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05/18/17 04:16 am
pj! I remember wishing one of your stories would be finished seriously about a decade ago. Amazing. I just tried an old password I used to use and amazingly got in too. Memories!
03/20/17 01:20 am
10 yrs later, i finally rem my username and password. Pari, you rock. Hope you are well.
12/23/16 01:12 pm
I donate every month. Please donate to keep this site up!
10/06/16 08:34 am
Great post.
08/31/16 03:45 pm
And anyone else who loves this site, it's worth mentioning there's a nifty little "Donate" option just below the shout box here! ;)
08/31/16 03:43 pm
Just wanted to take a moment to thank Pari and all the mods for maintaining such a great site!


Author's Corner

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Two years ago…..

“Do you Buffy Anne Summers take William Pratt to be your lawfully wedded husband?”
“I do,” Buffy said, beaming, looking resplendent in a fine white gown.
“Do you William Pratt take Buffy Anne Summers to be your lawfully wedded wife?”
“I do,” William said, winking at her.

Buffy couldn’t help the snort of laughter that emerged from her, even as she gave him a glare as if to say ‘not now.’

God she looks beautiful, William thought grinning. Damn but I’m a lucky son of a bitch.

“The rings,” the pastor said. Buffy and William half-turned so that their ringbearers could hand them off. Buffy took her ring from Dawn, and William from his cousin Wesley.

“With this ring I thee wed,” Buffy said, slipping it on William’s fingers. A moment later he had repeated her words. And even before the pastor could proclaim them married, William had pulled Buffy in for a long, passionate kiss.

“Woot Woot!” Faith screamed, as Buffy and William continued to kiss.

After the couple had cut the wedding cake and had their first dance as man and wife, everyone else joined in.

“Hands where I can see them,” William quipped, as Wesley and Dawn danced by.

“William,” Wesley said, his face red as a beet. “I was only just…..”

“He was talking to Dawnie,” Buffy laughed.

“Har har har,” Dawn said, scowling at Buffy.

“Have I told you how much I love you?” William said, pushing one of her stray hairs behind her ear.

“No,” she pouted. “Not today.”

“Well I do,” he said. “Love you. Madly.”

“Bet you say that to all the girls,” Buffy teased.

“Only the pretty ones pet,” William retorted cockily.

“How many pretty ones have you said that to?” Buffy said, her eyes darkening.

“Just you my love,” William said, a teasing lilt in his voice. Then he turned serious.

“Just you.”

A year and a half ago……

“God I love our house,” Buffy squealed. “I mean, I know it’s kinda old and the insides look like it was designed by the guy who does Lady Gaga’s outfits. But still…..”

“Oh don’t hold back luv,” William said wryly. “Tell me what you really think.”

“Shut up,” Buffy said. “I love it. Really”

“It’s a bloody steal,” Spike said, coming forward to touch the stoop of the porch. “And we own it. Not bad eh.”

“Not bad at all,” Buffy said, checking out her husband’s very firm ass, a huge smile on her face.

“My thoughts exactly,” William said, turning around.

Their eyes met. They both were thinking the same thing. Buffy set off, squealing as he gave chase, running all over the lawn in zig-zag patterns, finally ducking into the house. William followed, never bothering to lock the door after him.
“I love you,” she said finally, resting her head on his chest. They’d spent all day christening every room and now, after many hours, they were finally sated.

When William said nothing, Buffy looked up at him. His eyes were closed. Her jaw dropped.

Wait. Was he? He was? He’d fallen asleep on her. The son of a bitch.

Just then, he lifted his head and winked at her.

“Gotcha,” he said, grinning like the idiot he was.

Buffy responded by grabbing him in a very delicate area. Not so delicately.

“Easy,” he pleaded. “Easy.”

“Are you saying I’m easy?” she said, squeezing threateningly.

“Buffy,” he hissed. “I’m sorry allright. I was just….”

“Gotcha,” she said, winking at him.

“By the bloody balls,” he said in wonderment.

“God help me. I love it.”

Buffy smiled indulgently at him, beginning to stroke him gently. When he was the slightest bit aroused she lowered herself to take him into her mouth.

One year ago….

The couple laughed as they entered into the casino hand-in-hand.

“Atlantic city,” Buffy marveled, looking around at the splendid decor. “Wow.”

“I’m so glad we took some time off,” William said. “You really should get out more of that stuffy gallery.”

Buffy fixed him with a pointed looked that told him to change the subject.

“Oh look,” William said, “a water fountain. In the lobby.”

“Huh,” Buffy said, examining the texture, shaking her head. “I guess money can buy a lot, but it can’t buy taste.

Unbeknownst to her, her off-hand remark was overheard by a man sitting in the hotel lounge. The man who owned that very hotel. He looked like any other hotshot wall street broker in a fine suit, reading a crisp financial newspaper.

Xander Harris’s mouth turned up just a little as he surveyed the gorgeous blonde from behind his dark glasses. He took them off, dangling them at his side to get a better look.

God, he thought. She was stunning. He didn’t think he’d ever seen a more beautiful specimen. He knew he just had to have her. With a subtle wave of his hand, he beckoned the on-duty floor manager.

“Mr Harris Sir,” he heard the employee say. “I’m at your service. I trust…..”
Xander gestured for him to come closer, then whispered his instructions into the man’s ear.

“Yes sir,” Xander heard, never once taking his eyes off the woman. “Very good sir.”

A few minutes later at the front desk, Buffy and William were being told that every room was full and that their reservations were lost.

“Oh you have to be kidding me,” Buffy said, glaring daggers at the hapless employee.

“We apologize again,” the manager said. “Please let us make it up to you.”

“Let me guess,” William said sarcastically. “A coupon right? No wait, a bagel maker.”

“We are prepared to offer you one of the empty suites,” the manager said, adopting a long suffering air. “Until a normal room becomes vacant, of course.”

Buffy and William exchanged an incredulous look.

“OK then,” William said, a little shocked at the turn of events.

“Lead the way skippy,” Buffy said perkily, mouthing wow at her husband.

Xander watched the couple being led away. Just then he received an e-mail on his Iphone. He smiled at the proficiency of his research staff that he employed to get the scoop on women that caught his eye. Many in his organization had dubbed the group ‘The Pussy Patrol.’

“Buffy Anne Summers,” Xander muttered, running his eyes over the words on the hastily assembled document detailing her life and containing some of her facebook pictures.

A smiling happy life, Xander thought. A fulfilled one, or so it seemed. But was it really? Xander was looking forward to finding out.

“I’ll be seeing you soon Buffy,” Xander said.

Chapter End Notes:
Review! I needs me some reviews

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