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05/18/17 04:16 am
pj! I remember wishing one of your stories would be finished seriously about a decade ago. Amazing. I just tried an old password I used to use and amazingly got in too. Memories!
03/20/17 01:20 am
10 yrs later, i finally rem my username and password. Pari, you rock. Hope you are well.
12/23/16 01:12 pm
I donate every month. Please donate to keep this site up!
10/06/16 08:34 am
Great post.
08/31/16 03:45 pm
And anyone else who loves this site, it's worth mentioning there's a nifty little "Donate" option just below the shout box here! ;)
08/31/16 03:43 pm
Just wanted to take a moment to thank Pari and all the mods for maintaining such a great site!


Author's Corner

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Authors Chapter Notes:
A massive thanks to my Beta Pixiecorn and also a huge thanks to Edgehead for the awesome banner *hugs girls*.

Chapter 2:

Buffy had been stumped when Faith had told her what the plan was. She couldn’t believe what she was hearing but she trusted Faith, so in a hurry she changed into her black tights and her skin tight white singlet top.

She slipped on her roller blades and darted out the front door, grabbing her hocky stick and puck on the way and helped Faith set up to play a game of street hockey.

She could see William, “Spike” Pratt washing his black Desoto out the front of his house next door. He looked as gorgeous as ever, good enough to eat, wearing only his black jeans and nothing else, his chest glistened in the sun. Buffy couldn’t help but stare at him, watching as droplets of sweat fell down his perfectly sculptured chest. His bleach blonde hair was dishevelled and doused in water as he sprayed his car with the hose.

Buffy licked her lips at the sinful thoughts that were running through her mind and all the scenarios of what she wanted to do to him.

“Hey, B.” Buffy turned around to face Faith.

“You ready?” she asked raising her eye brow wickedly. Buffy looked to her right to see her mother completely focused on her gardening with her back to both girls completely oblivious as to what was going on. Buffy turned and faced Faith once more a smile on her face as she nodded, taking her place in front of two garbage tins which they had set up for a goal area.

Faith started skating towards Buffy, the plan automatically being thrown into action as she tapped the puck from side to side. She came to an abrupt halt swinging her hockey stick with all her might, Faith whacked the puck with all the strength she had. Buffy watched with wide eyes as it flew past her head and smashed into Spike’s car window, both cringing and smiling at the sound of glass shattering.

Joyce jumped to her feet and hurriedly rushed over to where a very shocked Spike was assessing the damage done to his beloved Desoto.

Faith smiled one last time to Buffy before she darted home.

Buffy dropped her hockey stick, pulling her mask off as she headed towards the place where both her mother and Spike stood assessing the damage done by her puck. She came to a stop, standing next to her mother who was apologising repeatedly.

“Buffy how could you be so careless?” her mother ranted as Buffy tried to keep her face passive.

“I’m sorry, it was an accident.”

“Oh Buffy. You’re usually so careful.”

“I know, I’m sorry. Faith took me by surprise… I’m so sorry Mr Pratt.” Buffy said sincerely, looking up at Spike face meeting his gaze. She was trapped in his blue eyes.

“Buffy, I seem to remember asking you to call me Spike.” He smiled warmly at her.

“Spike,” Buffy smiled before coming to her senses. “I’ll pay for the repairs… except I don‘t have any money or a job at the moment.”

“That’s not necessary.”

“No I insist. My mom is right, I should have been more careful.”

“Yes I am. There has to be something Buffy can do to make it up to you.” Joyce said stepping forward, Buffy couldn’t help but to smirk. The plan was working out perfectly and soon she would have an all access invite to his house.

“Is there something I can do for you around your house? Cleaning or something. I feel so bad about this so I’m not taking no for an answer.” Buffy said putting on her resolve face.

“Well, the study could do with a tidy up.” Spike said thinking out loud.

“Great. I’ll be around tomorrow after school. I’ll have your study spick and span in no time.” She smiled before bouncing off and into her house. Spike was left to briefly talk with her mother before he continued to clean his car, careful not to damage his broken window any more than it had been.

His thoughts drifting to the small blonde bombshell that lived next door. He had been fantasising about her from the moment he had first laid eyes on her a year ago but when he had found out she was only 17 years old and still in high school all thoughts of her and him together were forcefully pushed from his mind. His attempts to keeps his feelings buried had failed and he often found himself still fantasising about her.

He had desperately tried to stop fantasising about her but every time he thought he had it under control she would come bouncing out of her house wearing the shortest skirts he had ever seen and the tightest tops leaving very little to the imagination.

She would walk down the street, the wind blowing the back of her skirts up revealing her underwear of choice and he would go instantly hard and soon find himself laying naked on his king sized bed stroking his cock his eyes squeezed shut as he imagined her straddling his hips and fucking him till he roared in release.

How was he going to do this? He couldn’t have her in his house with him… just the two of them… all alone! No! No Way! He couldn’t allow it. But how was he going to stop her? She was so determined.

His hand paused in mid car clean as he tried to think of a solution, this was ridicules, nothing was going to happen. Sure they’d flirted from time to time but it was harmless, besides she wasn’t interested in him that way. Buffy was young, only 18 and she probably had some jock boyfriend she was madly in love with.

Spike couldn’t help but feel jealous at the thought of her being wrapped in the arms of another guy while he touched, kissed and fucked her. Just the thought made his blood boil with rage. Who did he think he was? He wasn’t her boyfriend. He was just her neighbour who had no right to feel jealous of a “possible” boyfriend.

Shaking the thoughts from his head he decided that he was being stupid. Everything was going to be fine, Buffy would come over tomorrow to clean his study and he would keep himself busy with marking papers. He resumed cleaning again; all the while reassuring himself that Buffy saw him as nothing more than the guy that lived next door.

The next 24 hours seemed to drag out for Buffy, she spent that night with Faith ‘returning the favour’ and thanking her for the brilliant plan that now left Spike and her alone in his house for a whole afternoon.

The next day had been spent at school, 6 hours dragged on mercilessly and it felt more like 16 hours instead of 6.

Now she stood outside his front door in the outfit Faith had helped her pick out. Spike thought he was going to faint at the vision he was met with when he opened his front door. Buffy’s hair hung in loose golden waves around her shoulders. She wore a blood red low cut top that hugged her small frame perfectly, and a short black pleated skirt that sat on her hips and left her tanned legs exposed. To finish her look of she wore a pair of black, thin strapped high heels.

Spike felt his breath catch in his throat as he took in Buffy’s appearance. She looked so bloody gorgeous that he felt his body responding to her and willed his hardening cock to go down. Not that it ever listened to him.

“You seem a little over dressed for cleaning,” he commented making Buffy laugh softly.

“Yeah, sorry. I’m headed to a party right after this and I don’t really have time to change.” Spike was delighted by what she had said. Maybe he had a chance of talking her out of cleaning his study after all.

“Oh, well if you have plans you can clean the study another day.”

“No way buster. I made a commitment and I’m going to see it through,” she said smiling, slipping past him quickly before he could protest. She made her way into his house and Spike took a much needed deep breath, begging whoever was out there to give him the strength he needed to get through this afternoon without grabbing his sexy next door neighbour and having his way with her. He closed his front door and moved to meet her in the study.

“So where do you want me?” she asked, turning to face him as he walked in behind her, he almost groaned in response.

‘On the desk with your panties on the floor and your skirt up around your hips so I can fuck you into the desk.’ he thought, closing his eyes as he felt his hard on press against his jeans, pinching the bridge of his nose.

“Are you okay?” she asked, concerned.

“I’m fine. It’s just… a headache.” He covered. “Um… everything you need to clean the study is in the bucket in the corner. I’ll be at my desk marking some papers if you need me.” Spike smiled, walking over to his desk and quickly sitting down praying she hadn’t noticed his raging hard on.

An hour had passed since Buffy had started cleaning and she was still desperately waiting for him to look up from his desk but it seemed he was to lost in his work. She inwardly sighed, for her plan to work she needed his attention so she moved around near the front of his desk. She heard Spike groan in frustration and heard his pen drop to the desk; she looked over her shoulder to see him rubbing his face, clearly annoyed. She saw his head beginning to look up and she knew this was her chance.

Purposely dropping the bucket that was in her hand, she slowly bent over to retrieve it. Spike glanced up quickly when he heard the bucket clatter to the floor and couldn’t stop himself from groaning out loud at the sight in front of him.

Buffy was bent over in front of him, her little black skirt ridding up to reveal that she wasn’t wearing any underwear.

He could see her perfectly rounded ass and her cleanly shaved pussy and couldn’t stop himself from licking his lips. Spike felt his pants tighten and groaned, willing his body to stop reacting to the sight in front of him as he tried to get his bearings about him. Buffy smiled to herself and still bent over, turned her head slightly to look at him.

“See something you like?” she asked her voice husky with lust. Spike quickly turned his head away, closing his eyes.

‘Oh God help me’ he thought but he knew the moment he opened his eyes and looked back at her that he was beyond help.

Chapter End Notes:
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