rough, and sinister.

She turned around to look at the man and she immediately thought he was the most gorgeous man she had ever laid eyes on. He was wearing black boots with tight black jeans. He had on a black shirt that was so tightly fit, that she could make out every contour of his chest and every muscle line on his stomach. He had a dark red over shirt and, almost white, bleached slicked-back hair. To complete the look, he wore a long leather duster.

She realized that her mouth was hanging open so she quickly shut it. He must have noticed because he was laughing at her now.

"See somethin' you like, pet?" he asked her, opening his mouth and tucking the tip of his tongue behind his top teeth.

"I, um, I," Buffy stuttered, unable to form a coherent sentence.

"Oh luv, you flatter me so." He responded as he started to walk closer to her.

She started to back away from him, her nervousness taking over her body. A boy had never shown that kind of interest in her before. But he wasn't a boy--he was all man.

"I, um, Hi, I'm Buffy." She blurted out, not knowing what else to say.

Spike walked closer to her, so she backed further away, only to stop when her back hit the rafter behind her.

"It is a pleasure, luv. You can call me Spike," he whispered into Buffy's ear.

"Spike... It suits you." She replied, not sure of where her forwardness came from. But it was true, it did suit him. He must have liked what she'd said, because he grinned at her.

"I'm glad you think so, pet. It took me over a hundred years to perfect this look," his grin turned into a smirk.

Buffy was happy that she hadn't run him off yet, but suddenly the meaning of his comment came to her. Either he was over exaggerating, or he was a vampire. She tried to sidestep him, wanting to get away from him, but he quickly brought his hands up. He effectively barricaded her in place

"A hundred you said?" She asked him nervously.

"Well, I did say over a hundred, but close enough, luv."

She didn't want to die. She didn't want to become a statistic in the stupid town. Buffy searched for Willow only to see her with Angel, still so engrossed with each other. She wasn’t getting any help from the Slayer.

She resulted to begging.

"P-p-please don't hurt me," she pleaded with the vampire.

"Why would I do such a thin', my pet?"

"Because you're a vampire aren't you? That's what you do. You hurt people and you kill people," she said to him, and then grabbed his arm to try and push him away from her.

Spike took a few seconds to really feel her warmth. Her hand was almost burning his arm, even through the thick leather. Bloody hell, it felt so fucking good, he thought, reveling in the feel of her hands on him.

He let his guard down while he was thinking, and she'd almost managed to push him away. He grabbed her hips and tightly held her in place. He pulled her towards him so they were flush against each other.

Spike held the lovely girl in his arms and heard her gasp, causing him to shudder slightly. Such a perfect sound she had made.

He took the opportunity to grind himself against her, enticing another gasp from her lips, the sound coming dangerously close to a moan. The smell of her arousal mixed with her fear was exquisite, driving him wild.

He thought about the questions she'd asked him earlier, before he'd gotten sidetracked by her luxurious. Of course that's what he did. Spike lived for the violence, he was evil. He couldn't kill her, though.

He was over a hundred years old and it was time he made a Childe. Christ, she would be magnificent. He could feel darkness deep within her. And he was just the vampire to bring it out.

"You're absolutely correct, luv. I do kill people, just for the fun of it too. Bloody Happy Meals on legs, is all you humans are. Blood bags, just ripe for the pickin‘." Spike said with a sneer, then leaned forward, bringing his mouth closer to her ear. "But I can assure you, you won't stay dead. I heard the way your mates treated you, makin’ you feel like a bloody welcome mat. You're above that, you deserve better. You're destined for so much more." Spike whispered to her, leaning even closer so he could nip at her neck with his blunt teeth.

He could practically see the wheels spinning in the adorable head of hers. He'd only hoped she'd go with him willingly. He didn't want to force her into his life, he wanted her to choose it. It didn't mean he wouldn't use force, though. She was like a Siren Song to him, beckoning him into her life.

She felt as if he had put her into a thrall. She was already so enamored with him. It was strange.

She looked up into his eyes, searching his for the answer she craved. "And just what am I destined for, Spike?"

Spike rested his forehead against hers, looking her dead in the eyes. "Me."

Chapter End Notes:
This story didn't get a good response when I first posted/wrote and that is why I pulled it to revise. Please take the time to comment if you enjoyed it and would like me to post and then continue writing. I have eleven chapters that just need re-writing so it won't take me long. I won't know you want them though, unless you tell me. Thanks much!

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