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05/18/17 04:16 am
pj! I remember wishing one of your stories would be finished seriously about a decade ago. Amazing. I just tried an old password I used to use and amazingly got in too. Memories!
03/20/17 01:20 am
10 yrs later, i finally rem my username and password. Pari, you rock. Hope you are well.
12/23/16 01:12 pm
I donate every month. Please donate to keep this site up!
10/06/16 08:34 am
Great post.
08/31/16 03:45 pm
And anyone else who loves this site, it's worth mentioning there's a nifty little "Donate" option just below the shout box here! ;)
08/31/16 03:43 pm
Just wanted to take a moment to thank Pari and all the mods for maintaining such a great site!


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Buffy sat in in her usual spot on the couch facing the television set as she continued to wait for the day she could join her family at home. It had been three weeks since Spike had come back into her life again and two of which she hadn’t seen or heard anything from him. She had come to grips with the fact that now that he was human he had more opportunities and probably wouldn’t want to wait on his crazy wife to be released from the loony bin. No, she imagined he was currently screwing Miss Teen Queen with her artificially enhanced cleavage and press-on eyelashes into the ground while she waited for her next dose of drugs to be administered.
She imagined the girl would probably resemble Harmony and she could only pray that Spike would have the compassion to tell young William at least a few nice things about his mother.

She was broken from her musings as a portly nurse nudged her softly on the shoulder before addressing her. “Buffy? Can you understand me?” At the girl’s sharp nod, she continued, “ You have a visitor waiting in the conference room if you want to go talk to him.” The nurse took her arm and guided her past numerous patient rooms before steering her inside a simple office, normally used for impromptu therapy sessions.

“Buffy luv.” He didn’t need to say or do anything more before she crumbled into his arms, sobbing. “Pet, I’m so sorry I couldn’t come out before today but there’s something I need to tell you.” Besides the fact that his hair was newly bleached, there wasn’t much else that had changed since she had seen him last except the hardened expression that was swiftly taking over his handsome features.

She slouched in a nearby chair across the table from him as she let her head fall to the table. With weary, bloodshot eyes she asked the question that had been weighing heavily on her mind since he had stopped visiting. “Are you divorcing me? I won’t fight you if you want to but please…please tell William that I love him and only want the best for him…and could you please tell him about me once in a while and maybe leave out the word bitch. I want him to know that I loved him even though I wasn’t there and maybe you could not have your new wife not be ‘mom’ to him. If you can do that for me, I’ll sign the papers without a fight Spike. You deserve so much more than me, you deserve someone who’s not in the loony bin. You deserve someone who can love you to the fullest and I…”

“What the bleeding hell are you on about? ‘M not leavin’ you in any way, sort, or fashion and you’d be off your bird to think otherwise. Don’t know how many sodding times I have to tell you this but I…love…you!” He rounded the table and fell to his knees as he clutched at her legs before slowly moving up until he was rocking her tiny body in his arms as she cried out happy tears.

“Then why are you here and what’s with the frown-y face?” She gently untangled herself from him while still maintaining light contact with his hand as he sat in the leather chair next to her.

“How much do you know about Giles?”

“Giles, as in Rupert Giles, my watcher Giles?”

He slowly nodded his head as he waited for her to stop babbling on about how he was like a father figure to her and a mentor as well as some other information he would rather never hear again about that man and his wife.

“He’s not who you think he is luv. Did you know that the Council grants an impressive salary to the slayer after the Slayer‘s eighteenth birthday?”

“I was supposed to get a salary? You mean I wouldn’t have had to work at the Doublemeat Palace? Oh man, somebody’s gonna die for that!” Her expression hardened as she thought back to every day after she’d come back from the dead, well the second time at least, that she had to scrimp and save to come anywhere near paying off the necessary bills.

“I had Red hack into his bank records and it turns out Watcher-boy was collecting two paychecks from the Council of Wankers- yours and his. That money he gave you after you’d come back was your own money. He didn’t lend you any of his own precious dosh. ‘E’s also the reason you’re still in here pet. All of my attempts to get you released are being sidelined with his orders to keep you in here.” Spike gently grazed her knuckles as he attempted to keep her from destroying the nice office and being locked up even longer.

“Why would he want to keep me in here? I’m not a threat to him, well as soon as I get my money I won’t be a threat to him.”

“According to the Council’s rules, the slayer is the official head until her death and you being the Head Slayer are officially in charge of the council and all of its dealings. Watcher-boy is only filling in until you get there. ‘E’s on a bit of a power trip now and wants to keep himself in charge. Never liked that bloke.” Spike had seen that glint in her eyes before, although it was usually reserved for when she was trying to stake him, and was more than pleased that it wasn’t his head she was after. She looked more than ready to destroy the older Englishman for all the pain he’d put her through.

“So what’s the plan? Other than get me the hell out of this place.”

“’ve already had Red start transferring the Council’s funds into an untraceable account in the Caribbean so it shouldn’t take more than a few weeks before ‘e realizes his cash is gone but as for getting you out of ‘ere…how would you feel about changing therapist? I do believe that Dr. Angel is more knowledgeable of your condition. ” He smirked at her wide-eyes and gaped mouth.

“You have got to be crazier than I am. Dr. Angel? Great, I’m going to be psychoanalyzed by a vampire…again. Well at least I’ll have company when they lock all of you up with me.” Buffy rolled her eyes at Spike’s grand plan before they settled down to discuss more details of the plan.

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