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05/18/17 04:16 am
pj! I remember wishing one of your stories would be finished seriously about a decade ago. Amazing. I just tried an old password I used to use and amazingly got in too. Memories!
03/20/17 01:20 am
10 yrs later, i finally rem my username and password. Pari, you rock. Hope you are well.
12/23/16 01:12 pm
I donate every month. Please donate to keep this site up!
10/06/16 08:34 am
Great post.
08/31/16 03:45 pm
And anyone else who loves this site, it's worth mentioning there's a nifty little "Donate" option just below the shout box here! ;)
08/31/16 03:43 pm
Just wanted to take a moment to thank Pari and all the mods for maintaining such a great site!


Author's Corner

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Authors Chapter Notes:
Thank you to Maryperk for the great idea and to Immortalangel08 for encouraging me to go ahead with this. Please take a second and review, it really helps

Emily Rosemont sat back in her executive leather chair as she considered the possibilities for a new ‘Where are they now?’ child star program, she just needed the right star to bring the show back to the top of the charts again. For too long they had been covering half-witted “stars” in rehab or those who had married quite a few times but had no actual appeal to the public anymore. She needed a kid that had grown up into something, not just your everyday Jane or John but someone who made a difference in the world. She idly prodded several folders before her until she found one for a Buffy Summers. She was quite the little cutie as a child but as Emily poked through the file all information seemed to stop when the girl turned 15. No photo shoots, movies, television shows…nothing. By all accounts the girl should have been a rising star but there was nothing, not even a current address.

Quickly dialing a number, she waited patiently for her secretary to pick up.

“Steve, call Buffy Summers’ agent, Luther Vlock and tell him to send me the current whereabouts of the girl. Tell him we want to do a special on her, Where are they now? Special.” As her quirky assistant made his squeaky promises, she hung up the phone and reclined back in her chair. Buffy Summers was going to make her a lot of money whether she wanted to be on the special or not. There were ways to get footage of the girl without her consent if need be.

Sunnydale…two days later

Buffy strode slowly to the front door of her home as she gently swung the greasy bag of hamburgers from the Doublemeat Palace. As a twig broke off in the distance she stopped short of the door and glanced in the direction of the oak tree in the yard.

“Oh, for Pete’s sakes, Spike?”

“Ah, it’s a fair cop, you caught me, Slayer. However, in all honesty, I think we have to say this one doesn’t count. After all, I wasn’t exactly hiding.” The bleached blonde vampire leered at her suggestively, making it a point not to breathe in the stench of fast food.

“No, Spike.”

“No, what kind of answer is that, you haven’t even heard the question yet.” He leaned in closer to her, trying to catch the smell of vanilla and something else that was uniquely Buffy.

“I don’t have to. We both know what you’re thinking.”

“And we both know…that I’m not the only one thinking it.” As his hand came up to tug at her jacket, her own swatted it away as she fought down the urge to give into him again.

“No! Not here.”
“Why not?” As she was about to say what the hell, a mental image of Dawn came into her head and she quickly categorized all the reasons why it was wrong, why Spike was wrong as renewed her courage.

“Dawn. She’s inside waiting for dinner, she’s counting on me. I’m not letting her down by letting you in.”

“So it’s the fear of being caught, then, is it?”

“Reason number one on a very long list.”

“Needn’t be an obstacle.”

“Spike, I mean it. Come on”

“I hear you’re serious. So am I. I want you…you want me…” He leaned in again to catch a whiff of her. “I can’t go inside, so…maybe the time is right…for you to come outside.” His lips caught hers as he maneuvered her to the old oak tree and pressed her against it, hands wandering and tugging at the clothes separating them from each other.

Neither noticed the black van across the street or the camera crew set up inside it.

Inside the van

“Are you getting this Marco?” Emily hovered over the young cameraman as he caught the movement of the young star and her boyfriend.

“Yes, ma’am. I do believe we’ve found Miss Buffy Summers. Seems a little odd though. With all of the money she made, wouldn’t you think she’d be living somewhere a bit more upscale and this place really gives me the heebie jeebies.”

“It’s called Sunnydale for Christ’s sake! How bad can it actually be? We just need to get the footage, get the girl’s consent and get an interview from her…this could be my big break…again.” She turned her gaze back on the couple that were soon to make this special NC-17 if not for some careful editing later when her cell phone chirped at her.

“Emily Rosemont…yes, I did get the address…no, Luther, I’m there right now…no, I haven’t spoken to her yet. She’s a little indisposed at the moment with her boyfriend…tomorrow it is Luther.” With a flick of the wrist the phone closed and she turned her attention back to Marco.

“Luther will be here in the morning to talk to Miss Summers about the consent forms and see about getting an interview with her. I want you to stay here and keep track of her every movement. I want this to be the best special we’ve ever done. It’s time I get my due in Hollywood and soon I won’t have to interview insipid, little brats with daddy’s money.”
The next morning, Emily Rosemont sat opposite the over-tanned, silver-haired agent as he pondered over the limited menu at the local diner.

“Luther. Luther!” She slammed her hand on the table to catch the attention of the calorie-counting man. “When are you going to see Ms. Summers?”

“Oh, um…this evening. I thought it best to spend some time with her before I ask her to do the special. My little Buffy, quite the little actress, you know. Wasn’t a role too big or small for her and she even managed to land a few commercials on the side as well. The camera just loved her. I was sad to see her go but that’s show business for you. You win some, you lose some. How long do you think it would take to work off a cheeseburger?” He flashed his overly-white teeth at the frowning brunette in front of him.

“Too long Luther, too long. Just make sure she signs the consent form and is willing to do the interview. Oh, and if you could get her friends to sign one as well…I’d like to get the perspective of others.” Without a goodbye, she stood and left the greasy diner and headed back to her waiting Mercedes.

Later that day

Luther Vlock stood outside the front door of 1630 Revello Drive as he waited for his little money-maker…former client to open the door. He quickly checked his reflection as the door opened to reveal a black-clad, bleached-blonde man instead.

“Who’re you?”

“Luther Vloke. I’m looking for Buffy Summers, is she in?” He extended his hand to the scowling Brit, who only scowled harder before turning and yelling for the girl in question.

“God Spike! Do you have to yell? Oh my God…Luther? What are you doing here?” She stopped short on the stairs as she came face to face with her old manager.

“It’s good to see you too Buffy. May I come in?”

Chapter End Notes:
Borrowed a couple lines from As You Were so don't be surprised when you see them.

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