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05/18/17 04:16 am
pj! I remember wishing one of your stories would be finished seriously about a decade ago. Amazing. I just tried an old password I used to use and amazingly got in too. Memories!
03/20/17 01:20 am
10 yrs later, i finally rem my username and password. Pari, you rock. Hope you are well.
12/23/16 01:12 pm
I donate every month. Please donate to keep this site up!
10/06/16 08:34 am
Great post.
08/31/16 03:45 pm
And anyone else who loves this site, it's worth mentioning there's a nifty little "Donate" option just below the shout box here! ;)
08/31/16 03:43 pm
Just wanted to take a moment to thank Pari and all the mods for maintaining such a great site!


Author's Corner

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Authors Chapter Notes:
Believe it or not, this was originally a Spike/Dawn fiction, but I decided to turn it into Spuffy so I could post elsewhere. Buffy is only sixteen here, so there will be a twenty year age difference. If that’s not your thing, you don’t have to read. Thanks to Peroxide_dreams and dusty273 for the read through. I hope you guys like it=)

Spike Rayne felt like a perv. He was gazing out at the pool at his step-daughter and her friends. It being one of the hottest days of the year, they all decided to go for a swim. He felt his pants tighten as he watched the girls jump around in their little bikinis, especially his beautiful Cordelia. She was truly a vision. Long, tan legs and dark hair that fell around her shoulders in waves.

Spike turned away from the scene, feeling that it was time for yet another wank in the bathroom. He was thirty-six and shouldn’t be lusting after his eighteen-year-old step-daughter, but he couldn’t resist her. If Joyce could see him now, she would be so disappointed. They married years ago, Joyce being older than him and not exactly his type, but he’d loved her. He didn’t even care that she had two daughters that he was now responsible for, Joyce having passed away nearly six months ago. The girls were so very different from each other. Cordelia was the popular cheerleader at her high school. Buffy was a bit of an outcast; she was quiet and liked to keep to herself. She reminded Spike of himself when he was that age. He was brought out of his thoughts when the backdoor opened and Cordelia walked in, a towel wrapped around her body.

“God, it’s so hot out there.”

Spike gulped at the sight of her. “You’re telling me.”

Cordelia rolled her eyes. “Gross, were you watching us again? You are so embarrassing. My friends are starting to think that you’re some creepy old guy.”

Spike clenched his fists when she headed back outside after grabbing a water bottle. He was well aware that she basically didn’t like him, but he still couldn’t help wanting her. She was a snob, only cared about boys and the latest fashions, definitely not the type he would usually go for. Spike sighed and turned to see Buffy enter the kitchen, his eyes widening at the sight of her in a skimpy outfit. He hadn’t expected that from her. “Where are you going?”

She stopped to look at him. “Out with some friends, since Cordy is hogging the pool. She said I’m not allowed out there.”

Spike nodded in understanding. Cordelia wasn’t the best older sister in the world, always treated Buffy like they weren’t even related. The girl deserved better than that.

* * * * *

After a long day and night, Spike couldn’t wait to finally get to bed. He walked by Cordelia’s room, peering inside to see that she was sleeping peacefully. He smiled and headed over to Buffy’s room. Her door was opened a crack and he could hear soft moaning coming from inside. Curious, he took a closer look and was stunned by what he saw. Buffy was spread out in bed, naked and touching herself. She threw her head back and let out another moan as her fingers continued to caress her pussy. Spike had never been so turned on in his life, even if he felt like a monster for watching her. Cordy was one thing, but Buffy was only sixteen. Still, he found himself unzipping his pants and taking his cock out, stroking it up and down. He came when she did, coating his fingers with his cum and feeling repulsed by what he just did. Spike quickly zipped his pants back up and hurried to his room, shutting the door and praying that she didn’t notice he was there.

* * * * *

Buffy smiled once she came down from her high, pleased by the fact that he got off on watching her. It was about time Spike started to take notice of her and realize that she was ten times better than Cordelia. She had wanted him ever since he married her mother, but she was only twelve then. He would have never noticed her, but maybe now he would see that she wasn’t just a kid. With that thought in mind, she drifted off to a peaceful sleep.

* * * * *

Spike didn’t know how to act around Buffy the next day. Cordelia was out with friends, which left him alone with the younger girl. He was sitting on the couch pretending to watch TV when she came into the living room, wearing some frilly girly thing that left little to the imagination.

Buffy grinned at his discomfort, plopping down next to him on the couch. She reached over him to grab the remote, feeling his reaction to her closeness. “So, what are you in the mood for?”

Spike didn’t know what she was getting at, until he saw her raise the remote. “It doesn’t matter, whatever you want.”

She flipped through the channels, a smirk forming on her face when she came across a steamy sex scene in some older movie.

His eyes widened, that being the last thing he wanted to watch with a teenage girl. Spike cursed himself when his cock jumped to attention, hoping that she wouldn’t notice.

Buffy turned to him. “Is this making you uncomfortable?”

Spike shook his head, swallowing hard. “No, why would it?”

Buffy glanced down at his crotch. “You just look uncomfortable to me.” She shrugged nonchalantly, and then dropped the bomb, “I know you were watching me last night. Did you like what you saw?”

He paled. Bloody hell, he didn’t think there was an easy way out of this conversation. “I-I didn’t plan on it. I was just checking on you before I went to bed. It was a mistake.”

Buffy moved closer to him. “Maybe, but that doesn’t exactly answer my question,” she said, trailing her hands down his chest, cupping the bulge in his jeans.

Spike shut his eyes tight. “Fuck, what are you doing?” he croaked out, confused by her behavior, but not disappointed.

“You really need to loosen up more, Spike. It can be our little secret.” She spread kisses up and down his neck, taking his earlobe into her mouth and sucking on it.

Spike knew this was wrong. She was just a young girl. A very striking young girl, but that didn’t make it right. If he was twenty years younger, he would have been on her in an instant, but he wasn’t. He was her guardian and had to be the responsible adult. Which was why he was shocked to find himself pushing her down on the couch, his lips smashing hers in a passionate kiss. He slipped his tongue inside her mouth, his hands running all over her toned body. He pulled away when breathing became an issue, shaking his head. “No, we can’t do this here.”

Buffy agreed, taking his hand and yanking him off of the couch. She led him up to her room; there would be no going back now.

* * * * *

She shoved him down on the bed, smirking at him as she slowly removed her clothing.

Spike licked his lips when her naked body was once again revealed to him. He knew this was so very wrong, but couldn’t seem to find it in him to care at the moment.

Buffy crawled over to him, unzipping his pants and pulling them down, not really surprised to find out that he didn’t wear anything underneath them. She prowled up his body, helping him take his shirt off and throwing it to the floor to join the rest of their clothes. “Cordelia could never be good enough for you. I’ve seen the way you look at her. I’ve always wished for you to look at me like that. I know I’m not as pretty as she is…”

He cut her off by pressing a finger to her lips. “You don’t have to compete with your sister, love. You have something special about you that she doesn’t, and as for not being as pretty as her? You’re right; I think you’re fucking gorgeous.”

She blushed at the compliment, closing her eyes in contentment when he caressed her cheek.

“I may be going to Hell for this, but I think it would be well worth it.”

Buffy smiled when his lips touched hers, squealing as he wrapped his arms around her and changed their positions, so that he was now the one on top.

Spike caressed her breasts, tugging gently on her left nipple, lowering his head to take it into his mouth.

Buffy gasped and arched her back, giving him better access.

Spike gave the same treatment to the right nipple. He sucked and licked her flesh, lowering his hand to her pussy and slipping two fingers inside her already drenched hole. “You’re so wet, baby. You really want this, don’t you?”

She nodded, gazing down into his eyes. “More than you could possibly know. I was so jealous of my mother.”

He chuckled a little, flattered by this young girl’s attraction to him. Spike took his fingers out of her, replacing them with his tongue. He just knew she would taste sweet.

Buffy stared up at the ceiling, moaning, panting, and grinding her pussy against his mouth, her hands threading into his hair to keep him in place. She’d never felt anything so good in her life.

Spike ate her out until she came hard in his mouth. He licked every drop down, satisfied by the expression of pleasure on her face. “Are you sure you want to do this, Buffy? Once we start, there’s no backing out.”

She nodded adamantly. “I want this. Please, I won’t have any regrets.”

That was all he needed. Spike snatched up his pants from the floor, taking his wallet out of the pocket and searching through it for the condom that he thought was inside. “Shit, I could have sworn that I had a rubber in here.”

“It’s okay, Mom made me go on the pill when she found out that Cordy was sexually active. I guess she figured I was bound to follow in her footsteps.”

Spike nodded and threw his pants back to the floor, positioning himself above her and gazing into her eyes. He brushed the hair out of her face and slowly thrust inside, stopping when he reached her barrier. “Why didn’t you tell me?” he wondered. He had the feeling that she might be a virgin, but didn’t know for sure until now.

Buffy took on a shy expression. “I didn’t think you would want me if you knew.”

Spike couldn’t believe she would think that. In fact, it made him want her even more. “This is going to hurt a bit, pet. I’ll try to make it as painless for you as possible, but feel free to dig your nails in my shoulders as hard as you need to, okay?”

She nodded and took a deep breath, crying out when he ripped through her hymen and buried himself fully inside of her.

Spike kissed her tears away, trying to soothe her with his words. “It’s all right, baby. The pain will pass soon, just hold on to me.”

Buffy did as he said and dug her nails in, leaving half moon marks on his skin. “It doesn’t hurt as much anymore, you can go faster.”

Spike was happy to oblige as he pounded into her pussy, taking her hard and fast. The sound of her moans was driving him crazy. “Fuck, you feel so bloody good. So tight, a bloke could get used to this.” It had been a long time since he took a virgin, but nothing had ever felt so amazing.

“Oh God, I won’t be able to last much longer,” she panted.

Spike pressed his lips to hers. “Just let yourself go, love. I’ll catch you.”

Buffy let out a scream that was muffled by his mouth as she came, Spike right behind her.

He was breathing heavily once their orgasms subsided, moving off of her and lying back down at her side. Spike wrapped his arms around her, gazing up at the ceiling as the reality of what they did came crashing down on him. He just had sex with his step-daughter. Wonderful, amazing sex, sure, but she was only sixteen. Her first time should have been with a boy her own age, someone she loved. Not a disgusting pervert like himself. He was supposed to be protecting her from guys like him.

Buffy could tell what he was thinking. “It’s okay, no one will find out about this. I know it probably won’t happen again, but it meant a lot to me. You being my first, I wouldn’t have had it any other way. I know I’m just a kid, but for one night, you made me feel like a woman. I’ll never forget that, William.”

That one word was enough to bring tears to his eyes, Joyce being the only other person to ever call him by his given name.

A loud commotion sounded downstairs, followed by someone giggling.

Buffy sighed and moved away from him. “Cordy’s home, and it sounds like she’s drunk again. I guess you better go deal with that.”

Spike could hear the sadness in her voice, but knew that she was right. He stood up and got dressed, making his way over to the door. He glanced back at her one more time. “I love you, sweetheart. Get some rest, all right?”

Buffy nodded and turned away, so she wouldn’t have to see him leave. “I love you, too.”

* * * * *

Spike found Cordelia passed out at the top of the stairs, letting out a sigh as he picked her up and carried her into her bedroom. He tucked her in, taking a moment to look at her before leaving. Spike realized that for the first time, he felt nothing for the brunette. He headed back to his room, knowing that it would be hard to sleep that night, but when he finally did; his dreams were invaded by a beautiful blonde goddess. Nothing would ever be the same again.

The End

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