"OWWW! Oh God it hurts, take it out!"
"Well hold still, relax so I can ease it out. The way you're thrashing about it will break off."
"Oh Spike, it hurts."
"Well you're the one who wanted to do it, and I warned you this might happen."
"I know but, but it's never happened before, and man it's huge." She gasped, squeezing her eyes shut to the pain.
"Almost there, luv." Spike grunted as he pulled back. "There." He said sitting back from her, smiling. "It's all out."
"God, thank you," Buffy whined, pouting a bit as she stared at her torturer, which Spike still held in his hand. "That thing is abnormal."
"Ah come on slayer, stop being such a girl, it's just a splinter."
"Hey I am a girl, and that thing is no splinter, look at it, it's more like a stick." Buffy declared placing her still bleeding finger in her mouth, as Spike chuckled at her, shaking his head. He was often amazed that this woman, the slayer, was so strong and fierce one second, and then tender and soft the next.
"You want me to kiss it better?' He asked grasping her hand, and lifting the offended finger to his lips. Buffy didn't argue nor yank her hand back, but sat watching as Spike placed his cool lips to her finger tip. A slight gasp and moan escaped her lips when he twirl the tip of his tongue, gently across the bead of blood there. "Is that better?" Spike asked before sucking her finger tip into his mouth, all the while looking up into her eyes, which suddenly took on a deeper shade.
"Uhmmhmm," Buffy replied in a near moan, closing her eyes. Spike released her finger from his mouth and kisssed the tip before smiling up at Buffy devilishly.
"Do you smell that?" Spike asked, his smile growing wider.
"Huh?" Buffy frowned as she opened her eyes to stared at the vampire sitting across from her, as they sat at the island in her kitchen. "Smell what, I don't smell anything." Buffy said as she sniffed.
"I can, vamp sensory." Spike said. "It smells sweet, kind of like honeysuckles." He said as he now sniffed deeply and Buffy's frown deepen as she tried to smell it, but failed. "Yes honeysuckle," Spike continued as he leaned in closer to her, breathing in deeply. "With a hint of musk." He added and Buffy's eyes grew large as realization struck, and she instantly hopped from her stool.
"You can smell...that?" She asked, mumbling the last part.
"Your arousal, yeah I can always smell it." Spike answered as he too stood, watching her intensely, loving the see her squirm.
"I'm not aroused," Buffy defended, nervously flipping her hair over he shoulder and then folding her arms across her chest.
"Yes you are, you smell different then just a few seconds ago," Spike said, wagging his eyebrows at her.
"What? What do you mean I smell different?"
"When you aren't aroused, to when you are, it's a different smell entirely."
"Wait you can smell me? You're smelling me?" Buffy asked in a defensive tone.
"It's not like I try to," Spike said as Buffy gave him a sideway, 'yeah right' glare. "Ok, maybe I do with you, but I don't have to try hard, I'm a vampire remember, our sight, hearing, sense of smell, are very sensitive and very in tuned. And it's not like you ever smell bad, ok except that one time when you fought that linkgoh demon." Spike said with a disgusted look, which Buffy matched, remembering herslef just how badly she did smell that night.
"Wait, so you can always smell me, even when I'm...even then." Buffy asked not able to speak what she meant aloud.
"What, when you're having your monthly? Yes even then." Spike answered and Buffy groaned and walked out of the room. "What that's when you smell the best." Spike added as he walked after her.
"Ewwww, gross Spike." Buffy shot over her shoulder as she headed up the stairs.
"Hello...Vampire." He shot back as he followed her. "Where are you going luv," He asked as he followed her to her bedroom, which was now her mother's old room.
"I'm gonna shower and change." Buffy said as she now took clothes from her drawer.
"I didn't say it was a bad smell." Spike said as he casually leaned against the doorframe. "I tell you what, why don't you let me clean you?" Spike offered, causing Buffy to turn and stare at him.
"I mean it would be a shame to let it go to waste." Spike replied, moving into the room, directly in front of Buffy, who could feel a lump form in her throat as he inched closer to her. "It's sweet nectur of the Gods," He said as he let his hand drop in between Buffy's legs, efficiently moving under her skirt. His fingers probing the elastic rim of her panties, and then sliding underbeneath. Buffy gasped again closing her eyes. She licked at her sudden dry lips as her breathing became pants.
"Spike," She spoke in a whipsery whimper.
"Hhhmmm," He replied as he wet two of his fingers in Buffy's soaked panties, and then slid the coated digits deep inside her.
"Oh God!" Buffy exclaimed now bracing herself against her dresser as Spike slowly made love to her with his fingers. Buffy threw her head back enjoying the delight now flowing and building inside her. Spike suddenly pulled his fingers out, smiling at the look of loss now spread across Buffy's flushed face. She slowly opened her eyes to look at him questioningly, just as he placed his two finger, which were nearly dripping with her juices, into his mouth and sucked on them earnestly.
"Mmmm," Spike moaned in pleasure. "So sweet" He spoke after removing his now cleaned fingers from his mouth. "May I have some more?" He asked and Buffy didn't reply, but just stared at him with lustful eyes, wondering What he would do next, hoping it would be just as pleasurable as his fingers. But her lustful eyes soon turned to fear stricken one as she now watched Spike lowering himself to his knees, and right in front of her crotch. She instictively moved her hands to pull down her skirt, but Spike grasped them, holding them firmly.
"Come on Luv, just a taste. No one's here, lil bit's staying the weekend at her mate's, and Willow with her parents, so no one will bust in, no worries."
"No, it's not that...it's," Buffy spoke but then couldn't finish as Spike looked up at her curiously, and then it dawned on him what she was so nervous about.
"Oh," He said as he looked down, Buffy's face also dropped in embarrassment. "Ohhhh, you've never...no one's ever..."
"No," Buffy said in a low voice. Spike smiled endearingly up at her, she looked like a small child, and it made him love her all the more.
"It's all right luv. You don't have to be ashamed because you've never done it, and don't ever be ashamed for wanting to do it. It's normal." Spike said calmly, gently as he now rubbed his thumbs across the hands he still held.
"What and everybody's doing it?" Buffy added sarcastically, smiling a bit at the cliche.
"Well, yeah as much as it sounds like something a teenaged boy would say to the girl he wanted to go all the way with, but yeah everyone in a sexual relationship is probably doing it."
"I've never done it,"
"Yeah, well that's because before me, you've had nothing but selfish gits." Spike annoucned as Buffy rolled her eyes at him, still smiling. "How could they have you and not want to taste you?" He said more seriously as Buffy stared back, her defenses now melting away. "Let me taste you Buffy, and if you don't like it I'll stop, trust me."
"Never," She whipsered causing him to smile, knowing that this was her way of saying yes and giving into him. He released her hands and moved his fingers to unfasten the snap and zipper of the denim mini skirt she wore. Gently he pulled the garment down her hips and over her butt, letting it fall to her ankles. Buffy still fidgeted nervously, and Spike firmly grasped her thighs, stilling her.
"I promise not to bite," He said giving her his best smirk, the one he knew would get her juices flowly again, and inhaling deeply, he knew he had been right. Once she relaxed, Spike went back to removing her panties, which were now soaked through and through. He leaned in as Buffy leaned back, again gripping the dresser. Spike touched Buffy's right leg, grasping it and lifting it, and then settling it over his left shoulder. He could see that Buffy was uncomfortable with this position, and knew it was because it left her open, vulnerable, and not because it was painful in anyway. And before she could protest again, he swiftly latched his mouth onto her clit, and was rewarded with a low groan from Buffy's throat and her sweet juices pouring from her pussy. He smiled as he moved back long enough to replace his lips with his tongue, which licked and twirled around Buffy's clit and down into her hot and pink folds. Buffy openingly and shamelessly moaned Spike's name, and let her hand find it's way to the back of his head, to nudge him closer. Spike lapped her up hardily, as if she were his first meal in centuries.
With not much thought Buffy found herself lost in ecstasy, hot, cold, burning, and she welcomed it, wanted more. She slowly moved her hips in a rhythm, rocking, churning, grinding, gyrating, which increase as her pleasure did. It wasn't long before she was frantically impaling herself on Spike's tongue, who happily sopped her up, he knew it wouldn't be much longer, just a couple more flicks of his tongue across her now rock hard Clit, and...
"Ahhhhhhhhhhhh.....Spikkkkkeee!!!" Buffy shrieked, tossing her head back and arching her back. Spike quickly stood, unfastening his own snap and zipper, releasing and then burying himself deep inside Buffy's now slick, tight pussy, getting another shierk from her as he did. He himself, growled in pleasure. Buffy looked at him as he now locked eyes with her, they fused their foreheads together. Spike thrust swiftly and deeply, and Buffy found it hard to focus on anything but the feelings once again growing inside of her.
"You taste so good," Spike whispered to her, never taking his eyes from her. "Do you wanna taste?" He asked between his pants and thrusts. Buffy who now watched him with glazed eyes, nodded her head, and Spike leaned in and plundered his tongue into her slightly parted mouth. Buffy hungrily sucked on his tongue, gripping him, and pulling him closer. Spike was the first to pull back as his impending climax neared. He closed his eyes and clenched his jaws, as his pounding became angry and ferocious, as the items on the dresser top, flew to the floor. Buffy wrapped her legs more tightly around Spike's waist, as he clasped his hands firmly around her waist, lifting her from the dresser, allowing her no escape.
"Spike, huhuh...Oh God, Oh God...Ahhhhhh!" Buffy screamed as her walls of desire burst and she fell again. Spike was soon to follow.
"Ahhhhhhggrr!" He roared and then growled as he spilt his cold seed, coating Buffy's hot walls. They stood still, with Buffy gasping and both trying to regain their compsure and strength. Buffy rested her back against her vanity mirror, and Spike rested his head forward, against Buffy's shoulder.
"That was...amazing." Buffy finally spoke, still slightly out of breath as she smiled goofily.
"Yeah," Spike agreed. "I told you, it tastes like sweet nectur of the Gods." He chuckled as did Buffy.
"So," Buffy began as she now absent-mindedly stroked his curls "What does yours taste like?"
Fin...may add a sequel. Turn about is fair play:)