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05/18/17 04:16 am
pj! I remember wishing one of your stories would be finished seriously about a decade ago. Amazing. I just tried an old password I used to use and amazingly got in too. Memories!
03/20/17 01:20 am
10 yrs later, i finally rem my username and password. Pari, you rock. Hope you are well.
12/23/16 01:12 pm
I donate every month. Please donate to keep this site up!
10/06/16 08:34 am
Great post.
08/31/16 03:45 pm
And anyone else who loves this site, it's worth mentioning there's a nifty little "Donate" option just below the shout box here! ;)
08/31/16 03:43 pm
Just wanted to take a moment to thank Pari and all the mods for maintaining such a great site!


Author's Corner

[Reviews - 10]

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Disclaimer: the usual, I own nothing, I am nothing but a mere peon kneeling at the great Joss Whedons feet

Dedicated to: All the ladies that wanted a cowboy!

On With The Show

Buffy Anne Summers appraised herself in the late afternoon sun that was slanting into the tiny room reserved especially
for the rodeo queen. A large mirror hung from floor to ceiling suspended on a rusty nail and the dust motes swirling up
from the hay strewn floor made for a romantic framing of the blond beauty as she primped.

“Those pants get any tighter luv and everyone is gonna know you’re not a virgin anymore.” A husky male voice said
behind her catching her attention as she pulled her white Stetson hat down onto her blond curls.

Deliberately ignoring the voice she continued to tease her curls and ignore the fact that her heart had started pounding
in her chest making it increasingly difficult to breathe.

Knowing that his mere presence irked the cute little blond to no end, William Wilder or Wild Billy as he was dubbed by
the crowds, shifted his coil of rope to his other shoulder and leaned against the open door.

Watching her as she tugged at the few curls that been made to strategically escape the real sterling and turquoise hair
thong, he felt what had been his semi erect cock snap to full staff as she applied one last coat of crimson lipstick to her
already perfect lips. Capping her lipstick she then did a little pirouette looking herself over in the mirror as she turned.

Billy’s heart did a little flip flop as he beheld Buffy, the afternoon sun coloring her hair a deep goldenrod and washing
her in heavenly hues of yellow and saffron. “ Lovely enough for the crowd’s, pet.”He said quietly his true emotions
peeking through for just a second.

Buffy smiled to herself at his soft spoken words her green eyes catching his in a breath stopping moment, while her
inner Buffy did a Scooby dance of celebration. *He called me lovely.*

Just then the announcer’s voice cut through announcing the bull riders up next. “And that would be my queue luv.” He
said tilting his head in the manner that she loved, “ Be careful when you mount up pet, don’t want those pants to split
and the crowd get a look at your unmentionables, that’s reserved just for me .”

Raising a carefully sculpted eyebrow and crossing her arms she said, “Oh and you think you’ve got that in the bag I

Curling his tongue behind his teeth and raking her body in a scorching head to toe, he replied, “Oh but I do luv, I do.
Just a matter of time. You know it and I know it.”

Tipping his hat to her briefly, he grinned one last time and winked at her lasciviously before he turned and sauntered
towards the paddocks where his bull was waiting.

Buffy growled under her breath swearing like a sailor about uppity cowboys, but she couldn’t help herself as she
admired his ass in his black jeans and black leather chaps.

Shaking her head furiously she berated herself, *Nothing was supposed to spoil today; today was her day to shine and
nothing including the infuriating British bad boy was going to ruin it.*

3 hours later

Buffy finally moved into her dressing room pulling off her white leather gloves and dropping them onto the single
wooden shelf in the room and sighing as she sat down on the chair provided for her.

“Well thank god that’s over,” She mumbled to herself pulling the Stetson hat off and running a hand over her heated
brow. “What was it a few degrees above molten lava today? God am I so looking forward to a shower.”

“Could join me if you want luv, but I just came by to offer you something cold to drink. You looked a bit….over heated
out there.”

Buffy gritted her teeth as the familiar suggestive tones of a certain bleached blond British cowboy drifted to her ears.

“Answer me something Billy.” She all but sneered turning in her chair to pin the man leaning against the open door with
her green-eyed gaze. “ What the hell is a British boy like you doing being a cowboy? Don’t you have some tea to make
or something?”

Hitching the thumbs of one hand into the belt loops of his jeans and arching one eyebrow he grinned at the snarky
words and said, “There’s my girl.”

"I am not your girl," she snapped even as she watched him tilt his black Stetson back on his head giving him a more
boyish quality. The last vestiges of late sunlight caught his bleached hair and tanned skin lovingly and made his blue
eyes sparkle. Pair that with a tight black t-shirt, black dusty leather chaps over dusty black jeans and scuffed cowboy
boots and Buffy was suddenly overcome with thirst of an entirely different kind. She didn't even notice his own steady
perusal as she lapsed into daydreams

*Goddamn she’s beautiful. All that heat and fiery passion, I’ll just bet we could make the heavens shake, and the rivers
boil if she’d give me half a chance. * Resigning himself to it never happening, he cracked open the cold water bottle with
one swift twist of his strong hands, the muscles in his upper arms bunching under the tight black fabric of his shirt with
the motion.

Buffy sat mesmerized as she watched the bottle being held to his beautiful full lips, the motion of his throat muscles as
they glided under his tanned skin when he swallowed almost bringing her to her knees. But it was when a small bit of the
precious liquid escaped and slid over his sun kissed skin to drip enticingly from his clean-shaven jaw she actually

Pulling the bottle away from his lips Billy turned his electric blue gaze to the blond sitting glassy eyed in the chair.

“You don’t look to good there luv, maybe you should drink some of this.” He said kneeling down by her side and gently
pushing some stray blond locks out of her hazy eyes looking at her with concern.

It was the gentleness that undid her, how could one man be so rough and so gentle at the same time? But before her
mind could catch up with that thought her body was already on the move.

Reaching out she wrapped her fists into his black t-shirt and yanked him forcefully towards her. Her lips crashed against
his as she wrapped her arms tightly around his neck allowing him to pull her up flush to his body.

The sound of snaps flying open brought Buffy back to reality briefly as she realized he had undone her blouse and was
now tracking his way downward using only his lips and tongue. She caught her breath and moaned loudly as he pushed
the fabric of her lacy red bra aside and captured one nipple in his hot mouth.

Reaching out blindly Buffy pushed the door of the room shut as he gorged himself on her tender breasts. "Oh my god
Billy," She cried out in pure bliss, as she clutched his bleached head as close to her heated body as she could get him.

Billy was in heaven as the licked and kissed Buffy's swollen breasts, the scent of her skin driving him mad with desire.
Sliding his hands down to her waist he undid the large silver belt buckle and the began to work on the snap and zipper
of her tight white jeans.

"Hang on..." she said realizing what he was trying to do and getting frustrated by how long it was taking him to do it.
Motioning for him to step back, Buffy gave him a wink then grabbed the fabric on either side of her hips at the top snap
and in one yank was able to divest herself completely of the jeans.

A huge grin spread across Billy's face as he watched her slide her top and bra off to join the pants on the floor. Clad
only in a tiny red thong, white Stetson hat and white cowboy boots, she looked like she had just walked off the pages of
a calender.

Hooking his finger into the lacey thong material he looked deep into her eyes and said, "Those have got to go darlin'."

The fabric gave easily under his tug and soon were forgotten as he dropped to his knees in front of her and shoved his
tongue deep into her clean shaven pussy.

"Oh God........" She yelped her knees threatening to buckle as he flicked her swollen clit with his clever tongue. Her
hands went to his shoulders in a desperate attempt to remain upright as he opened her wider and drank his fill.

The sensations were all consuming as he wrapped his calloused hands around her firm buttocks and dove into the
liquid heat of her body again and again. Buffy wasn't sure but she could swear she saw heaven and it was all because
of the bleach blond man doing such wonderful things to her body, that kept her crying out for more.

Looking up at his goddess, her flushed skin, her dewy lips, Billy shifted a bit trying to relieve the tension in his groin
area, but his tight Levi's were having nothing to do with his needs at the moment. Reluctantly letting his beautiful prize
go, smiling at her groan of protest, he swiftly stood up pulling his shirt up and off as he did so.

Buffy practically drooled when she finally saw the man of her dreams, she could admit it now, standing all cut muscles
and silky flesh. He hissed at the first contact of her warm hands on his skin. God when hadn't he wanted this woman?
When hadn't he ached for her skin on his. With a growl Billy pulled her flush, her soft breasts pressing up against him
sending tingles through them both as they attacked one anothers lips.

Finally Buffy couldn't stand it anymore she had to have him inside her, she needed to feel him sliding into her again and
again, it wasn't a request it was mandatory. Her small hands slid to his large silver belt buckle and began tugging at it to
open it, breathing an almost audible sigh of relief when it finally came undone. Next the button and zipper of his tight
jeans, her hand sliding into the tight material to grasp his rock hard cock with a slow twisting sliding motion that had him
seeing stars within minutes.

Keeping one hand behind her neck so he could keep kissing her, he reached behind him to unbuckle the leather chaps,
his fingers clumsy as the pleasure eminating from his manhood and the exsquisite torture Buffy was putting him through
overloaded his senses.

"Fuck it." He said loudly pulling his head back, leaving them each gasping from want and need. Pulling his cock a little
roughly through the unzipped Levi's Billy sat down in the one folding chair in the room, then he reached out and drug
Buffy over so that she was straddling his thighs. Sliding one hand over her rounded hips he brought her forward,
gasping aloud with her as she sunk down onto his hardness in one deliciously, slick movement.

"OhhmmyGod..." She crooned into his ear her inner muscles clenching around the shaft of his penis as he slid into the
heated recesses of her body, her hips and body quivering slightly at the onslaught of sensations he was creating within

Leaning back ever so slightly Buffy's green eyed gaze captured his near indigo blue one and she swore she
experienced a mini orgasm when he spoke in that soft, husky, accented voice of his, "Ride me Buffy."

Pushing herself into a sitting position, one hand wrapped around his neck, one hand secure on his cloth covered knee
behind her, she began to do just that. Tilting her hips slightly as she raised herself on her boot clad toes and shimmying
as she dropped her weight with a twist of her hips, Buffy soon found herself swept up into the most primal of dances.
Never had sex been like this, never had she felt so alive or so connected to her partner. It was as if they were made for
each other. And when Billy wrapped his hands behind her back and pulled her forward so he could suckle and nip at
her breasts Buffy knew for sure that they were indeed made for each other.

With a breathy moan Buffy began to move faster on him as if her body sensed that this would not last long at all. The
wet suctioning noise of her soaking quim filled the small room mingling with their pants and groans of delight. The heady
smell of sex permeated the air wrapping the rocking couple in threads of sensory delight. Sweat slickened breasts slid
against damp taut chest muscles. Her arms wrapped around his neck, as his arms wrapped around the small of her
back and began urging her to go faster, ever faster. Soon he was pounding up into her, the chair squeaking in protest
under the weight of the grinding twosome, the leather of his chaps becoming saturated with her fluids as she quivered
and shook with each deep seated push of his prick.

"Oh....Oh....OhBilly...OhGODBilly..." She cried over and over her fingers digging into his shoulders, her nails leaving
halfmoon marks in their wake as she started the climb. His strong body met hers over and over as the beginnings of a
monsterous orgasm started in her toes and worked it's way up over her whole body.

Feeling her inner muscles begin to flutter Billy tightened his grip on her waist and slammed her down against his groin
their pelvis bones coming together and setting Buffy off her entire body given over to violent shudders as she screamed
his name. "BILLY!!!!!"

As she clamped down onto his swollen cock Billy lunged his body upwards one more time and with a roar to make even
the king of the jungle envious he tripped over the precipice and began to unload his thick, viscous fluids into her
clutching cunt. "FUCK BUFFY..............."

Each shot of heat deep within pushed Buffy into orgasm after orgasm, until finally she slumped against him her mind
and body slack as she blacked out. Billy groaned against the soft skin of her neck, his tongue sneaking out to taste the
salt of her throat, his own chest heaving for breath as he sent the last of his spendings into the molten core of her body.

Realising after a time that Buffy was not moving he slid a gentle hand up to her cheek and carrassed the downey skin
there calling quietly, "Buffy, hey beautiful wake up."

After a minute or two Buffy's dreamy green eyes opened and she smiled down at the british bad boy making him catch
his breath as her face shone with a light that was all her own.

"That was..." She started.
"Bloody fucking wonderful love." He finished, his eyes sparkling as he looked up at her and placed a gentle kiss on her
swollen lips.

"Yea, that's what I what I was going to say," She giggled wrapping her arms tight around his neck and kissing him
passionately for a minute or two, all her feelings flowing through her like a tidal wave of color and sound making her
want to sing his praises for the next millinea.

"Billy Wilder," She said tremously after breaking for a breath, "I think I'm in love with you."

"Well darlin'" He answered putting on a deliberate horrible southern drawl, "that's good, cause I know I'm in love with

The new lovers smiled at each other safe in their shared confessions, when Buffy giggled again and said, "You don't
supposed the leather of your chaps will shrink will it?"

Grinning at her with a sweet smile he tilted her Stetson back on her head and said, "Well that depends on how wet they
get. Wanna test them out?"

Grinding her hips down onto his rapidly growing erection, his arms cupping her breasts and his bright eyes scorching
her with their heat, she sighed happily, "I'm way ahead of you"

The End

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