Dark Shadows
~Chapter One~
AN: You don't need to be familiar with or a fan of Christine Feehan's Carpathian series to enjoy this cross-over. Pretty much everything you need to know about Carpathians will be revealed to the reader as he explains it to Buffy, so I'm sure you can still enjoy it. Not to mention, there are always mysterious factors to stories and people still read them, lol. Though, I am a nice person, so if you would like further info and think you might like the books (which are romance novels of the vampirish variety) then feel free to email me.
Buffy tossed her backpack over her shoulder and filed out of the classroom along with the other students. It had already gotten dark because of the shorter winter days. The street lights that dotted the campus were just coming on as she made her way towards the apartments. The light wind ruffled her the loose blonde curls around her face and stung her skin with its coolness. She tugged her faux fur trimmed coat closer around her to keep her warm.
Her mind was mostly on the lesson she had just sat through and the homework she would have to complete before the next class, going over a few ideas she had for it. Hopefully she would remember those ideas once she got to her apartment. Then that led to her mind wandering to food. It was late and she hadn't really eaten all day like usual. She debated stopping at the cafeteria on her way back, but thought... nah... she didn't feel up to cafeteria food at the moment. Some sushi from the place down the street was calling her name. Her tummy gave its vote for crunch rolls and seafood rolls in the form of a nice sounding growl.
She chuckled and pulled her backpack back over her shoulder in front of her as she got closer to the apartments so that she could dig in the front pocket for her keys. She snagged them finally and replaced the bookbag, but paused just outside the parking lot. Something sickening had slithered into her belly and shoved aside her sushi cravings. For a moment she even thought she would be sick.
Worried eyes scanned the area. Evil. That's what she could feel.
Her stomach clenched and she hurried towards the forest green neon parked towards the back of the parking lot. She had gotten back late the night before which had meant the lot had been full and she had to park the farthest from the front doors of the apartment building. That was unfortunate because it also meant she was in the shade of trees, making deep shadows as the trees blocked the street lamps. She wondered briefly if the sushi was worth it, but she was closer to her car than she was to the apartments. So she might as well run to her car and quickly get in.
She was just getting to the car when she was wrenched away from the car and deeper into the shadows under the trees. The hands that held her arms were abnormally strong and she was unable to break free. But, that didn't alarm her as much as the fact that they were a deathly gray and resembles talons with their long sharp nails.
Her mouth stretched in a scream but one of those unearthly hands moved to clamp over her mouth before she could utter a sound. The most horrible stench she had ever smelt, the stench of death, filled her nose and made her gag as the creature behind her leaned in to whisper in her ear with a voice that grated like gravel. It set her teeth on edge.
"What do I have here? A female out and about unprotected." She could hear the sneer in his voice.
She was spun around to face the creature and immediately wished that it had left her without the imagery before her. The creature was little more than a rotting corpse, the eyes hollow except for glowing red. The mouth widened to reveal it's fangs, saliva dripping from their points as he leaned forward with intent.
She screamed in vain behind the muffling hand, struggling for all she was worth no matter how pointless it was. The creature was simply too strong and it looked like this was going to be it. Her eyes squeezed shut and she whimpered as she waited for the end.
The bite didn't come though. Then suddenly the hands released her and she stumbled back, falling to the ground near her car. She opened her eyes and shook her head clear, pushing her hair out of her face then peering back under the trees and trying to make out what was going on. Why she had been given a sudden reprieve, not that she was really complaining.
Spike had been tracking this particular vampire for some time now and the creature had led him to this college campus. Didn't surprise him. Plenty of young co-eds for the creature to choose from for feeding on. He heard the muffled screams and whimpers coming from the trees near a parking lot and paused. Seems the vampire had already found a victim.
The droplets of mist traveling through the air condensed into the form of a man behind the vampire. The creature eclipsed the small female and kept her out of view, but it didn't matter. His whole being was focused on the creature he had sworn to destroy. He was a Carpathian hunter, sent out by their Prince to protect humans and Carpathians alike from those Carpathians who hadn't done the honorable and destroyed themselves before the darkness took over their souls, becoming vampires. His hair was bleached white and slicked back, didn't want it obscuring his vision during battle. He was fair unlike most Carpathians who were dark from their Eastern European heritage. His eyes were azure flames, intent on the creature and cool with surety that he would be victorious.
He darted forward and wrenched the creature away from the female before he could bite her. The vampire reeled around and slashed at him with his claws, going for his heart. Spike simply sidestepped and shifted his form into that of a leopard, leaping away as the vampire continued to try to slash at him.
The vampire sent white hot tongues of flame after the leopard, but the animal nimbly avoided them. He leapt at the vampire, bringing them both to the ground and biting at the creature savagely. His claws slashed at the vampire's chest, digging for the heart. The creature struggled to get up, though. So Spike took the first opportunity he saw to bite his large maw into the vampire's throat, tearing it open. He jumped back as the poisonous blood started to spray forth.
Spike reformed into human shape and lunged forward just as the vampire straightened, driving his hand through the chest of the creature. His fist emerged from the back clutching the still beating heart. He quickly tossed it aside as the body flopped around, spraying blood even more now. Spike called down lightning to destroy the remains of the vampire. He sent the fire dancing around to clean the blood from the area and then let it spring to himself to destroy the blood on himself.
Only then did he finally let his attention go to the female he saved, thinking to cleanse any blood from her as it was poisonous and burned. He would also have to alter her memory then send her to her apartment to sleep and wake up in the morning as if this had never happened. Probably feed off her first as he hadn't yet tonight and after such a battle he needed replenishing.
That is, he would have done that if he hadn't noticed that as he approached her and walked out of the shadows the greenness of the car behind her. The same greenness in the wide eyes staring up at him frightened after watching the powerful display. His brows furrowed and he reached out to touch the strands of hair that he could tell were golden now.
Buffy trembled and shied away from his hand. "What are you?"
At the sound of that lovely voice he stumbled. The world exploding into even more brilliant hues. So disorienting after centuries of colourless sight. His heart constricted and all those lost emotions he had once felt came rushing back into him. He gasped and stared at her, just as alarmed.
He had resigned himself as soon as he had gotten rid of that vampire he was going to greet the dawn. He had given up on finding his own lifemate, but there she stood. A human. But, it was no matter to him. She was his all the same. He had heard that lately many of the males of his people were finding renewed hope in psychic human females. Before now, they had little to no success with turning human females, but recently it was discovered if they had a psychic gift then turning was possible. Good for their race since there were so little females and so little children being born, and even then surviving past their first few years.
When he made no move to attack her, she got a bit bolder. She turned on her heal and started running across the parking lot as fast as her legs could carry her. She didn't get far when he seemingly appeared right in front of her and she had to skid to a stop before colliding with him. His hands caught her shoulders to steady her before she fell again, but didn't let go after she was steadied. He leaned in to inhale her scent, taking it in and ensuring he would be able to find her again no matter where.
She swayed towards him for a moment, seeming to be swept up in the same spell, but quickly snapping out of it. She jerked away from him with a frown and looked like she was going to bolt again. He couldn't allow that. Not after waiting to find this woman after centuries of colourless, emotionless existence and nearly ready to greet the dawn because he had all but given up hope, so close to losing his soul to the darkness.
"Sleep," he said simply, sending a hard compulsion with the word.
Spike caught her up into his arms as she started to fall over unconscious, cradling her slight body to him. His eyes studied her face briefly. The dark lashes laying against her soft cheeks. Her upturned nose. Her pouty lips. His thumb traced the full bottom lip tenderly before he took to the sky, heading towards the mountains where he had a large house hidden in the forest.
When he got there, he cleaned her with a thought as he went up to a bedroom. He tossed her backpack into a chair in the corner and laid her gently on the bed. He thought away her clothes and gave her body a brief appreciative look before he tucked her in snuggly. His lips brushed a kiss across her forehead and he reinforced the command to sleep, making sure she didn't awaken until the next night.
Buffy fought through layers of grogginess. They pressed in on her like restraining hands, enticing her to stay down in peaceful rest. But, she new that wouldn't do. So she fought stubbornly and finally sat up, running her hands through her messy locks as she shoved away the last remnants of sleep. As the world came into focus, she realized she was naked beneath the covers in an alien room. Her brows shot up in alarm and memories from the night before came rushing back.
What had that thing been that attacked her? It was... there were no words to describe how disturbing and disgusting it had been. Luckily that man had come along to stop it. Man probably wasn't the right word for him, what with all those things he had been able to do. She supposed he had abducted her afterwards, though, judging by her strange surroundings. So, her luck had been short lived.
He had looked at her with such stark possessiveness and need after he did away with that other thing. It had been frightening and she had tried to flee. Which she should have known would have been futile with all those abilities he seemed to have and the fact he obviously wasn't going to let her just go.
Oh, but he was so breathtakingly handsome. Maybe it wouldn't be such a bad thing to belong to him. His intense blue eyes and full, sensuous lips. Those razor sharp cheekbones were lethal. She could tell even under that leather duster that he was built with powerful muscle. He moved with such feline grace. Ironic comparison after seeing him actually turn into a large cat during that battle. It was frightening and reassuring at the same time, all that power and strength. So far he seemed to be intent on using it to keep her safe.
No. Bad thoughts. She shook her head to clear them away and got up, glancing around for something to put on. Nothing. Where had he put her clothes? There was her bookbag, but no clothes. She blushed faintly at the idea he had seen her naked, but it quickly gave way to indignation that he had undressed her against her will while she had been unconscious. She needed to find him and give him a piece of her mind, or simply just find a way out of this place and get home. Either would have suited her.
So she wrapped the bedsheet around her and flounced out of the room, dragging her bookbag behind her as well as the end of the sheet. At the end of the hallway she found the staircase going down to the main floor, then the foyer that led to the front door. It was dusk outside, which she was okay with since then her walking around in a sheet would be less glaringly obvious. She headed for the door and jerked it open then went to simply leave.
But, it wasn't that simple. She hit an invisible barrier and bounced back. Her hands raised and she smacked them against the barrier angrily. Gah! She should have known, the sneaky little twerp! She gave an outraged growl and slammed the door closed before stomping down the foyer, searching the rooms for any sign of anyone else.
"Show your bleachy ass self NOW! I won't let you get away with kidnapping me... and you better not have taken advantage of me cause... I know karate! I do!" Well she did... but she doubted it would really scare the guy, whatever he was. "You can't just keep me here against my will! I want out now!" She stood in the dining room next to the kitchen and stomped her foot.
There was mocking male laughter coming from behind her and she spun around to face the back door. He stood there in all his glory, framed against the night wearing the same painted on black jeans and tee. The duster was gone. His tongue curled behind his teeth and head cocked slightly as his eyes swept over her. She was clutching the thin sheet around her and glaring at him with such fire in those green eyes.
"I can' let you go anywhere, pet. At least, not without me," he gave a self-satisfied smirk. "Another one of those blokes'd just show up an' try t' hurt you again."
Her lips twitched at the unexpected cockney accent. Then she remember her anger as she listened to what he said. "Blokes... that thing from last night?"
"Aye, was a vampire. Been trackin' him for awhile an' it led me t' your college. Thought he was jus' feedin', but it wasn' jus' a coincidence. Birds like you attract them. They think t' take you for their own, some think they can get their soul back an' others jus' want t' piss off your lifemate."
Steam about came from her ears as she overloaded. "What do you mean I attract vampires? And... their souls back... how would I give them their souls back and what's a lifemate?"
"Well that's the crux of it, pet. You are... you're a lifemate. Mine t' be exact. All Carpathians have them. Female lifemates are the light t' the darkness that resides in the males. We find them an' they keep the darkness from overtakin' our souls by bindin' them t' us. If a male doesn' find their lifemate, the darkness takes over their soul an' they become the creature that attacked you last night." He stepped fully into the dining room and closed the door behind him. "Most males do the honorable thing when they feel it's too close t' takin' over and destroy themselves. Unfortunately, some don' an' hunters like me have t' destroy them because they enjoy killin' humans and Carpathians alike. Not t' mention, they like stealin' our females, like I said."
She had so many questions and blinked at him for a moment as she tried to process the information. "But... I'm not... Carpathian." She still wasn't quite sure what that meant. "And... how do you know I'm your... lifemate? Maybe you got it wrong."
"Yeah... that threw me off guard, too. Findin' my lifemate an' seein' she was human. Don' matter t' me, you're my lifemate all the same. I've heard that others have been findin' their lifemates among human females recently. It's brought renewed hope t' our people," he strode over to her and touched her cheek. "Females are so precious t' us, cause we have so few many an' havin' so few children. Even when we do have children they have trouble survivin' for some reason... an' we don' know why." He sighed.
She took a step back. "You didn't answer how... how you know its me? Maybe you're mistaken." She looked up at him so hopeful.
He didn't want to burst her bubble, but he had to. He was close to turning and needed her, needed to make her explain so he had a chance of saving his soul. If she still refused him, he had no choice but to greet the dawn, though. "The darkness... as it takes over our souls we begin t' lose the ability t' see colour an' feel emotion. I'm very old an' lost all that nonsense a long time ago... but when I saw you, all of it came rushin' back. Saw the green of your eyes an' the gold of your hair. Felt such emotions I nearly choked on them. That is an obvious sign that you're my lifemate."
She swallowed hard. "This is all so... its too much." She shook her head. "I don't even understand what a Carpathian is... how they can become that creature from last night..."
Spike sighed and moved closer, when she didn't flinch away he pulled out a chair for her to sit down in. He got a bottle of water from the fridge and brought it over to her. "We're an ancient an' powerful race of people. We're part of nature. We're immortal an' need t' feed on blood t' survive."
"So... you're like a vampire." She wrinkled her nose.
"Oy! No!" His eyes flashed at the offending term. "That creature that attacked you was a vampire. I'm a Carpathian. There's a big difference, luv." He hooked his thumbs in his jeans and pouted slightly at being compared to that monster, even if he understood that society's view of a vampire was much like a Carpathian.
"Oh yeah... that soul thing, right?" Her brows went up slightly. She was surprised a soul could make so much difference between the man that sood before her and the thing that attacked her the previous night. "But... you said immortal. I'm not immortal... and that wouldn't be fair to you."
"An' denyin' me so that I have t' destroy myself before I turn into a vampire would be?" He arched a scarred brow at her. "We can convert psychic human females... you have a psychic gift, pet? If you don' then I would simply choose t' grow old with you an' die when you do."
She frowned at that. The idea hit her hard for some reason and she didn't like the idea of him killing himself at all. She swallowed, "We only just met each other... I don't even know your name! Do I have to make such a decision right now? I don't know if I could handle being like you when I barely understand what you are!"
"I can give you a little time, I s'pose... but not much. My time is gettin' close an' I had been plannin' on greetin' the dawn after I destroyed that vampire, that is until I found you." He gave a sexy, lopsided smile. "An' you got me t' help you. We put the health an' happiness of our lifemates before our own, can do no other."
For some odd reason, the idea of that gave her a slightly warm feeling. She shook it off. She needed to think clearly about this. "I don't have to stay here, do I? I have classes and stuff."
"But, pet, your safety... an' I can' come t' protect you durin' the day 'cept for emergencies."
"Fine. But only because I actually think you'd be less annoying if I gave in on that point." The sheet began to slip and she clutched it tighter, but it reminded her of her state of undress. "Um, clothes would be very nice. Yes. And, that reminds me... you are so in the doghouse for the whole taking my clothes off to give yourself a peeky at my body while I was unconscious. You're partially excused because of the whole saving my life, but only if you get me some clothes really quickly and promise not to be all nazi-ish about this whole staying here thing." She crossed her arms.
He chuckled and created a blouse, a skirt, and some stylish pumps then held the pile out to her.
She blinked at it, still surprised by displays of his power. "Uh, thanks..." Then she looked up at him. "Hello, underthings please." She rolled her eyes. She took the lacy underthings that came next from him, arching a brow at the obvious sexiness of the garments he had created. A male is a male is a male, no matter what the flavour. She took the pile of clothes back upstairs to change. When she came back downstairs, she glanced around for the bleached devil warily.
"I'm in the kitchen, luv." He called out as if reading her thoughts.
She scrunched up her nose slightly. Could he? She probably wouldn't be surprised, but it would also give her even more reason to be uneasy around him. She walked down the hall towards the dining room and went through to the kitchen, pausing to watch him pour something into a bowl that smelled very good. Her stomach growled loudly in response to the aroma.
"I thought you guys drank blood," she commented dryly.
"We do. This's for you. I already fed." He came over and set the bowl of vegetable soup on the table, motioning for her to sit. "Can' have my lifemate starvin' can I?"
She sat down and worried at her bottom lip.
"What's all that for, pet?" He cocked his head and looked down at her. Her fears that he could do a bit of mind reading was confirmed when a moment later he chuckled. "No, didn' kill them. I usually jus' sort of enthrall them an' afterwards I send them on their merry way with some altered memories."
"Oh," she said simply and stirred her soup, then tentatively taking a bite. Mmm, not too bad. She was surprised someone who couldn't eat could actually cook something so tasty. She ate half the bowl before it hit her and she nibbled on her bottom lip again.
"What now?"
"You... I don't know your name even!" Her brows furrowed at him. "You call me your lifemate. And don't think I don't know what all that surely entails. Plus, seeing as this might be an eternity thing, what with the immortality... and I don't even know your damn name!"
He laughed. She was so animated and fiery. "William... but I prefer Spike."
"Spike... I'm expected to tie myself to a guy that goes around calling himself Spike. Bad enough I'm going blind from the glare off your bleached hair... but now what, I'm going to be Mrs. Spike?" She rolled her eyes. "How old are you exactly? I mean, somehow I doubt they had bleach centuries ago to go around bleaching your hair and people didn't go around naming themselves after rotteweilers."
He rolled his own eyes. "Around twelve centuries. Bloke stops countin' specific years after a bit." He shrugged. "An' this is sort of a recent thing. Pays t' keep up with the times when you want t' blend in... around the sixties or seventies I did this. Believe me, was a lot wilder then." He pointed at his scarred brow. "Had a piercin' an' wore even more of the black leather. Hair was all spiked up... sorta where I got the name."
"Oh... Billy Idol fan much?" She rolled her eyes again and took her dishes over to the sink to rinse them out.
"Oy! He stole that look from me! Wish I never saved his ass from the society." He grumped and crossed his arms, leaning against the island.
"The society? What's that?" She turned back towards him and bit her lower lip, trying not to think about how sexy he looked even pouting. Why was it that after a few hours in this man's company and suddenly her hormones had went crazy?
"Tell me your name."
"What? What's that got to do with-"
"Tell me your name first an' then I'll tell you."
"Why? You can ready my mind anyways. Big stupid-"
"Because people don' use their name when thinkin' t' themselves, obviously, an' we don' have a strong mental link yet for me t' go diggin' 'round with. Not 'til I bind you t' me."
"Buffy... Buffy Summers. Happy?"
"Yes, Elizabeth." He smirked at her scowl and turned to walk from the kitchen, heading for the living room.
She hurried after him. "Hey, you said you'd answer my question after I told you my name!"
"I did an' I will." He jumped over the couch and onto the cushions. He kicked up his boots on the coffee table, crossing his ankles and stretching his arms out along the back of the couch. "Now sit an' I'll tell you whatever you want t' know."
Her eyes rolled for what she figured must have been the hundredth time since she met this Spike guy and she sat in a chair across from the couch. "Okay, get on with the explaining, please." She waved a hand at him.
"The society is a group of self-proclaimed vampire hunters. Pretty much the second biggest pain in the ass of all Carpathians."
"Vampire hunters... isn't that a good thing? I mean, that thing last night... could use all the help you can get with getting rid of those things."
He shook his head. "No. For several reasons, no. First being, just like you, your pre-conceived notions of a vampire are not entirely like that of the real thing an' as you noticed, are more like that of us Carpathians. Also, a human wouldn' be able t' take on a vampire an' live."
Realization dawned on her slowly. "They think you're vampires..." she chewed on her bottom lip. "But, if they can't take on a real vampire, how do they take on you? I mean, with all the things you got going for you, how can they be as big a pain as you say?"
"They same way we get the drop on vampires, they can get us while we're restin'. Or, they have a vampire usin' them as pawns. Also, they're always workin' on somethin'... usually some sort of drug t' make us weak or knock us out so they can get their grubby mits on us. Do some sort of disection." His lip curled into a snarl of disgust.
"And what, Billy Idol is a Carpathian?" She arched an amused brow and chuckled.
"Nah, just a strange human. One of the same reasons I fear for your safety durin' the day when I can' help you, the society has been known to target special humans, thinkin' jus' 'cause they're a little odd they might be a vampire. You keep odd hours. Vampire. You might have a gift. Vampire. It's another danger to our lifemates, seein' as they have psychic gifts an' might attract their attention. Not t' mention if the society members are bein' used by a vampire," he smirked and tapped his nose.
She nodded slowly in understanding as she digested all that. "Well, I'm sure they would just find me a boring college student anyways." She shrugged.
"You said you'd stay here, though, where I can keep an eye on you."
"I did, and I will. Just saying."
He sat up. "Vampires don' jus' use society members. They have servants t' do their biddin' an' if one has sensed you in the area, more will come."
"And if you're sleeping during the day, how are you going to protect me if one comes?" She arched a brow. "Do you sleep in a coffin?"
He snorted and rolled his eyes. "No, you daft bint. I sleep in the ground an' there are ways for a Carpathian t' be able t' get around during the day, unlike a vampire. We call in a storm for cloud cover. That's why I said I'd only be able t' come t' your aid in an emergency, since I can' rightly do that every bloody day. An' I put up safeguards t' keep things out. Strong ones."
"That barrier you hit earlier, luv." He smirked.
"Oh, so it can keep things in, too. You going to keep me a prisoner here even though I agreed to stay willingly?"
"Well... 'til I can trust you not t' jus' run. Not that I couldn' just track you down an' drag you back." His head tilted and his tongue curled behind his teeth. "Then I'll jus' have t' punish you."
Her eyes got wide for a moment then narrowed. "Oh, I dare you to try anything. Then I'll stake you or whatever it is that does you jerks in."
He spread his hands wide. "I dare you t' try, pet. Would like t' dance with you. See that fire in your eyes that I keep seein' glimpses of."
"Ohhh grrr," she pressed her lips. "Keep this up and I am sooo not being your lifemate thingy." She got up and tossed her hair over her should then turned on her heal to stomp upstairs with her nose in the air. His laughter received a loud growl in response.