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05/18/17 04:16 am
pj! I remember wishing one of your stories would be finished seriously about a decade ago. Amazing. I just tried an old password I used to use and amazingly got in too. Memories!
03/20/17 01:20 am
10 yrs later, i finally rem my username and password. Pari, you rock. Hope you are well.
12/23/16 01:12 pm
I donate every month. Please donate to keep this site up!
10/06/16 08:34 am
Great post.
08/31/16 03:45 pm
And anyone else who loves this site, it's worth mentioning there's a nifty little "Donate" option just below the shout box here! ;)
08/31/16 03:43 pm
Just wanted to take a moment to thank Pari and all the mods for maintaining such a great site!


Author's Corner

[Reviews - 4]

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Disclaimer: The characters belong to Joss and Mutant Enemy. I own nothing.

Buffy let her eyes wonder about the crypt with her legs spread and the insides of her thighs sweaty and sticky from their passion. She let Spike make love to her. She granted him access to her secret place that not even Riley had the privilege of visiting. Before she knew it, it was happening. The look in his eyes spoke to her and wiped away her reluctance. She only made love with Angel once and Riley only a handful of times. But her experience with Spike was incredible and surpassed them both. Not only did Spike touch her soul but he also embraced it. He blessed her with his cock in all the right places, leaving her weak and drained but asking an endless question, "Do you love me?" He looked at her the entire time he rocked within her and she found it difficult to look at him. The intensity forced her eyes closed and the pleasure washed over her without gifting him with an answer.

The first time she fucked him it was a pleasurable mistake. The second time she fucked him was not. Sex with Spike was indescribably intense, erotic, and dangerous. She wondered when it all would end. She couldn't stop herself and he wasn't going to let her go.

In the beginning Buffy thought she was just going to use him, take what she needed and push the rest aside. She had Riley fulfilling the other parts of her life like coming over for dinner with her mom, babysitting Dawn, going to the Bronze and the movies. He was her boyfriend, just lame in bed. Spike was her dirty little secret, his crypt was her home away from home, and his cock was her own personal vibrator and she loved her vibrator, but did she love him?

Buffy looked over at Spike admiring the canvas of his back thinking it would have been a sin to cover such a beautiful specimen. He didn't have an inch of fat on him. He was all lean, hard muscle, which was also a perfect description of his cock too. His body was the envy of all men and the forbidden fruit of all women but she had tasted it over and over again and ate more. Buffy wondered if there was such a thing as too much sex. She knew she had fucked Spike at least a hundred times. Not satisfied with that number, she decided to do the math. They have been fucking for about three months. She visited him four times a week excluding Fridays, Saturdays, and Sundays, which were reserved for Riley and they averaged three times a day. By her calculations, they have had sex six hundred and twenty-four times, which convinced Buffy she was officially a nymphomaniac.

Spike's back was facing Buffy. He was unable to sleep. The smell of their mixed juices had kept him awake and his cock semi-hard. He pretended to drift off to sleep, giving her time to recover. He on the other hand was elated that she gave him permission, well not quite permission, to make love to her. He really didn't wait for a clear answer but she didn't say no, and that was good enough for him. Everything about their lovemaking was unforgettable. The sound of her beating heart made him feel alive, her whimpers and moans were like a love song, and her orgasm was a sweet symphony. He watched her the entire time as each expression on her face gave consent to his mouth, his hands, and his shaft to devour her and take her to another place. He gave himself totally to her, releasing his love into her womanhood. He wanted so badly to tell her he loved her with words, but he wanted her to say it first.

Spike could feel her watching him. He turned to her. Their eyes met and locked for only seconds. Each looked intently at the other, stealing glances at each other's bodies before their red, swollen lips melted into a sweet kiss that quickly turned passionate.

Spike pulled Buffy closer to him and she obliged by straddling his waist without breaking their kiss. He sucked lightly on her tongue twisting his hands in her hair to grip the back of her neck, pulling her deeper into his mouth. He felt her groan into his throat, while his fingers gently massaged her while kissing her feverently. Her mouth was hot and wet just like her pussy and he wanted to kiss her forever but he knew she had to come up for air. He released her from his lips, panting along with her out of habit, before reclaiming her mouth again.

Buffy loved the feel of his lips on hers. They were full, soft and sinful. She sucked his bottom lip into her mouth then grazed it with her teeth while his dick twitched beneath her. She was still soaking wet from her orgasm only minutes ago but felt her arousal increase with every thrust of his tongue. She savored the feel of his hands as they massaged her scalp then to her neck in circular motions causing her to kiss him even more passionately.

Spike pulled back and whispered in her ear, "God, I need you Buffy."

He sucked her earlobe into his mouth then bit down lightly. He repeated his actions with her other ear and whispered, "Ride me Slaahhhh."

The way he said Slayer made Buffy hot. The word rolled off his wicked tongue with ease, making it sound so erotic. She attacked his mouth with a wild lust, spinning their kiss out of control. She reached behind and grabbed his dick, rubbing it along her slit before sinking down on it. A growl escaped her lips, parting their kiss. Spike growled back, rubbing his thumb across her bottom lip. Buffy took it fully into her mouth and sucked it, imaging it was his dick.

She dominated the kiss with fury. His cock wept with need from the feel of her hot hand wrapped around his manhood. She manhandled it better than he did on his horniest night of five against one. Her sweat dampened curls tickled the tip as she dragged it along her pussy lips before she slid down on him without adjusting. A thrilled chased around his body as she welcomed him into her heat.

Buffy lifted and grinded down on his cock until it could go no further. She rocked herself slowly at first, building into a wild gallop. Sweat poured off her body, and splashed onto his chest. She worked it into his skin, sliding her hands up and down and across his bare, muscled abdomen.

She leaned forward and arched her ass and let the insides of her meaty lips work his dick. She enveloped his shaft to the base until all you could see were their pubic hairs, kissing. She felt her orgasm approaching as her muscles snapped at his dick like a pissed off alligator until finally they gripped him into a wrestler's chokehold.

Spike thought she was the most beautiful thing he had ever seen. She rode him like a stallion as sweat dripped from every pore, showering on him like rain. He bathed in it and accepted it into his mouth.

"I love it when you're all hot and sweaty. He cried out, gripping her hips to keep them from jerking off the sarcophagus.

Spike thrusted his hips to meet hers and she took him in deeper. He plucked her clit with every downward motion while her moans filled his senses. Spike was lost in everything Buffy. She fucked him like a porno star, making him want to repent for all his sins as his head reeled back in pleasure. Her heated juices dripped and ran along the sides of his hips and thighs, burning him like holy water but in a good way.

"Look at me." Buffy commanded in a barely audible whisper.

Spike obeyed like a slave but could barely keep his eyes open. Every motion of her hips took him to the edge and back but he wasn't ready to fall. His hands wondered to the small of her back down to the heels of her feet, sending lightening bolts through her everywhere he touched. He caressed her tits and smiled at how perfectly they molded into his hands. They were firm and well proportioned with her body and he worshipped them. His hands moved to caress her shoulders then to her neck. Her jugular pumped against his fingers, turning his demon on but Spike pushed it down.

"Do you trust me?" he whispered, positioning his hands on each side of her neck.

"Yessss", Buffy replied to his shock.

His hands felt like a silk scarf tied around her neck. She felt pressure from his hands but thought nothing of it until her throat started to burn. Buffy struggled to breath as Spike plowed into her possessively. She received him fully and cried out when he loosened his grip. Buffy's impending orgasm intensified and distracted her from pushing his hands away but oddly she didn't want to. A new sensation overwhelmed her.

She pressed her hands to his and Spike resumed his grasped. She felt like she wanted to pass out but Spike kept her grounded by loosening and tightening his grip, bringing her closer and closer to orgasm.

"You're almost there, luv. Just let it happen." He whispered watching her brow wrinkle and her mouth open with silence.

She slammed onto his cock several more times before her orgasm strangled her entire body. Buffy passed out and collapsed on top of him. Spike followed within seconds, releasing her as they clenched in a sweaty embrace.

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